Disclaimer: No ownership, one can only dream!
Author Notes: Sorry for the lateness
Chapter 2: A Wrong Turn
All morning Sasuke had been very withdrawn, his mind seemed to in other places. He absently stroked Sakura's arm as she read the morning paper. No matter how many times she saw her name on the byline, Sakura's heart fluttered with excitement. "Sasuke-kun, what do you think?"
She wasn't surprised her boyfriend didn't answer, he simply nodded his head. "Well, maybe tonight you'll be more talkative."
His eyes broke contact with the empty space, "You leaving?"
"Yea, I'm meeting Ino for coffee and a day of shopping."
"Well, I have something to tell you," replied the young Uchiha, in an uneven tone.
Sakura reached up and kissed him on the cheek, "Tell me later, okay!" Sasuke seemed to be disappointed with her answer, but refused to show any weakness.
Before Sakura reached the door, she turned to face Sasuke, "Waiting won't kill you, Uchiha! You know I'll still love you."
Sakura felt a little guilty about lying to Sasuke on her whereabouts, but she needed to do the job she was hired for. Her source was very paranoid and would flee if she didn't show up alone. Sakura wasn't afraid of being attack in some back alley. One, being the fact her previous occupation of a shinobi; and two Sasuke made her train at least once a week with Naruto and him.
Just as promised her informant was leaning against an empty dumper, enjoying a cigarette. "You're late, I was about to leave."
"Sorry, it took me longer to find this spot; it was very isolated," retorted Sakura as she took this opportunity make mental notes of his coarse appearance. "What should I address as; you didn't any preference on your previous notes."
The mystery man gave a sigh of aggravation, "Jin, do you have my money."
"You say, then I pay! That was the deal!" Sakura's tone was just as heated and professional.
"All I'm going to say is each girl very special; but to find it you have to read between the lines." Jin held out his hand expecting his compensation. His demeanor hinted that the meeting was over and he wasn't going to answer any of her questions, and so Sakura reluctantly handed over the cash.
"Pleasure, love," as he mocked a bow and walked out of the alley.
Sakura took the same position as her informant, and began analyzing this latest tip. To the best of her knowledge the dead girls had nothing in common, except the fact all their hearts were missing. Scribbling on her notepad, the former kunoichi failed to notice a new evil presence. The cloaked outsider quickly pinned her arms and covered her mouth. Sakura jerked violently and cried out for help as he dragged her into the shadows. None of the passer bys seemed aware of the incident that had just occurred.
Back at Sakura's apartment…
Sasuke lightly kicked the coffee table, very angry at himself. He defeated his brother, destroyed the legendary snake-sannin, and earned the respect of the village again. The one thing he kept failing at was trying to propose to his long-time girlfriend. The raven-hair ninja wanted it to be picture perfect; and had been carrying that damn engagement ring for almost three weeks. Earlier Sakura had seemed so happy about making the front page, but she left before he could ask.
Glancing at the clock, Sasuke decide to do some training hoping to clear his mind. Today he would quit procrastinating and ask for his girl's hand in marriage. The former traitor just had to find the perfect spot, a place of special meaning.
Afterwards, the onyx-ninja decide to report to the Hokage for any available missions. As he walked passed the lounge, he could hear both jounins and chunins gossiping about the latest murder. Most of the ninjas were aware of the gorily details, but opted to trade theories about the why. In the back corner, Gemna was reading today's paper; he seemed pleased with his picture on the cover. "Hey Uchiha, tell your girlfriend my left side is my best side." Sasuke's eyes rolled back and continued walking, as the room erupted in laughter.
No invitation was needed, as Tsunade yelled at the prodigy to come enter. She waited to hear the news that Sasuke had finally proposed to her former apprentice. "Why are you still carrying that ring, Uchiha? Eventually she'll get tired of waiting and move on." The Uchiha kept his hands in his pockets, and slightly shrugged his shoulders.
"Nothing today, but I might need you this weekend." Sasuke nodded and began heading for the door. As he reached for the door; Raido burst in, "Hokage-sama, there has been another murder..." Raido stuttered the last sentence, "You should see it with your own eyes."
Tsunade dropped her sake, "The nerve to kill a girl in broad daylight. Have you managed to identify the victim?"
Raido wouldn't look her in the eyes, "It's important, Ibiki-san is already on the scene."
The Fifth grab her jacket and followed Raido out the door. Sasuke followed, he figured Sakura would have already heard, and they needed to talk.
As the trio made their through town, a growing anxiety grew at the pit of Sasuke's stomach. Raido was leading them to the old Team Seven training grounds. By the time they arrived, most of the area was blocked and a large crowd had gathered. He pushed through the tape, only to see Naruto in the corner wrecked with grief.
"Uchiha, you shouldn't go any further," warned a familiar voice, but Sasuke stubbornly plowed through. Most of the victim was blocked by Ibiki and two other ninjas, Sasuke could make out what seemed to be strands of pink hair.
At that moment, the lone survivor's stomach dropped; it was his girlfriend lying dead on the grass. He tried to run to her, but a pair of very strong hands kept him in his place. A voice whispered in a calm yet demanding "You shouldn't see her like this, I'm sorry." Sasuke yelled out Sakura's name and tried to break the Hokage's hold, but her unparallel strength easily overwhelm him.
"Let me go, she can't be dead!" Tsunade did her best to comfort the ninja, unsure how he would handle the situation.
Finally when the people examining Sakura stepped away, Sasuke got his first glimpse of his dead lover. She laid the wide open field still dressed in the same white halter top and red ankle pants from this morning. Her hands were resting on her stomach, with one white lily across her chest.
Ibiki gave Tsunade a nod, indicating he was done with the scene. Without hesitation she released her hold on the young Uchiha. With no support, he fell to his knees, and he clumsily made his way to Sakura. He lifted her corpse as the grief consumed him. She look peaceful as her hair flowed in the wind, minus the hole in her chest, there were no other wounds.
What seemed like an eternity, Sasuke felt a hand grip his shoulder, "Sasuke, they need to take her. You need to let go." Sasuke recognized the voice as his former sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Before he let go, he gave his love one finally kiss.
Sasuke could vaguely hear the last of Ibiki's report, "Same as the others, the heart was cut out and taken away." Keeping wayward student from making any irrational decisions, Kakashi led him away from the scene. The remaining team mates regrouped at Kakashi's apartment. The boys sat at the kitchen table in silence staring at their coffee mugs. Finally breaking the silence Naruto spoke in a crack voice, "I can't believe Sakura-chan dead, it look like she didn't fight back."
"We don't know that for sure, no reason to rush to judgment," replied Kakashi.
"She lied, this morning she said she would be with Ino all day," murmured Sasuke, "I guess she didn't want me to know where she was going."
"Why were the hearts taken, there has to be a reason," argued Naruto. In his rage he knocked over his coffee cup. "This isn't your everyday plain serial killer."
Sasuke nodded in agreement, "You're right." Then raven-haired ninja banged his fist on the table, "Whoever did this still has "her" heart. When I find him, I'll stop his heart and take "hers" back."
Naruto's eyes widen, this was one of the few times he had seen Sasuke lose control. The fox boy quietly agreed, but this wasn't the way to remember his late friend, "Sasuke, that won't make her happy, you know that don't you."
Sasuke snorted in retort, "Happy, the dead can't be happy. Death is the end."
Kakashi quickly intervened before things got out of hand, "I been a shinobi for a long time, some of the things I've done can make the strongest sick with disgust. To take young women's hearts is the most depraved act I have ever witnessed." Sasuke pushed his chair out, "I'll find this bastard and kill him."
When Sakura finally woke up, she found herself lying on exquisite jade floors. As she slowly rose off the cold floor, she noticed the room was decorated with shades of green and an oversized black entrance. Standing next to the door was a young girl with purple hair, dress in a traditional black kimono with an ivory handle sword tucked in-between her obi.
"Welcome young traveler, my name is Izuko, the keeper of the gates." She spoke in distinguish and wise voice. "You are now dead and exist only as a spirit. Those would come to my gate of rage are the victims of misadventure or murder."
Sakura was very confused it all seemed like a dreamed, she pinch her right arm trying to wake up. Instead of grabbing flesh, a soft white fabric graced her fingertips. Scared to death, Sakura took off running in the opposite direction. The hallway was covered in mirrors, and it was the first time she saw her entire appearance. Sakura was dressed in a pure white kimono with a simple red silk obi. Her hair was wrapped in a simple bun with red chopsticks, and was barefoot. Sakura reached the door; she was disappointed to be back in the room she woke up in.
Izuka pay no attention to Sakura's nervous breakdown and continued with her explanation, "Here you may chose one way to proceed out of three ways?" She held up her hand signaling the number one, "Accept death, and enter paradise. Two, become a ghost, forever haunt the realm of the living. Or the last possibility; curse one living person and bring about their deaths. However, eternal torment awaits a vengeful spirit."
Sakura started laughing uncontrollable, it had to a sick prank, "What is this, who are you?"
"You haven't accepted reality yet, you were murdered!"
The updates will be slow since my internet connection is cut! The next story that might be updated is "Puppet Princess." The bad news I have a major block on my other two stories "Finding my Way" "She did What!!"