Well, another story, I actually planned for this to be yugioh, but i was chatting to a friend and they suggested that I adapt it to fit with Yugioh Gx, and so voila, it's gonna be a comedy/drama/romance, and i'm gonna write myself to death thanks to another ficcie! Since i'm too lazy to research this i'm going to use western school times rather than Japanese, my notes are upstairs and bleh! Oh, and I hope nobody minds but I have Aster in the academy at the same time Zane is there for the sake of the plot. Having thought it through a little bit more, i've decided that this story will have a sequel later, but it'll be Hellkaiser's tale! XD
This is about Zane mostly because I thinks he's cute, and so this ficcie is about the hottest Obelisk since Chazz
Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh gx, but I do own Jad... oh no wait I don't own anything...
Warnings:Yaoi which means boys will be with boys, and some part of this story will contain lemons (maybe not this chapter) and limes galore.
Fallen Leaves
Chapter 1
The clouds parted and the sun shone down on the large island that was home to duel academy, a gentle breeze was blowing, gently rustling the now bare branches of an oak tree, never had there been such a beautiful autumn's day. The many coloured leaves littered the pavement making the campus look uncharacteristically beautiful, although there was a dark side to this beauty. A pessimist would say that the people who admired the leaves were in actuality admiring death, it was a chillingly wonderful thought that death could be this beautiful.
If you could pull you'reself away from the beauty that sorrounded you, you would notice the contrast of a blue uniform against a white-washed wall. A young man was sitting next to a worn, brown leather back-pack, he seemed to be totally immersed in the leaves that were dancing in the wind, but on closer inspection his eyes were out of focus. Even though he was sitting outside of his school his thoughts were a million miles away from school work. The breeze blew his deep blue hair into his eyes and a few leaves gathered on his lap. He mentally recalled the words of his close friend Atticus, 'never give up, what you want can always be achieved with enough effort'.
Zane Truesdale sighed, he had one month left until he graduated from Duel academy, and as unbelievable as it sounded, he had his doubts about entering the pro-leagues, but before any of that would matter, he had some unfinished business to take care of, business which happened to involve one Aster Phoenix, and how to profess his feelings to said duelist. Zane sighed, "it's going to be a long month" he said exhaling deeply. Ever since he had seen Aster on his boat, as he himself had been standing at the lighthouse, he'd developed something akin to an obsession with the silver-haired pro-leaguer. Aster's devil-may-care attitude was what had drawn Zane in.
He'd recently told Atticus of his feelings for the duelist and he was more than thrilled for the Obelisk, Atticus had then proceeded in roping Alexis and Bastion into helping Zane come up with a plan to get Aster to fall for him. Since school had restarted two-weeks ago after the mid-term and Aster had adjusted to life in the prestigious academy well. Zane was waiting as patiently as he could for the trio to formulate their plan but he was beginning to have his doubts. That was until today, Atticus had called him on his cellphone and had delightfully informed him that their gang (strangely named, 'bro-bro, sissy, bassy' by Atticus) had finally come up with a half-way decent plan. Zane was slightly apprehensive, as he was thouroughly convinced that their plan would involve a lot of bondage, a.ka. tying him up with/to Aster, or locking the two in various lockable rooms/lockable confined spaces..
Shuddering as he pictured the crazed look on his matchmakers faces as they locked him up would be enough to traumatize the academy's top duelist. One mistake he had made in asking Atticus's help was that his best friend knew all of his secrets and one major factor was that the wannabe-popstar knew of his clausterphobia.
Standing up and stretching out his well-rested limbs, he reached down and grabbed his dark-leather back-pack and slowly meandered off slowly toward the Obelisk dormitory, where the means to get his love (and his possible downfall) were awaiting him.
Scattered around a bed were the three people that had willingly pledged themselves to the happiness of Zane Truesdale were in Atticus Rhodes bedroom. Atticus was clearing up the last few details of their plan, which had mostly been organised by Bastion, who of course was the brains of this operation. What was this master plan you ask? It was so ingenious, so fiendishly clever it would take precise timing and complete cooperation to be successfully completed.
Atticus, who was calling himself the beauty of the bunch was sat next to Bastion, reading off of a long list in front of him, the utter delight he felt over the successful completion of this plan was evident.
Alexis Rhodes who was their to add a 'women's touch' to the plan was sitting on the bed staring at the wall obviously bored out of her mind, and ignoring the stares she was recieving from Bastion.
The Ra male and Obelisk female were ignoring Atticus's words as they'd heard them at least three times since they'd arrived.
Atticus was shocked out of his attempt to read out the plan a fifth time when a knock interrupted him, standing up he practically skipped to the door and embraced the Kaiser that was standing behind it.
Zane felt himself being dragged over to the bed as Atticus elbowed Bastion who stood up, taking the hint, began to recite the plan from memory. "We get a baseball bat, whack Aster in the back of the head with it, put him in the closet, lock Zane in there and let nature take it's course". Zane blinked, 'I was right' he thought shaking his head with tired annoyance. Shaking his head he looked at them, "there's no way that'll work" he said glaring at Atticus in particular, shocked at the grin that had resurfaced on the Obelisks face. Pulling a plain brown envelope from somewhere within his jacket, Atticus grinned as he brandished it on front of Zane, "there's always a plan 'B'" he said pointing to a large black 'B' on the front of the envelope, noticing that it looked like a child had drawn it.
Opening the letter with a delicacy that was unusual for him, Atticus gently took out the contents and began to read them aloud. "We get a baseball bat, whack Aster in the back of the head, drag him to the Red dorm, and when he wakes up he'll be in you're midst, at a sleepover, that's being hosted by Chazz" he said, looking at the Kaiser coyly. Zane raised an eyebrow at the brunette, "no baseball bats" he said exasperatedly, "how about a hockey stick, it'll still get the job done" Atticus said with puppy dog eyes. "You don't get to hurt Aster" Alexis said standing up and putting her foot down, "Zane doesn't want a bruised up boyfriend, he'd rather one with skin that's unblemished" she said smacking her brother in the head, "now how will I get a boyfriend?" he said wailing as he clutched his head, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
Rolling her eyes, she sighed, "well Zane, Chazz's organised the party for this weekend, and it's two nights long, to give you a good proper send-off", "and Aster's invited" Bastion added walking up beside Alexis. "So, we'll arrange for you and him to have alone time" the two said at the same time, their voices being drowned out by the wails of Atticus. "We'll meet you tomorrow night at the party, Atticus'll be walking you to it" Alexis said, "i'll be there late, i'm going with Bastion to keep Chazz at arms length" she added, shuddering at the thought of the party. She liked Chazz as a friend and nothing more, but she couldn't stand it when he went into obsessed fan-boy mode, she got enough of that when she walked around the boys dorm's when she went to visit her brother and Zane.
The four of them sat on the bed chatting for a while, before sorting out the final details of the plan, before Bastion and Alexis headed off together. Zane smiled as he watched Bastion hold the door for Alexis, it was sweet, the blonde was completely unaware that Bastion had a crush the size of Canada on her.
He spent the next few hours listening to some music and chatting with Atticus, before the two fell asleep on the bed.
Zane had the most wonderful dream where the plan went well, and he got into the pro-leagues, and Aster returned to them.
If only dreams came true, then we would all have what we hoped for.
Chapter one complete, I have plans for at least 5 chappies but there might be one or two extra, and there will be a sequel fanfic to this when this finishes, because for once I know exactly how this one ends, and I like the idea of writing hell kaiser's story next!
(I want to write what happens after Zane is turned to Hell Kaiser as I picture his romantic intrests doing a complete 180, I hope it'll be like writing about Eiri Yuki from Gravitation) Is the pairing okay? AsterXZane, how about the BastionXAlexis? Any suggestions, I have room for one or two more!
Anyway, Please review, sorry about the rushed writing!
Review, please!