Harry didn't get much sleep that night. His thoughts and dreams kept returning to the Department of Mysteries and what had happened there two nights ago. Thoughts of the two empty beds in the Gryffindor fifth year boy's dorm also bothered him. Neville and Ron should have been there sleeping and snoring loudly, but they were both spending the night in the Hospital wing again because of their injuries.
Also, thoughts of Luna had now started to play in his mind. He remembered how they had spent the day together and what they had talked about. The feeling of contentment and peace he had while they were sitting together under the tree helped to quiet his darker thoughts for a while, but it wasn't enough.
Getting up, Harry quietly made his way to his trunk and opened it. Pulling out the book Luna had let him borrow, he quietly left the dorm and made his way down to the common room and sat in his favourite chair by the fire. Pulling out his wand, he muttered the correct words and tapped the book's cover with his wand before opening it. Flipping through the pages, he was surprised at the length of the journal. Going back to the beginning, he started reading.
The first part that he started reading that night told about the Marauder's Map and the enchantments necessary to create it or something similar. Next was section detailing the books from the Potter family vault which were used as reference material. Also, there was a note in what Harry had come to recognize as his mother's writing that mentioned how only a Potter wearing the family ring could access the books in the vault.
Quickly finishing the first section, Harry moved onto the next part which covered their work on developing shielding spells and showed the resulting spells. The very first one looked extremely promising. They had called it the 'Aegis Shield' and it was a shielding spell which was much stronger than the common Shield charm. Reading it over, Harry was amazed at what their mothers had created. On the surface, it was a relatively simple charm, but reading deeper into the theory, he saw that it was extremely complex and was a combination of charms and warding.
Getting to where it described how to cast the spell, Harry decided to try it. The spell looked simple enough to do. Making a circular motion with the wand while saying 'Aegis,' would cause a silvery oval barrier to form around the person casting the spell. Another note from his mother mentioned that while it looked simple, the spell took a lot of power to cast, and only his father and a few others had been able to successfully cast it properly.
Grinning as he stood, Harry moved into the center of the common room and quickly cast silencing spells all around him so that any noise he made wouldn't disturb anyone else. Checking the procedure for casting the spell one last time, Harry made the circular motion with his wand and said "Aegis."
A flickering silvery oval briefly appeared around him and lasted for a second before fading. Trying again, the shield stayed for a few seconds longer. A third try and there was a lot less flickering. After his fifth try, Harry was starting to breathe a bit heavier. He could feel that this was a powerful spell he was trying to cast. Thinking that maybe he was holding back too much, he tried the spell again. This time, with the desire to succeed and his determination fueling the casting, along with a lot more of his magic, the shield appeared. It was a solid silvery colour all over with no sign of flickering anywhere. Concentrating on holding the shield up, Harry found that it took far less energy to maintain the shield than it did to cast it.
A full minute passed before he let the shield drop. A second later he staggered back over to his chair and flopped into it. Closing the book, he stood up slowly and dragged himself up the stairs back to his dorm where he fell onto his bed and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
In what seemed like no time what so ever, Harry was awakened by a stream of sunlight coming in through the dorm's large window. Realizing that it must be almost time for breakfast, he got up quickly and went about his morning routine as fast as possible. Finishing quickly, he ran down the stairs to the common room with his shirt untucked and his hair still dripping wet from his hasty shower, Harry hurried out of Gryffindor tower and made his way to the Great Hall to meet up with Luna for breakfast.
Entering the hall, Harry looked around and realized that he was early. Still, there were some early risers sitting at their house tables who were starting to eat. Looking at the Ravenclaw table, he immediately spotted Luna sitting alone near the end closest to the doors. Walking over, he slipped into place beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close.
"Good morning Luna," said Harry with a smile.
"Good morning Harry," Luna replied. "How was your late night reading?"
"What makes you think I was up late reading?" Harry asked as he started to fix himself a plate for breakfast.
"The way you hurried in here this morning and your appearance, tell me that when you woke up you thought you were late and you rushed," said Luna with a grin. "So how much did you read?"
"I read the part about the spells on the Marauder's Map, learned that there is a Potter family ring and vault which has books in it, read about the Aegis Shield and then practiced it," replied Harry. "That is one draining spell to cast, let me tell you."
"You managed to cast the Aegis Shield?" Luna asked with some astonishment. "Were you able to get it to fully form?"
"If you mean completely silvery with no flickering, then yes," Harry answered. "I finally got it on my sixth try and managed to hold it up for about a minute."
"You're definitely a Potter then," Luna teased. "I could only get it to stay up for a few seconds, and it was flickering a lot too."
"Well," started Harry, "since it looks nice out again today, maybe after breakfast we can go back to the tree by the lake and do some practicing?"
"That sounds like a good idea," agreed Luna. "Maybe we could bring some food out with us so we don't have to come back for lunch?"
"That'll be nice Luna," said Harry. "It will be nice to stay away from all of the people here again today. Well, all except you," he added.
Smiling, she turned and hugged him. "Let's finish up here and then we can get going."
They quickly finished their breakfast and walked out of the Great Hall holding hands. This time, Harry led Luna back to Gryffindor Tower. When they reached the picture of the Fat Lady, Harry gave the password, "Seeing is believing," and led Luna into the Gryffindor common room.
This time it was Luna who took the chance to look around and see the differences between the house common rooms while Harry quickly made his way up the stairs to the fifth year boy's dorm to get the journal.
While Harry was upstairs, Luna was examining the pictures on the common room walls. Hearing the portrait of the Fat Lady open, she turned to see Ginny Weasley walk in.
"Hello Ginny," said Luna in her dreamy voice. "How are you feeling?"
"Luna, hi," exclaimed a surprised Ginny. "I'm all better now. Madam Pomfrey fixed my ankle but just let me out this morning. How come you're in our common room?"
"I'm waiting for Harry to come back down from his dorm," replied Luna.
"Why are you waiting for Harry?" Asked Ginny.
"Because we're going out to the lake today," answered Harry as he made his way down the stairs. "Ready Luna?"
"Let's get going then," Luna said with a grin. "The Nargles won't stay around much longer."
Smiling at Luna, Harry reached out to take her hand. Leading the way, he looked back over his shoulder just as they were leaving the tower.
"Bye Ginny," said Harry. "I'm glad you're better."
Ginny just stood there in shock with her eyes open wide in surprise staring at the spot where her two friends had just been.
"Harry and Luna?" she asked herself as she shook her head and made her way up to her dorm.
Out in the hallway, Harry and Luna smiled at each other as they made their way towards the Hogwarts' kitchen. Reaching their destination, they made their way in and were immediately swarmed by house elves bearing trays of food and drink. Looking around, Harry spotted one particular house elf quickly making his way over to them.
"Hello Dobby, how are you?" Harry asked with a grin.
"Dobby is fine Harry Potter sir," replied the excitable house elf as he wrapped his arms around Harry's legs and hugged him. "Dobby is so happy that Harry Potter is coming to visit him. Is there anything that you would be needing Harry Potter sir?"
"First, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine Dobby," Harry said as he gently detached Dobby from his legs. "This is Luna. She's a really good friend of mine. Luna, this is Dobby. He's another really good friend of mine."
The house elves around them stopped and looked at the trio in wonderment. Had they actually just heard a wizard call a house elf a really good friend? Slowly, they started going back about their work.
Dobby just stood there in shock as he heard Harry tell Luna that he was one of his really good friends. With his eyes tearing up in joy, he wrapped his arms around Harry's legs again and almost toppled him over.
"Harry Potter sir is too kind," Dobby cried. "Calling me his 'really good friend' and coming to visit."
"Well you are," replied Harry. "If it hadn't of been for you, I never would have had a chance during the second task of the tournament. And I know in second year you were just trying to protect me, so I can't really be upset at you for that."
"You have quite the variety of friends Harry," Luna said suddenly with a grin. "House elves, a half-giant, veela, and a werewolf."
"See," cried Dobby with a big smile as he looked up at Luna, "Harry Potter is a great wizard."
"I know he is Dobby," Luna said, causing Harry to blush.
Regaining his composure a bit, Harry again untangled Dobby from his legs and looked at the bouncy house elf.
"Dobby, do you think you could do Luna and me a favor?" Asked Harry. "We'd like to spend the day outside by the lake and were hoping to bring some lunch and snacks out with us so that we didn't have to come back until dinner."
"No problem Harry Potter sir," Dobby exclaimed as he raced off back into the throng of working house elves.
It was easy to follow Dobby's progress because of the brightly colored knitted hat he wore. In a matter of minutes, he was back standing in front of them holding a fairly large basket that was filled to over flowing with stuff.
"That's perfect Dobby, thank you," Harry said as he reached out with his free hand to take the basket from the house elf.
"Dobby hopes you and Miss Luna enjoy your day by the lake, Harry Potter sir," said Dobby with a slight bow. "You needs to get out and be happy after what you two has been through."
Frowning slightly, Harry looked at Dobby.
"What do you know about what happened recently?" Harry asked.
"All house elves be knowing about what happened in the toady professor's office and that you two, the two Weezeys and Miss Granger left the school on the death horses." Replied Dobby in a somewhat subdued voice. "We is knowing that you went to the Ministry and fought d..d..death eaters and faced h..h..him there. Also, we is knowing about your Snuffles and what happened to him. We is sorry, Harry Potter sir."
"It's alright Dobby," Harry said quietly. "And thank you."
Luna gave Harry's hand a reassuring squeeze which caused him to look up and into her eyes. Smiling, she squeezed his hand again then turned her gaze back to the house elf.
"Dobby, would you like to join us today out by the lake?" Asked Luna. "Harry needs good friends around him right now, and we'd like it if you would come."
"I would be loving to come with you and Harry Potter sir, Miss Luna." Dobby said excitedly. "Just I wouldn't want to be in the way."
"You wouldn't be Dobby," said Harry. "Come out with us."
"Thank you, Harry Potter sir," Dobby said excitedly as he followed the two teens out of the kitchen.
The trio made their way out of the castle accompanied by stares and whispers whenever they passed anyone. Unconcerned by it all, they made their way down to the lake and walked around to Harry's tree, where Dobby snapped his fingers and a soft blanket was spread out on the ground for them to sit on.
Setting the basket down, Harry and Luna sat down on the blanket while Dobby wandered around the area occasionally bending down like he was looking at something. Pulling out the journal, Harry said the correct words and tapped the cover with his wand. As Harry was opening the book, there was a flash of blue light from somewhere off to their right. Looking, Harry and Luna saw a faint blue glow around Dobby that faded as they watched. With a huge smile on his face, Dobby came back over to the pair on the blanket and sat down with them.
"What did you just do Dobby?" asked Harry curiously.
"I be putting up a house elf's notice-me-not around us, Harry Potter sir," Dobby explained with a smile.
"What exactly is a notice-me-not Dobby?" Luna asked.
"I is guessing you would be calling it a house elf version of a wizard's ward," said Dobby. "We is using it when we needs to be doing things and not be seen. This way, Harry Potter sir and Miss Luna can practice their magics without being disturbed."
"That's brilliant Dobby," said Harry happily. "Thank you. Umm.. Dobby, do you think that you could teach us how to do that?"
"Dobby is not knowing, Harry Potter sir," Dobby said somewhat hesitantly. "Us house elves is not to be knowing wizard magics, so we is keeping our own magics to ourselves. I is not knowing if it is even possible for a wizard to use our magics. But.. Dobby will try, if Harry Potter sir would like him to."
"I don't want you getting in trouble for doing something you're not supposed to Dobby," said Harry.
"I is not going to be getting in trouble Harry Potter sir," Dobby said, "but I is not knowing if wizards be able to do our magics."
"Well, we can try Dobby," said Luna with a smile at the house elf. "If it is possible, I think that between the three of us we can figure it out. If not, well, then that's alright too."
"I is thinking that Harry Potter sir might be able to pick up on our magics more easily than you, Miss Luna," said Dobby. "He is already knowing the most important part already."
"What would that be Dobby?" Harry asked.
"You is knowing the proper feeling," explained Dobby. "Wizards and witches use magic. They is being the ones in control of the end effect. Our way is different. We is asking magic to be doing things for us."
"But you said I already know the proper feeling," questioned Harry. "How does having the right feeling mean that I could ask magic to do something?"
"You is not understanding right, Harry Potter sir," Dobby said shaking his head a bit. "House elves must be humble when they is asking magic to help them. They must feel like they is no good and not worth being noticed. Most masters treat us that way so it is being easy for us to feel that."
Understanding and sadness appeared on Harry's face as he listened to Dobby explain how house elves did their magic. Understanding of how he would already be familiar with the feelings and sadness because of it.
"When we is wishing to be doing some magics," continued Dobby, "we bring up the feelings and look into our magic and ask it to please do for us what we need."
"What do you mean by looking into your magic?" Luna asked.
"Wizards is calling it their magical core, Miss Luna," said Dobby. "All magical beings and creatures is having one, and with practice, those who can use magics can learn to look into their magic."
"Dobby," began Harry, "would this be anything like when a young witch or wizard does accidental magic? Because that is basically their magic reacting to their need, isn't it?"
"Yes!" cried Dobby jumping up and down excitedly. "Harry Potter sir is understanding. Our magics is just like a wizard's accidental magic, just more focused and specific because we is knowing the desired result and that is what we is asking it for."
"The only problem I can see then," said Luna, "is that by now we've learned to control our accidental magic outbursts. Most have by the end of their second year here."
"Um, not everyone has," Harry said as his face reddened in embarrassment.
"You still do accidental magic Harry?" Luna asked surprised? "It mainly only occurs when a young witch or wizard's magical core is growing, which is usually only up until the time they enter Hogwarts, and for a brief time usually just before they leave."
"Harry Potter sir's magic is still growing?" Dobby asked in amazement.
"I don't know about that Dobby," Harry said, "but as for the accidental magic, I've been doing some every year since I've come to Hogwarts. Mostly when my emotions are running high though."
"That's normally when it would happen for everyone Harry," said Luna, "but it usually stops sometime in our first or second year. Doing magic with a wand focuses it and teaches us control. My last bit of accidental magic was in my first year at Hogwarts. I haven't done any since then."
"Ah, bloody hell," muttered Harry. "Can't I be normal in anything?"
"Dobby could check Harry Potter sir's magic if him is wanting me to," said Dobby quietly. "House elves is not doing it often, but we can be examining a wizard's magic and check if there are problems with it. Mostly we be doing this for the children of our masters."
"Do you think you could Dobby?" Harry asked hopefully. "I'm not your master, so would you still be able to do it for me?"
"Yes I is being able to do it for you Harry Potter sir," Dobby said proudly. "I is being a free elf and Harry Potter sir's friend, but I is hoping to one day be Harry Potter sir's elf, if he will have me."
"I.. you.. what?" Harry sputtered in confusion and amazement at the elf's words. "Dobby, you want to be my elf? Why? I though you liked being free?"
"Harry Potter sir is not wanting Dobby?" asked the house elf as he seemed to shrink.
"No, Dobby, I didn't say that," said Harry quickly. "I'm just surprised that you'd want to be someone's elf again. I thought you liked being free."
"You would take Dobby as your elf, Harry Potter sir?" asked Dobby hopefully and somewhat formally.
"Yes Dobby," said Harry. "I'd be happy to have you as my elf."
As Harry said these words, a faint blue glow appeared around Dobby and seemed to extend out towards Harry. As the glow reached him and surrounded him, it seemed to flicker for a second before changing to a vibrant jade green color and glowing extremely brightly. When the glow disappeared a few seconds later, Dobby was standing in the same place, but was looking up at his new master with awe in his now jade green eyes.
"Master Harry sir, you.. is.." stammered Dobby. "You is a very powerful wizard. I is honored to be your elf."
"What just happened Dobby?" asked a stunned Harry.
"When you was accepting my offer to be your elf, you was completing the link between us," Dobby explained. "Completing the link caused my magic to reach out to your magic and merge with it. I is never knowing any other house elf who had such a strong reaction to their master's magic."
"Will you be alright Dobby?" Luna asked, still a bit awed herself from the display she had just witnessed.
"Yes Miss Luna, Dobby will be much better than alright," said the excited elf. "I is never been feeling this good before."
"So how powerful is Harry then?" asked Luna with a smile at Harry.
Dobby turned back to face Harry and seemed to shrink again as his face took on a look of extreme concentration. Holding out an arm, he pointed a finger at Harry's chest and looked up into his master's eyes. The jade green glow surrounded the two again and was just as bright as the first time, but this time, three black and many grey lines appeared around Harry that looked a lot like chains. There was also one that appeared to be a golden color but it was thinner and much fainter than the others. Dobby's eyes widened in shock as he saw these lines. A second later, the glow vanished.
"You is very powerful, Master Harry," began Dobby. "You is already almost twice as powerful as my old master would have been without the dark one's mark on him."
Harry's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Dobby tell him that he was much more powerful than Lucius Malfoy.
"What were those lines around Harry? Luna asked.
"Them was being magical bindings of one sort or another," Dobby replied sounding angry. "The only one that was not meant to be harmful to Master Harry sir, was the golden one. That was being the remains of a magical binding cast by Master Harry's mother to contain strong accidental magic. It should have been removed when Master Harry was first coming to Hogwarts."
"What were the others then Dobby?" Harry asked. "I know I saw quite a few black and grey lines too along with the one gold one."
"The grey lines are also binds on your magic, but are meant to contain or suppress gifts from your family," said Dobby. "The black ones are very bad. One is a bind on your magic itself causing it to not grow to its full potential. One is a bind, but more focused on your wand than on you. It has something to do with learning and limiting. The last is much like the dark one's mark my old master had. It is a connection to him, but it is different. It seems to work both ways rather than just feeding him with your magic."
"Alright, I understand where that last one comes from," said Harry. "That's my connection with Voldemort."
"But what about the others Dobby?" asked Luna with concern in her voice. "Do you know who put them on Harry? And is there a way to remove them? Could you?"
"I is being able to remove all of the bindings Miss Luna," began Dobby hesitantly. "But I will only remove two from Master Harry sir now if he will let me."
"Why won't you remove all of them if you're able to Dobby?" Harry asked. "And you never said who placed them there."
"Dobby is only removing the mother binding and the dark one's connection because they is the only two safe to remove right now," Dobby said. "I will not remove the rest so close to he who cast them and endanger Master Harry."
"But who cast them Dobby?" asked Harry who was becoming annoyed at Dobby's evasiveness.
"Headmaster Dumbledore is the one who be casting bindings on Master Harry sir," Dobby said with a glance up towards the castle.
"But why would.." began Luna, but was cut off by Harry's outburst.
"THAT MANIPULATIVE OLD BASTARD! HE LIED TO ME AGAIN!" Harry yelled. "He said no more lies, that he wouldn't keep anything else from me.. THE BASTARD!"
Luna and Dobby both looked at Harry and backed away from him slowly as a brilliant jade green aura flickered and flashed into life around Harry as he yelled out his anger at the Headmaster. They backed up another few steps as the air around Harry seemed to come alive with tiny flickers of lightning. Suddenly there was the sound of an alarm bell ringing and Luna and Dobby looked on in awe as the area around Hogwarts flashed blue, red, green, yellow and silver.
"Not good, not good," yelled Dobby as he gestured at the blanket and picnic basket, causing them to vanish. "Master Harry Potter sir must calm down and him and Miss Luna must take Dobby's hands right now."
Looking over at his house elf, Harry noticed for the first time the fright on the little elf's face. He also heard the alarm bell and saw the colors flickering around the castle. Calming quickly, he grabbed one of Dobby's hands just as Luna took the other. With a small pop, the three vanished.
They appeared with a pop in an empty room and Harry and Luna immediately fell to the ground gasping in pain.
"I is sorry Master Harry and Miss Luna," said Dobby, "but Master Harry caused the wards to activate and the alarm to sound. You could not be found there. I was doing the only thing I could think of to keep you safe."
"Thank you Dobby," Harry said as he stood up and reached down to help Luna to her feet.
"Master Harry and Miss Luna must go back to their common rooms and say they was in the come and go room if they is asked," Dobby continued. "The professors will be checking the castle and also going to where the wards were attacked."
"Who attacked the wards?" asked a confused Harry.
"I think you did Harry," said Luna quietly. "When you found out who cast the remaining bindings you got very angry and seemed to lose it. Your magic flared and formed an aura around you. Then it looked like lightning was flickering around you. That's when the bell sounded and the wards came to life."
"Me?" Harry moaned. "I did it?"
"Hurry," cried Dobby. "Master Harry and Miss Luna must leave and go now."
"Right," said Harry as he focused on what was happening at that moment. "Come on Luna, let's get back to Gryffindor tower. We'll just tell them we were doing some practicing in the room of requirement when the alarm sounded."
"Bye Dobby, and thank you," said Luna as they ran to the door.
"You is being welcome Miss Luna and Master Harry," Dobby said before he popped out of the room.
Harry and Luna ran through the empty halls towards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. They came to a stop in front of the painting of the fat lady, which opened as Harry quickly said the password. Harry entered first, followed by Luna, and stopped when he came face to face with his head of house, Professor McGonagall.
"Where have you been Potter? And why is Miss Lovegood with you here and not in the Ravenclaw common room where she should be?" Professor McGonagall asked as she regarded the two.
"We were in the room of requirement Professor," replied Harry. "Luna came back here with me because our common room was closer than hers."
"And just what were the two of you doing in the room of requirement in the first place?" Professor McGonagall questioned.
"We were practicing Professor," said Harry. "I was showing Luna things from the O.W.L. exams. And.."
"And what, mister Potter?" asked Professor McGonagall.
"And, we were talking about what happened at the Department of Mysteries," continued Harry. "About Sirius, and also about our parents."
The stern look on Professor McGonagall's face softened.
"Very well then. I shall inform Professor Flitwick of your whereabouts Miss Lovegood," said Professor McGonagall before turning to face the crowded Gryffindor common room. "Everyone is to remain here. Prefects make sure no one leaves. I will let everyone know when it is safe to leave."
Letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, Harry led Luna over to his favorite chair by the fire and flopped down into it and pulled her down to sit beside him.
A/N: As of 09-01-07 I've gone back and corrected a few minor spelling and grammer mistakes. Nothing else has changed. Thank you for the reviews. The next chapter is in the works, but I'm kind of stuck. Don't know when it'll be up.