-1Ok my first attempt at a fanfic. If I fuck up, I'm sorry. Well that's bout it. Read and Review... ENJOY!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh…

Warnings: Swearing and Mentions of Violence

Vengeance Is A Dish Best Served With Fire

By SetoKaiba'sShowGirl


The date. April 15th 2007. Location, a cornfield in West Virginia. Local farmer John Weston found the burnt remains of a human. He was amazed as to how the body got there as the rest of the field was untouched by fire, even the surrounding area of the corpse. No evidence of foul play. No evidence at all.

The date. May 29th 2007. Location, a wheat field in Arizona. A tall man about 6" 3 placed a body carefully in the wheat, it was also burnt. Making sure he left no traces that he was there, he made a steady retreat. A few feet to his right a small woman with a petite frame was keeping watch, she turned and they looked at each other with love few held in this world and meet at the edge of the field smiling. They held each other's hand and were gone as if by magic.

3 am that very same morning a mobile phone rang from it place on a bedside table. A lump moved around in a king size bed trying not to hear the annoying ringtone in his ears. He stood up from his sleep. He was a man of about 6" and had dark brown hair, which was tousled from sleep, he was wearing a pair of silk black boxer shorts that exposed his muscular thighs and carves. His chest was one of a well-kept man, solid and sleek, he carefully opened one eye after the other revealing a striking blue.

"Kaiba here," he answered voice still groggy from sleep.

"Agent Kaiba, we need you and Atemu in Arizona at once," the voice replied.

"Why sir," he answered getting slightly annoyed, "and why couldn't this wait till morning."

"Another burnt body was just found. I already called Atemu he said to meet at his apartment in an hour."

"Yes sir." he said with enough malice to melt the phone in his hand.

'Great another weird case, just like the last time, why me?' He thought as he turned on the shower. He grabbed a suitcase that was already packed, he just placed his gun and badge inside, and hopped into the shower.

Yami Atemu was standing outside his apartment building exactly an hour later; he knew how Kaiba hated to wait. So he stood there sports bag in hand which he had randomly thrown some clothes into when he got the phone call. He stood with his other hand on his hip with a look of regal arrogance. He was of slim build, waft like, about 5" 4 but looked taller because of the three triangular spikes that rose from his head to make his hair. The spikes were jet black but were outlined in a crimson red. His hair also composed of some blond bangs that framed his face with three going directly up into the black. His face was sharp, maybe even menacing, but at that moment large black sunglasses covered his eyes, although it was the middle of the night. He was wearing what he usually wore, black leather trousers that acted like a second skin and a plain white dress shirt. At that moment Kaiba pulled up in his black BMW. Yami got into the car and smirked towards the owner and driver.

"What," Seto questioned looking towards his partner, "I don't like that look on your face."

"Don't you think it's strange?" Yami replied his voice brimming with hidden emotion.

"Oh no you don't!"

"What," Yami said with fake innocence and an angelic smile on his face.

"There is no such thing as magic." Seto answered like that was the end of the subject.

"If you say so," Yami replied with indifference, the smile still in place.

"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!" Kaiba roared, "And I do say so. So there."


They sat in silence until Kaiba had to stop at an intersection. He turned towards his companion and realised something was there, that should not be.

"Yami?" He questioned.

"Yes," Yami replied.

"Why the shades, its dark so it's not like your vision will be affected by the sun."

"Oh yeah, look," he stated.

He took the sunglasses from his eyes and Kaiba finally saw not only the stunning pair of crimson eyes but around his right eye a purple bruise. Kaiba took one look and started laughing his laughing with sheer delight. He stopped himself as the red light changed green.

"Ok, what is it?" he said looking at the expression on Yami's face. Yami hesitated. "Spit it out."

"It was Yugi."

"Well that's obvious." He said with a smirk, the expression on his fellow traveller did not change, "Ra what now?"

"I think he is going off me."

"I know I'm gonna regret this but, why?"

"He won't have sex with me anymore." He replied barely loud enough for Seto to hear him.

"Slow down, too much information for fuck's sake." Kaiba stated with disgust. His mind showing him images of stuff he just did not want to see.

"You asked." Yami replied, a slight red glow adorning his cheeks.

"I know I did." He sighed and continued to look at the road, "Ok we have a long drive, explain."

"Ok," he said getting slightly annoyed just by remembering the encounter from just that very evening, "See we got into an argument and he started screaming and shouting," he put the tone of his voice an octave higher. "You're cheating on me, you're cheating on me!" He put his voice in normal range again. "I try to be rational and say, Yugi, baby, I don't have time to cheat on you even if I wanted too, which I don't because you are one of the sexiest thing on the planet!" Yami put his pitch higher again and started wagging his finger at the windscreen, "I don't believe you, you're lying, if you haven't got time to find anyone then you're doing it with Kaiba," normal pitch again, "I start getting angry now and say. For fuck's sake Yugi, I'm not fucking cheating on you; maybe you are and are trying to cover it up by blaming me." His voice raised an octave again and the finger started wagging "No I'm not, you are, I don't believe you," Normal, "so I say whatever then bang straight on the button."

Kaiba couldn't control himself any longer. He literary threw his head back taking his eyes off the road and his hands of the wheel. Yami grabbed the steering wheel while he continued to laugh.

"ROAD YOU DICKHEAD, WATCH THE FUCKING ROAD!" Yami screamed while trying not to get both of them killed.

"Oh yeah." Kaiba said while he calmly took back control of the car. "Anyway have you read the file on the case?" Kaiba said changing the subject because his sides hurt too much.

"Yeah a messenger came over with it ten minutes before you arrived," Yami sighed, "It's really weird."

"How so." Kaiba replied.

"I know you don't believe in magic so I'm not going to go in to that," Yami replied with a smirk then wincing because it irritated his eye. "Ouch, anyway it doesn't make any sense what so ever." he finished tapping his forefinger on his chin in thought.

"Continue." Kaiba demanded.

"Ok, three burnt bodies in perfect condition find their way into three different fields, in different parts of the country, on different nights." Yami explained still tapping his chin in intense thought.

"Any evidence on how they got there?" He questioned while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Nope, no tyre tracks, no footprints," Yami suddenly threw his head back "NO NOTHING." he roared at no one in particular. He calmed himself down and said, "Look I know you don't believe in 'magic' but…"

"Don't start, just don't start." Seto said taking his eyes off the road to look directly at Yami. Fear began to show its self in the crimson orbs, not because of the menacing brunette who was 6 inches from his face but because no one was looking at the road, "Last time," Kaiba continued,

"You had me believing in aliens, and all that sci-fi nonsense, and it was a guy dressed up as one."

Kaiba turned his head back to the road and Yami calmed down slightly before saying, "Oh yeah, I remember that, it was funny."

"Was not, but there was a simple explanation then and there will be a simple explanation now." He replied in a matter of a fact way.

"And you're going to find it I suppose," Yami stated bored.

"Damn right." Kaiba smirked. Yami just snorted and continued looking out the window.

To Be Continued …

Ok first chapter is done hope you enjoyed and I no it is a bit short but I thought I was a good place to end, future chapters will be longer updates should be every week at least something bad happens like the sky falling or water running red or computer dies (that will be the worst one) anyway I'm rambling so ja ne an review onegai and I will love you forever xxxxxx

YEAH!!! I HAVE FINALLY EDITED IT TO PERFECTION…if you do see a mistake, review and tell me.