Author's Notes: Sorry about me taking so long to update, thanks for all the reviews. This story is getting more difficult to write but I'm sticking at it, don't worry! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Bare in mind it is a Leyton story so there will be no Brucas! Keep reviewing! It's what keeps me going!

Chapter 7

Both Lucas and Karen surprised the doctors with their quick recoveries. Neither of them made an effort to see or speak to each other. Peyton decided to broach the subject after Lucas came back from his first physio session.

'Hey Luke?' She said casually.

'Yeah?' Lucas replied as he gingerly sat down in the armchair beside his bed.

'Are you gonna visit your mom anytime soon?' Peyton didn't look at Lucas when she asked this, knowing that if she had she would have chickened out.

Lucas was silent for a minute. 'I can't talk to her. She was the main reason I was leaving Tree Hill. Everything is still so messed up in my head. I was wondering would Brooke mind if I stayed with you guys until I find my own place.' Lucas' face had a pink tinge. Peyton knew this wasn't the way he wanted things to be.

'Uh' Peyton hesitated.

'If it's a problem' Lucas cut in, 'I can ask Nathan if I could stay with him and Haley.'

'No it's not a problem. Well it shouldn't be. Just let me clear it with Brooke first, okay?' Peyton went over and kissed him.

'Sure, thanks Peyton. It shouldn't take me more than a couple of days to find a place' Lucas squeezed Peyton's hand.

'I know. I'm just worried about leaving you on your own when you're like this.'

'You're always welcome at my new place... once I find it, that is' Lucas pulled Peyton in for a kiss. The kiss grew deeper, Peyton fell into Lucas' lap. She only stopped once she heard the groan from Lucas.

'Oh sorry!' She jumped up quickly, realising what had happened.

'Don't worry' Lucas grimaced, 'It was my fault'

Peyton kissed him softly again as an apology. They were interrupted by a nurse bursting in the door.

'Lucas? It's your mother. The baby is being delivered by C-section now'

'What? Is she okay?'

'Yes, she should be fine. The doctors just wanted to be safe rather than sorry'

'Can I see her? Can I be with her?'

'Yes, that should be fine'

Peyton helped him into a nearby wheelchair, wheeling him in the direction of the OR.

Lucas arrived to see Dan holding Karen's hand. He was disgusted but decided to keep his mouth shut, not wanting to make a fuss.

Lucas and Peyton were surprised by the number of doctors in the room and how fast they were working. Before he knew it, Lucas heard the cry of a baby. His new brother. He instantly snapped out of his trance, looking up to see his baby brother. Peyton had tears in her eyes as the midwife handed Karen her second son. Lucas had never experienced anything like this. His eyes were filled with tears. His mom had a weary smile on her face.

'Any ideas on a name?' Dan asked, bringing Lucas back to reality. He realised he wasn't a part of this family like before. Dan was ruining his life all over again.

'I think I'll call him... Alex' Karen beamed, 'It suits him'

'I like it!' Dan responded before turning toward Lucas, 'What do you think Lucas?'

Without acknowledging Dan, Lucas looked up at Peyton, 'I need to get out of here'

'Are you sure?' Peyton asked, seeing the hurt look on Karen's face.

'Yes.' Lucas made no eye contact with Dan or Karen.

Peyton wheeled him out quickly 'Are you okay?' she asked once they were safely out into the hallway.

'No. I don't think so' Lucas replied quietly.

Peyton moved around to face Lucas. She hugged him tightly. 'It's gonna be okay, take it from somebody who's been through their fair share of crap'

'What am I gonna do?' Lucas asked, his face buried in Peyton's shoulder.

'We'll work it out together' Peyton replied, kissing him on the forehead.