Sorry it took so long, I was grounded from Internet. Thanks to all who are bothering to read this crappy story:D

Lee Jordan looked from the red-head Kanna, who was next to him, to her dark-haired sister Ivy, who was across from him. They were all sitting at the Gryffindor table, in the Great Hall, even though Kanna was a Hufflepuff.

"Only Kanna can survive on a chicken nugget, two puddings, and a flagon of pumpkin juice." he stated in mild shock.

Ivy nodded. "Yeah, and she always seems full."

"Your sister is just weird." Lee told her, bluntly.

"Hey, she's your girlfriend." Ivy shrugged, smiling. Kanna stuck out her tongue at her sister. Then she leaned up and pecked Lee on the cheek. He blushed light pink - they had only just begun to date - and Ivy grimaced.

"Ewww, kissing!" she teased, wrinkling up her nose.

"Aww, shove off Ivy. Go play Quidditch or something." Kanna replied, voicing what Lee was thinking. Ivy nodded and stood up.

"Great idea sis. Catch ya' later lovebirds." Then she winked and walked out of the Great Hall with her head high.

"I was only kidding, you know!" Kanna called after her sister, but Ivy just walked out the doors. Kanna frowned, wrinkling her brow like she did when she was upset, and sat down again. Lee rubbed her arm, and she smiled gratefully at him for his concern, but she still looked troubled.

"Hey, don't worry Kanna. She wasn't upset, just bored is all. Besides, she probably just wanted an excuse to go find George."

Now Kanna had to laugh. Everyone knew George Weasley had a thing for Ivy Laylen, but Ivy had always made it clear that she didn't return the feelings. Lee relaxed. His girlfriend was smiling again. Sure, he had seen her cry before, but now that they were a couple, he had decided it was his job to keep her happy. He hated to see her upset, and he knew Kanna's triplet sisters, Jasmine and Ivy, would wring his neck if she was. They stood together, and Lee put an arm awkwardly around her shoulders as they exited the Great Hall. He didn't know where they were going, until he realized she was leading him to the spot. 'The spot' was a shady area under one of the trees surrounding the lake. It was close enough to the water that you could dangle your feet in on a hot day, like that day, but the tree was tall enough to climb, or you could just sit if you wanted. Kanna pulled him down in the shade and sighed. She dipped her feet in the water and snuggled against Lee, closing her eyes.

"Kanna," Lee spoke quietly, after a few minutes.

"Mmm," Kanna mumbled, and Lee knew she was almost asleep.

"Oh, go back to sleep; it's not important, and you were up all night."

"Mm…okay," she drowsily replied, falling back into quiet dreams.

After a few more silent minutes, Lee heard a faint sound, a little ways away. It was a girl, and she was singing.

"Because, when the sun shines, we'll shine together, told you I'll be here forever, that I'll always be your friend, and I'll stay, and I'll stick it out to the end. Now it's raining more than ever, just know we still have each other, you can stand under my umbrella, you can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, a, a, a, under my umbrella, ella, ella, a, a, a, a, because……"

"Jasmine," Lee called softly, not wanting to wake Kanna.

"Oy, who wants to know?" an unexpected, yet familiar, male voice called back.

"Lee Jordan, and you would be?" Lee replied curiously.

"Fred Weasley, and proud." The voice, now identified as Fred, answered back happily.

Fred, with Jasmine? Proud?

"Just a tick, we'll be right there." Jasmine, this time, answered. They came around a tree a couple feet off, and started over to where Kanna and Lee were sitting. Lee noticed, with amazed shock, that Fred had his arm around Jasmine's waist and was holding her tight against him. And she didn't seem to care; in fact, she looked happy. Ah, proud! I get it!

"Hey, Kanna?"

"Mmm?" she answered him, a bit crossly.

"Sorry, Jasmine and Fred are here."

"Jasmine and Fred? As in, together?" she asked, a bit disbelievingly,


"Are you sure you're seeing correctly?"

"Open your own eyes and see for yourself."

Kanna sat up and opened her eyes, and almost jumped out of her skin with shock. Then she settled back against Lee and closed her eyes again


"Finally, that's it?" Lee asked her, unbelievingly.

"Yup, that's it."


"But?" Kanna asked, wonderingly.

"Oh, I'll let you know when I think of something." Lee answered her, and Kanna burst out laughing.

"When you think of something what?" Fred asked, and both teens looked up to see Jasmine and Fred looking puzzled. After just calming down, Kanna started to laugh again, and Lee joined her.

Fred looked at Jasmine seriously. "It was just a question."

This got Jasmine to start laughing at his expression, and Fred surveyed the scene. Kanna and Lee were now rolling around on the grass with laughter, and Jasmine was leaning against him because she was laughing too hard. Fred rolled his eyes, but looked down again quickly when there was a loud splash! Kanna had rolled into the lake.

Fred felt Jasmine sink to her knees, then slide into a sitting position. He sat down next to her with Lee on his other side, and they all looked at each other. They burst out laughing again and began rolling around. Then Kanna came out of the inky black water. She had seaweed and other plants tangled in her hair and stuck in her shorts pocket and left sneaker. The right sneaker was missing and there were Grindylow prints all over her, and there was dirt and other grime plastered on her skin, so she looked like a mud monster from the Black Lagoon books. Lee stood up and started over to her, but she raised her wand at him and made very muggle-like sword movements with it.

"Stay back, I'm armed!" she called, stepping forward.

The others looked at her, with all the muck and gunk covering her form, then at each other, and then at her wand. Fred put up his hands and moved slowly backwards, but Lee and Jasmine moved forward. They must have a death wish, he thought.

Jasmine took out her wand - to retrieve Kanna's other shoe - and Kanna apparently perceived it as a threat. She launched herself at Jasmine, flinging her wand aside, and tackled her to the ground. Lee stepped forward to assist Jasmine, but Kanna grabbed his ankle and pulled him down.

"You are in for a world of hurt." Fred told Lee, as his friend was dragged into the tangle of swinging fists and ramming knees, all from Kanna.

Apparently, Lee interpreted this comment as a sign of help, so he grabbed Fred's wrist, yanking him down.

"God help us," Fred said quietly, before Kanna's fist of payback came swinging toward his nose.