Home at Last

Chapter 1: The Final Battle Part I

Disclaimer: No I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters although I would gladly take Koga's sexy self!

Warning: This isn't rated M or R (what ever I put down) for no reason although I may put specific warnings down later!

A/N: Hello everyone! Its great to be back! I just started this story and I hope that I get as good a response on this story as I did the first one! Enjoy and I'll talk later!


Kagome sighed happily as she made her way down the hill towards the small village she had come to love and cherish as well as call her own. As the village came closer she searched for a small red headed boy that she knew would be searching for her. She smiled when she caught sight of her kitsune son, Shippo, standing in front of Kaede's hut with a little girl, their hands shaded their eyes as they watched the path they knew she would be coming down.

Finally the spotted her, their smiles were almost identical as they dashed towards her. Kagome watched them warily, she had been knocked over plenty of times due to the children not stopping. Shippo and Rin skidded to a halt in front of her, their eyes alight with joy and mischief. Kagome also noticed they both looked happily at the black bag, that her mother had so kindly prepared for them, that rested on her shoulder.

"When we get to the hut you might get something if you're good." She whispered quietly in answer to their unspoken question.

The children looked at each other and each one of them walked to one side, both taking a larger hand in their smaller ones eagerly. Kagome smiled and let them pull her along, her thoughts once again on the past.

About six months ago, right after her twentieth birthday, Lord Sesshomaru had strode into their camp with Ah Un, Jaken, and Rin in tow. Inuyasha being the impulsive idiot that he was, thought that his half-brother had come for his fathers fang again, and had already drawn his sword. Kagome had then noticed how Sesshomaru had placed his body between Rin and Inuyasha's sword. It had taken Kagome quite a few SITS before she had gotten Inuyasha to listen to what Sesshomaru had to say. Sesshomaru wanted to join their pack because first Rin would be able to be around others and would be more protected, second they had the last of the shards and knew that Naraku would come for them soon. Kagome had been startled but she didn't mind and it had given Shippo someone his own age to play with, and if her eyes didn't deceive her then there was something going on between her son and Sesshomaru's ward. During the last six months Sesshomaru had become less and less cold, only reverting back to that stoic nature when in battle. He even smiled a few times at the antics the children did. Sesshomaru also never allowed Inuyasha to strike Rin as he did Shippo and even smacked him when he had smacked Shippo for one thing or another much to everyone's surprise, which endeared him to Kagome.

Suddenly Kagome stopped, startled out of her memories by a huge evil aura that she recognized. Her eyes narrowed as she let her ki expand to search out the direction he would be coming from, oblivious to the tugs from the children.

"Shippo, Rin, take the bags and go inside." Kagome ordered her voice hard as steel.

"Get he others out her NOW!"

Shippo nodded, his little body shaking in fear as he grabbed the black bag and motioned for Rin to take the other. He glanced once more at his mother's figure and dashed off for Kaede's hut, his heart pounding. He knew that for as long as he lived he would never forget the way his mother looked that last time. She had been ready for battle, her body tense and ready to spring as she put herself between the danger and the children. Her eyes normally warm and loving, were cold and calculating as she scanned the area. Her body glowed with her power and made her scary to look at as well as made her hair fly around her in a fury.

"INUYASHA!!!!! SANGO, MIROKU!!!!" screamed Shippo desperately as he neared the hut, tears filling his eyes.

"LORD SESSHOMARU!!!! MASTER JAKEN!!!!!" screamed Rin as she ran, her little legs going as fast as they could.

"What?" snarled Inuyasha as he poked his head out, followed by the rest of the pack.

"Kagome…." Huffed Shippo.

"Naraku…" wheezed Rin as she held her sides.

Inuyasha's eyes widened in understanding as he pushed the children into the hut and dashed towards the edge of the village, the rest of the pack following, their fear for their friend apparent.

"Kagome!" yelled Inuyasha panic in his voice.

"Over here!" came the calm reply. "He's coming."

Inuyasha came to a halt beside the powerful miko, his eyes wide as he caught sight of her. Kagome glowed a bright pink as she called Naraku to her, and idea that Kaede had come up with. The spell kept Naraku from sending puppets but forced him to answer her call. When Kagome turned to face the awed hanyou, he was taken aback. Instead of her usual warm brown eyes, her eyes were bright violet and were cold as if not colder than Sesshomaru's own gaze. Markings had begun to form on her face like jagged lightning bolts, much like Sesshomaru's only instead of pink they were the same color as her eyes. Streaks of purple began to form in her hair as it whipped about her in a frenzy. Kaede had said something like that might happen, that when she used that much power, that she might become a demon miko, although she didn't know what kind of demon.

"Well, well what do we have here?" came a mocking voice from the edge of the woods, unaware of the look on Kagome's face.

"A rag tag group of humans, miko, hanyou, and at least one REAL demon." Naraku mocked a slight hint of fear in his voice.

'What is this call, why can't I flee? And what is this new aura I sense?' he growled to himself.

"This time Naraku you won't escape." Kagome snarled as she turned to face the evil hanyou, her eyes glowing, her fangs lengthening.

Naraku drew a startled breath, his heart pounded like a hammer against his ribs.

'It can't be! This miko Kagome is the legendary demon miko?' he thought fearfully as he once again struggled to free himself.

"You won't defeat the call, you know this." Kagome stated smugly her eyes never left his.

"You are the one calling me?" Naraku demanded.

"Yes, I am the one who forced you to come here, now it is time for you to die…" Kagome growled as she started forward to unleash her power.

Suddenly Kagome felt a agonizing pain in her side, it felt as though she had been ran over by a truck and put under the dark miko's spell once more. She yanked the arrow out of her side and glared up the hill at the undead miko that stood there, her bow still vibrating after the arrow was loosed.

"Your battle is with me Kagome not Naraku." Shouted Kikyo smugly.

"Let the battle begin." Snarled Kagome as she went after Kikyo.

A/N: So what do you think? Was it good was it bad? I really want to know. This is going to be a Kagome/Koga pairing and I have some ideas but I am not particulary sure when he will come in but if this is good enough then let me know and I'll try to update soon. See you later!
