Hello, readers. Yes, I realize this starts just like the first chapter and one of the other chapters, but I promise, it's a different chapter. Hopefully it will be just as good as the other chapters though! Please let me know what you thought, and I apologize for the "cliffie", as Lilyre calls them. Actually, no, I'm not sorry for it. It should keep you interested. Anyway, please review and let me know what you thought!!
"Remember that when
We have all died
We'll all be together
Family and friends
Stand side by side
At the end of forever…"
A woman with bright red hair and shockingly green eyes was singing sweetly. Suddenly, she was interrupted by a bang, and a man's voice yelling, "Lily, it's him!"
The woman's loving eyes grew wide with fear. She stopped singing, grabbed a young boy, and locked the door to the nursery. A flash of light was visible through the crack under the door. It was shortly followed by another bang, and the door flew open.
"Don't, please! Don't hurt him! Kill me if you want, but don't hurt him! I beg you, don't…" she pleaded. She was holding the boy tightly, as if to protect him. Her cries were cut short, however. There was another flash of light, and the woman crumpled to the floor. The visitor turned to the boy, and from his wand came another flash…
Instead of ending, the dream repeated disjointedly. The song… the shockingly green eyes… the woman crumpled on the floor… the man's voice… the song again… the green eyes growing wider… the fear in those eyes… growing wider still until Harry felt as though he would be pulled into to their endless green… the flash even brighter than the green of the eyes… and then…
"Harry? Harry?" called a soft, concerned voice.
Harry awoke and sat straight up, narrowly avoiding a collision with the top of the bunk. His scar burned quite painfully, and he was dizzy from the dream. Two figures were sitting beside the bed, but they were blurry. Harry rubbed his eyes and reached for his glasses only to find that they weren't there. The red-topped blur moved its hand towards Harry and said, "Looking for these, mate? I took 'em off your dresser because you were turning so much I thought you would knock 'em off and break 'em. You alright?"
Harry reached towards the hand and found his glasses in them. He put them on and saw that the red-topped figure was Ron, and the other was professor Lupin.
"Yeah," Harry lied. Ron looked at him skeptically, as did Lupin, but Lupin managed to cover it up.
"Good morning, Harry," Lupin greeted him. "I'm afraid it's a bit early, but we have to leave before dawn, and we still haven't woken Hermione."
"Going where?" Harry asked drowsily. He was still slightly dizzy and wasn't thinking clearly.
"Thiendov Oreva," Lupin reminded him.
"The what?" Harry asked. "Oh yeah!" Harry jumped out of bed and began getting dressed. He grabbed his wand and started for the stairs when Lupin stopped him.
"Hold on a minute, Harry. Ron, you go get Hermione please."
"In the girls' dorm?" Ron asked plaintatively.
"Yes, in the girls' dorm," Lupin repeated. Ron trudged out of the room, and Lupin said, "Come here, Harry."
Harry sat back down on his bed and looked at Lupin uneasily. He had a feeling he know what Lupin was going to say.
"You're not alright, are you Harry?" Lupin stated.
"I'm fine, rea…" Harry began. He could tell that Lupin didn't believe him. "Alright, it's that dream again."
"Dream?" Lupin repeated, raising his eyebrows.
Harry had forgotten that he hadn't told Lupin about the dream that led him to ask about the war. He proceeded to recount his dream. "But this time was weird. It started getting all out of order. And her eyes got all big, and…" Harry realized something he hadn't noticed before. "They started to glow almost."
Lupin had been listening intently, but now started to laugh softly. Harry looked insulted, and Lupin explained, "Shian eyes glow. Lily promised her father that she would only remain human long enough to end the war. She told him she would die a Shian. That was Lily; always true to her word. Once she…"
Suddenly, he was interrupted by a loud thud from the Common Room.