by Ranma Inverse
--A seemingly A.U FF7 fic...but it will be explained. ^~--
Author's notes: This is what I get for falling asleep at 3:00 AM
after having a "little" too much sugar. Ah well...Sephiroth fans, Aeris
fans...please enjoy. ^_^;; (BIG hint on the main couple there. o.O) Erm..I
guess one would call this "sap" and such. What if the two were given another
chance at life? What if they happened to meet? What if they were
destined to...
-I forgot the color of Sephy's eyes!!! T_T WAAAAHH!!! I -THINK-
they were green too....-
This is a teaser. I can write more to it, or not. It depends
on the review no da! ^~ If you review and ask me to write it..if at least
ONE person asks me to, I will! ^_^
A young man walked through a garden of flowers. He had no idea why he had come here, but it was peaceful, and for some reason, it calmed him. He brushed white strands of hair away from his emerald eyes. It was night, and quiet, so he had decided to take a walk. This garden had beconed him. He stopped walking as he heard a voice. It was warm, and humming a gentle tune.
His gaze wandered until he saw a girl humming to some white roses. She had long chesnut hair, and wore a simple pink dress and a small red jacket over it. She turned to him, meeting his equally deep emerald eyes. The only differences in them were her joy, her innocence, her being. Everything was shown in those eyes.
The young woman blinked at him. His eyes seemed pained, as if he held pain in from something far behind him. Why did she feel like she had met this man before? She remembered fear and anticipation...and that was all she could remember as she stared back into his eyes. It was he who broke the stare, looking at the flowers she had been humming to.
"You're the one who takes care of this garden, I assume?" She nodded at his words. He had met her somewhere before...he just couldn't remember were from. The young woman smiled at him gently.
"My name is Aeris."
"A pleasure to meet you, Aeris. My name is..."
The words came out of her before her mind even registered
it. "Sephiroth."