I do not owe Pirates of the Caribbean and make no profit from this story.
The crew of the Flying Dutchman was as weary of him as he was of them. Last time he were on board his time on the ship hadn't been pleasant at all and the crew had been involved of that somewhat. As the former captain of the Dutchman had become corrupt the crew had been infected through their contract with Davy Jones, but still they done more to him then necessary so it was understandable that they didn't know how he would react to them as their new captain.
William Turner stood by the railing, taking one last look at the island on which he had left his wife, trying to remember every last detail of his time with her so it would help him get through the coming ten years that he would be apart from her.
With a flash of green they left the world and arrived to the one they would spend most time in, helping all the lost souls that Davy Jones had neglected during his time. William turned from the railing and gazed at the people that were his crew. No longer bound under the curse Jones put them under they now looked human instead of the sea-like creatures they had been. They stood together waiting for orders or anything else he had to say to them.
Will inhaled and said, "you were all was bound to serve Davy Jones for a hundred years. As the Dutchman's new captain that contract does no longer hold. As of this I see it that you have two choices; you can move on to the afterlife or stay here and serve me, with a fairer contract."
He looked around and spotted his father standing by the side. "My f… Mr. Turner has already agreed to stay, and is as of now my first mate." The crewmen looked at each other while deciding.
At the end it was about a half on each; fifteen people wanted to move on, tired of the sea and servitude after Jones mistreatment. Ten decided to stay and continue to serve. As for now Will would settle with them but if they came upon any dying men he would have to ask them if they wanted to join, only ten people would stretch it when it came to sailing the Dutchman.
Elizabeth stood on the beach watching as the ship with her husband disappeared in a green light. Looking to her left where the dead man's chest was on top of a rock containing Will's heart she felt the tears starting to fall from her eyes. Slowly she walked towards the chest and when she was so close that she could hear the beat of the heart she fell down sobbing in despair and sorrow.
She had no idea how long she was there, sitting next to the rock with one arm up around the chest, trying to be as close to the one thing she had left of Will. She had already promised him but now she swore quietly to herself that she would guard the chest and not let anything endanger it.
Elizabeth looked up and upon seeing Jack quickly dried her tears and stood up. Jack didn't look his normal cheery and inebriated self. He looked worried and slightly sad.
"We saw the Dutchman leave."
"It will be ten years before I see him again, Jack," she said. She knew he already knew that but she had to say it out loud.
"I know, love. What are you going to do now?" he wondered.
Elizabeth thought about it. There was a matter of things she could do but first there was one thing that had to end.
"I need to go to Port Royal," she said. Before anything else she needed to deal with her father's death and finish up his business. One thing was for sure, she could no longer go back to being Elizabeth Swann, governor's daughter. That life had to end if her new one as Elizabeth Turner could begin.
"The Pearl can take you to Tortuga. From there you can find a ship to Port Royal," Jack said and looked happy at the thought of going to the pirate town. Elizabeth nodded and together they walked to the jolly. While Jack began to row back to the Pearl Elizabeth sat still with the chest on her knees.
"I can do this," she thought. Ten years and then she could be with Will again.