Gah! I'm so sorry for not updating this for such a long time!! I was really busy that I could only concentrate in updating one fic. Then my laptop was sent for service (and I stupidly didn't save the edited version this fic in other places) and then when I finally got it, I had final exams! I was thinking of finishing my other fic first before continuing this but I really feel guilty that I've left this for too long. Sorry everyone –bows-

That's also the reason why I haven't replied to any of your comments and I'll do so soon!

Standard disclaimers apply.

Chapter 10: The Discussion

"Sasuke?" Tsunade knocks the door once and pushes the wooden door, it creaks softly. Though the noise from the XBOX is loud, what she sees is the one that makes her eyes widen. "Sasuke! What the hell-?!"

But Tsunade is cut and pushes aside by a fast blur from her right, a frantic yell of Naruto's name is heard and Tsunade is torn between being amused and laughing at how Sasuke is pushed roughly to the other side of the bed or feeling scared that the younger Uchiha is treated rudely- it's more like she's scared for Iruka's safety rather than for Sasuke himself.

"Naruto! Son, are you okay?! Is this the guy who molested and raped you last night?!" Iruka sends a hateful glare at the dark-haired patient, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he shakes Naruto and checks for any injury.

The female psychiatrist would have smile in glee to see Sasuke's eyes widen a fraction when Iruka addressed Naruto as 'son' but she knows it is unwise to do so. It's clear from the flush on Sasuke's cheek, the way he straddled Naruto just now and from the way Naruto's shirt was pushed up (and now has been smoothed back down by Iruka) what Sasuke and Naruto were engaging in.

Tsunade shakes her head- Sasuke has never acted this way so she's at lost what to do now.

"Iruka?" Naruto's clouded eyes finally clear, the azure blue focuses on his father.

"Come on, Naruto. We're getting out of here. I should know better than to trust that perverted old man. Coming to this big city is never a good idea, lots and lots of bad people. Come, Naruto, stand up!" Iruka mutters angrily, stealing a loathing glance at Sasuke. Tsunade pales at this, and so do Jiraiya and Kakashi that are standing behind her.

"You're Naruto's father," Sasuke says, deadpanned.

"And I'm going to sue you!" Iruka threatens, sending angry sparks to Sasuke. "You raped my son!"

"No! He didn't!" It's Naruto who comes to Sasuke's defence, much to Iruka's shock. Sasuke's impassive face doesn't change; in fact his dark eyes challenge Iruka to accuse him more.

"I know what happened, Naruto. Now, come on, we're going home!" with monstrous strength, he pulls Naruto, the blond stumbles forward and quickly balances himself to stand properly.

"But I want to stay!" Naruto says urgently, pulling Iruka's hand back.

Iruka turns; a clear shock expression is etched on his face. "What did you say?" he whispers.

"I want to stay," Naruto says stubbornly. The three doctors watch the scene unfolding in from of them with curious eyes.

"But he raped you!" Iruka blows, pointing accusing finger at Sasuke who's sitting on his bed rather comfortably, like nothing has happened.

"He did not, Chichiue! You have to listen to me!" that's the first time the other four people in the room, minus Iruka that is, hear Naruto's authoritative voice. Whatever retort Iruka is planning to give to his son dies in his throat.

Naruto seldom calls him 'Chichiue'. When Naruto asked him years ago why his family name is not the same as Iruka, Iruka had explained that he's not Naruto's biological father and since then the blond stops calling Iruka 'Chichiue'. It pains him, but Iruka has to respect Naruto's decision. The sunny blond says it's not that the title doesn't fit Iruka, the brunet teacher is more than a father to him, but if he calls Iruka his father, that's where their relationship restrains. Naruto looks at Iruka as more than that, a father, a brother, a teacher and someone who ultimately knows him the most.

Calling Iruka by his name gives Naruto no boundaries to confide in Iruka his most and deepest secrets, insecurities, achievements and happiness.

So Iruka plays along with him.

There are instances where Naruto would call the man 'Chichiue'. For example when he wants Iruka to really listen to him or when he's being truthfully serious and wants to be treated seriously and equally like an adult. Their relationship is usually light and chivalry, full of nothing serious and deep but the moment it comes, Iruka knows when- 'Chichiue' is one of the signs.

"It's something that Sasuke and I agreed upon, and something that we both wanted," Naruto starts to blush at this.

"But you're underage!"

"I'll be 18 soon," Naruto states defiantly.

"In 10 more months, Naruto," Iruka reprimands. And until then, I am officially your guardian, Naruto hears the unspoken words.

Sasuke notes the statement. So Naruto will be 18 soon…

"Are you even aware of the gravity of the situation, Naruto?" Iruka asks impatiently. He hates it when Naruto acts like he knows everything.

"What's the use of you subscribing to the cable with all that National Geographic and Discovery channels and you nagging me all the time to watch educational programs in it if I know nothing, Chichiue?" blue eyes challenge the brown pools.

Iruka sighs exasperatedly. Naruto could be so smart when he wants it- and usually when it's in the wrong timing.

Tsunade takes the moment of silent to cut their argument. They are being quite loud that if they don't move to her office soon, nurses, doctors, students and probably some patients will gather here.

And she knows Sasuke doesn't fancy that.

She clears her throat. "We should discuss this at my office, if both of you could follow me."

Iruka looks at Naruto, daring him to agree. Naruto is being stubborn as his father.

"Please," the plea and desperate tone in Tsunade's voice makes Iruka sighs and agree grudgingly.

"But Naruto's coming too. I'm not letting him stay in one room as him," he glares at Sasuke. If Sasuke twitches, there's no sign of it. Either he's really good at hiding or controlling it; or he really feels nothing at Iruka's statement.

Tsunade sees Shizune, hurriedly standing at the door. "Watch him, Shizune. And make sure he doesn't leave the room. Where the hell were you anyway?" she whispers the last question.

"Gaara's being transferred into this ward. I'm so sorry, Tsunade-sensei," Shizune answers, dread fills in her stomach as she realizes that her absence causes all this.

Tsunade nods stiffly before leading the men back into her office. As much as she wants to blame Shizune, she knows she couldn't. Gaara is another case that as sensitive, if not more, as Sasuke.

Damn it, she ought to retire early!


There's an eerie silence in Tsunade's office. Naruto takes in the spacious room carefully, quite a lot of things he missed when he was here this morning; the wide mahogany desk in front of him where Tsunade is sitting behind at, the wide window panel that overlooks the parking lot below with hills covering the surrounding far beyond the lot, the wall on his left side with high book racks and steel cabinets against it, a small oval table with two comfortable seats (which one is occupied by Jiraiya at the moment) behind him, a floral table cloth over the oval table with a tall vase of tulips in the middle and a set of china tea set slightly on its left and two high book racks on his right where Kakashi is comfortably leaning against.

The files, folders, stationeries cup, small ornaments and picture frames, books and computer are all neatly organized on Tsunade's desk. There's a medium-seized white board on the right wall, facing straight at Tsunade; a chart of some sort is written on it and so does a list of names that Naruto is not sure what it is about.

But it's not what's important now.

He could feel the silent wrath of his father and Naruto doesn't like it. Most of the time, Naruto is more like a child, running around excitedly, innocently (or rather stupidly) pointing at various, different, obvious objects in fascination and talking non-stop and loudly, making a lot of people around him feeling embarrassed and annoyed (and still a lot of girls look at him with admiration, giggling and whispering at how cute he's being- in which Naruto at times is totally clueless about but most of the time is aware of it and still couldn't understand why).

But what he did just now, Naruto sighs. It was rude, to use that tone, Naruto knows and he regrets it, especially if he's hurting Iruka. However, at the same time he feels the need to protect Sasuke; vampire-san is not at fault; if only he is, Naruto carries the same amount of fault if not more.

And Naruto doesn't regret that.

As much as he loves being childish and clueless and bright, Naruto knows when he steps beyond the line. He might not act 17 but sometimes he understands things much deeper than anyone else.

And now he wants to stay, and it's something that he truly wants after such a long time.

"Umm… Tsunade-sensei… Can I be left alone with my dad for a few minutes?" he asks politely, glancing over his shoulder. How he regrets using that tone to Iruka- his father has never stays mad at him for this long.

"Sure… Just tell us when we can come in," Tsunade nods and stands up. With a flick of her head, she orders the other two doctors out too. They walk and shut the door with a click.

But quickly the three lean against the door, ears press against the burgundy oak to listen carefully.

"I'm sorry, Chichiue…" Naruto looks down. "I didn't mean to be rude at you…"

Iruka sighs, all the angry tension lines on his face are gone at Naruto's soft tone. He couldn't stay angry at the sunny blond for long even if he wants to. Naruto just holds a lot of power not to make him angry.

"I don't think you know what's at stakes here, Naruto. You don't know what's actually going on," Iruka says softly yet with so much concern.

"I do. I do know. I'm perfectly aware what Sasuke and I have done, Iruka and I'm not regretting it," Naruto's firmly replies, soft pink hue adorn his cheeks.

"He's not forcing you of anything?" Iruka looks at him worriedly.


"You're only 17, Naruto. I don't think-"

"It's what I want," Naruto cuts his father.

"Naruto," Iruka says exasperatedly. "If you want that XBOX set I saw in Sasuke's room, you should have just told me, I'd buy one for you. You don't have to defend someone who raped you just because you want to play that game set."

"But that's not what I'm referring to," Naruto frowns. "I like Sasuke, that's it. He's…" Naruto blushes again. "He's someone who I can… connect to, I guess…"

"Just like that?" Iruka asks sceptically.

Naruto's frown deepens. "Just like that…" he answers, but it's laced with uncertainty and self-doubt now.

"Naruto…" Iruka's heart breaks at the vulnerable expression on Naruto's face.

"It's just that," Naruto takes a deep breath and expels it loudly. "I feel like Sasuke doesn't care what I am, that he befriends me for who I am, not caring if I'm a… a freak!" Naruto's blue eyes glaze with unshed tears. Iruka looks at his sons with his own unshed tears. Ever since that embarrassing question he asked in Biology class, some guys kept on picking on him, making Naruto aloof with the guys. Even though most girls adore him, that particular incident created a whole new sense of insecurities in Naruto and Iruka knows of this.

And no matter how much he talks to Naruto about it, the vulnerability that makes Naruto so cautious in choosing friends is still there. In fact, Naruto doesn't have a best friend that he could confide in.

"You are not a freak, Naruto," Iruka emphasizes.

"I am! Who in the whole wide world have-" he leaves the sentence hanging as he looks away.

"Isn't that the reason why we moved to Konoha?" Iruka grasps Naruto's face and turn it towards his. "That does not make you a freak, Naruto. It makes you different, yes, but never a freak, understand me?" Iruka's grip on Naruto's shoulder tightens, as though it could make his words sink into Naruto's mind.

Naruto nods solemnly.

"Is that the only reason why you want to stay here?" Iruka changes the topic. He still feels unsafe leaving Naruto here. They ought to move back to where they came from, a hilly country side with no tall buildings and pollution.

Naruto suddenly blushes again at this, making Iruka amuse. He has never seen Naruto blushes this much, not even when that girl daringly stole his first kiss a year ago.

"Is it because of that Sasuke again?" Iruka asks, eyes narrowing, not liking where this is going.

Naruto nods. He mumbles something under his breath.

"What?" Iruka leans in. "I didn't catch that. What did you say?"

"I said he's pretty!" the red colour on Naruto's tanned face darken, if one looks carefully, there might even be steams coming out from his redden ears.

Iruka's eyes widen. What the hell?! Naruto's ga- Iruka shakes his head vigorously, unconsciously shaking Naruto in the process. No, technically Naruto couldn't be gay, he's a 'she' too, Iruka gulps. Okay, this is just too much to comprehend…

"S-Stop-p s-shak-king m-me!" Naruto stammers.

"Oh, sorry about that!" the brunet teacher quickly lets Naruto go.


The tension air that was present just now is gone. It's still tense but not as chokingly heavy as before. Whatever issues Naruto and Iruka had has been settled it seems. Not that the three medical professional didn't try, they did, but the thick oak door conceals privacy just as it should, much to Tsunade's annoyance. All they heard is faint muffle, which doesn't help much to their inquisitive ears.

"They are a few things to be discussed," Tsunade tries again, clearing her throat yet again.

"Such as?" Iruka challenges her.

Tsunade almost flinches. Iruka sure has the talent in making she feels like 6 years old again, intimidated by a fierce teacher. She's a respected psychiatrist now, damn it! She refuses to be intimidated by this soft, doe-eyed teacher!

The busty blonde squares her shoulder. "We are hoping you will not sue us for what has happened to Naruto. As he said, he was a willing partner in the… activity he engaged with Sasuke last night."

"But he's a patient of yours, right? Surely it's this hospital's responsibility and it's unfair to lay the blame on a minor," Iruka says crisply. Oh yes, he's a teacher but that doesn't mean he's dumber than someone who spent longer time in university.

"If someone's to blame, it's Kakashi," Tsunade suddenly says. Kakashi's eyes widen at this, that traitor! He knows she's going to grab the first chance to blame him! All eyes turn to Kakashi, expecting him to say something.

Kakashi fidgets uncomfortably, though he's trying not to make it obvious. "Uh… Sasuke's a minor too?" he offers.

Iruka scowls. "You send your charge into a mental ward?!" What kind of a guardian is that?!

"Sasuke's not entirely well-"

"Sasuke's a patient here?" Naruto's sudden question stills the air. The adults around him don't know whether it's appropriate to laugh during this tense time. Is Naruto trying to make a sick joke?

"Of course he's a patient, Naruto," Iruka says impatiently. "Otherwise he wouldn't have a room in that ward, would he? And here I thought it was some perverted adult who raped my son!" Iruka barks at Kakashi.

"I told you he didn't rape me, Iruka!" Naruto says stubbornly, his voice matching Iruka's in pitch and tone. "Sasuke looks normal, I didn't think he… that he's… a patient…" Naruto slumps in his chair. Has he gotten Sasuke in trouble? Is Sasuke sane enough to accept him as he is?

"It doesn't matter now, does it?" Iruka says exasperatedly. He then turns to Jiraiya, eyes ominously piercing the professor with venom that could kill. "I ought to castrate you for this. If it isn't for you persuading us to come here-"

"Please, Umino-san, this is not the time to argue. We have to discuss this civilly," Tsunade cuts in.

"There's nothing to discuss. I'm going to sue this hospital," Iruka says firmly.

"On what ground? Naruto said it himself, he was a willing partner," Tsunade pleads.

"On the ground of negligence, that's what I'm going to sue you on. You should have locked that kid somewhere for endangering other people," Iruka says hotly. Naruto looks at his father helplessly. Iruka's being all stubborn and over-protective over him again.

Great, Tsunade's minds screams, and they haven't tell Iruka yet about the possibility of Naruto's getting pregnant. At this rate, it will make a headline in the newspaper and not only their names are at stakes, but the whole hospital!

"Sasuke's conditions don't indicate that he has to be sent to locked wards," Tsunade says firmly.

"Conditions?" Iruka's eyes narrow. "You mean he's here for more than one sickness?" That seems to interest Naruto as well. He looks at Sasuke's psychiatric expectantly, heart thumping so loud in his ears. What if Sasuke shows interest only because of his… condition? What if Sasuke doesn't really want to be his friend? Naruto quells any thought that would part him away from his new-found friend. He refuses to believe the worse of his vampire-san. The boy doesn't look at him with disgusted eyes, so why should Naruto judge Sasuke now?

"We'll expend on that soon. There's a more pressing matter that I need to discuss first but I will only discuss it if you promise to have a civilised conversation and keep your temper in check, Umino-san," Tsunade glances at Jiraiya, sending look that says it will be his cue to explain about Naruto. Jiraiya nods meekly.

"What you think you have the authority to demand that of me? Especially when it involves my son's safety?" Naruto is about to protest but Iruka sends him a look that clearly doesn't permit Naruto to speak. The blond boy shuts his mouth, lips curl down, pouting like a frustrated child.

"As a matter of fact, I think I do, especially since it involves Naruto's safety," Tsunade changes her tactics. She refuses to be intimidated like a guilty child anymore. She learns psychology too and dealing with Iruka proves to be harder than dealing with her worst patients.

Iruka pales at this; Naruto's ears perk up in interest. His safety? He is safe now, isn't he? What's the problem now?

"Jiraiya-sensei," Tsunade nods at the professor. "If you may explain it to Iruka…?"

"Ehm… right…" Jiraiya stands up, walking next to Tsunade's table and leans on it, propping one leg out to make it look casual. "We you're aware, Iruka-san… Naruto has both male and female reproductive system," he lets Iruka takes in the information first before continuing. Naruto's adopted father nods, something that he has willingly accepts.

"I need to do a thorough examination on Naruto as soon as possible, if he permits me that is," he looks at Naruto but the blond looks at him back with a blank expression. Jiraiya sighs, of all the times to look innocent, why must it be now?

"There's a… likely chance that Naruto… well, after last night, though it's very slim seeing at it from scientific point of view, and we also have to consider other factors such as-"

"Jiraiya!" Tsunade cuts Jiraiya's rambles in a sharp tone. The man is delaying to break the news.

"Oh, right… I'm sorry about that…" Jiraiya changes his position, standing straight as to give himself some self confidence. "My point is, there's a small chance that Naruto might be pregnant," and Jiraiya readies himself from the high-pitch shrieks.

He is wise to do so.

"WHAT?!" Even Naruto has a horrified look on his face.

"B-But that c-can't be! I've never even bleed before!" he has never felt cursed to be born with two genders until now.

"Jiraiya…." Iruka's voice is so low and cold that the room's temperature drops drastically. "I'm going to castrate you for real if that happens!" he shouts angrily, his face is red with anger, worry and disbelief. Even Naruto shrinks in his seat, the tanned colour now a shade lighter.

"Umino-san, please calm down-"

"That's just another reason to sue you, isn't it?" Iruka scowls. "I'm taking Naruto home-"

"Iruka, we discussed this-" Naruto seems to gain courage to speak.

"Clearly Konoha is not an ideal place to live now, isn't it?"

"But Ero-sensei said there's a chance. It's not confirmed yet, isn't it?"

"And you want to wait till it really happens?" Iruka's sarcastic question shuts Naruto's mouth.

Naruto looks down, bangs covering his bright blue eyes. "That's not what I mean…" he mumbles yet it was clear to the other adults.

"Umino-san, we will do thorough check-ups on Naruto, we'll take full responsibility. If it's confirmed that Naruto is not pregnant, I can say Jiraiya will drop Naruto off his research but he if he does, we won't charge you even a cent for whatever is necessary for Naruto," Tsunade quickly says. "This is what we need to discuss," she adds.

"Naruto, if you would be kind to wait outside my office. Here's a book, read it while we discuss this matter with your father," Tsunade fetches a random book, gives it to Naruto and signals for Kakashi to usher Naruto outside. "Don't go anyway, just sit still on the couch there, okay?" Tsunade says authoritatively. Naruto nods solemnly, not knowing what else to say or do.

"I know you're angry, Umino-san, and worried to. But we hope to settle this out of the court. Besides, we need Naruto to stay," Tsunade speaks as Kakashi closes the door.

"And you think I'm going to let him stay after all these?" Iruka asks incredulously.

"We're offering you full responsibility if his pregnancy is positive. Besides, that's not the only reason why we want Naruto to stay," Tsunade adds quickly without leaving room for Iruka to argue.

"What do you mean?" Iruka's angry expression softens a bit, lacing with worry. Is there anything else that he doesn't know?

"Sasuke has been a patient here for… 9 years," a deep voice is heard from Iruka's right side. It makes him turn to see the masked psychologist speaking. Iruka's surprise expression is evident on his face at Kakashi's statement.

"Is he that… sick?" automatically empathy fills him in. What had happened that force such a young boy to be admitted into a psychiatric ward? It must have been very traumatic.

"Sasuke was admitted due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Over the years we realized that that was not the only disorder that he has; Sasuke also suffers from Schizoid Personality Disorder which makes him detached from everyone else," Kakashi pauses to let Iruka understand.

"Is it something like Schizophrenia?" Iruka asks curiously, traces of anger are gone, replaces by concern for this young patient named Sasuke.

"Not quite," Tsunade chips in, amused with the change of Iruka's tone. "He doesn't hallucination or anything like that. It's mostly his detachment from his surrounding and his withdrawal from the world. Sasuke preferred to be alone, he didn't let anyone touch or talk to him and he never has shown any emotion."

"Did Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder lead him to this… personality disorder that he has?" Iruka asks again.

"It might have, though scientific researches showed no connection between the two. Anyway, over the years his Schizoid Personality Disorder criteria lessen. When we first diagnosed him with it, Sasuke possessed all 7 criteria," Tsunade continues.

"A few years ago he started to open up to me, Tsunade and some other people. But even then, his interaction was very limited. A couple of years ago, Sasuke started to show interest in books and apart from that, there are not much significant changes," Kakashi says, looking at Iruka seriously.

"Because of Sasuke's special conditions and since he doesn't spend much time outside his room, we provided him with everything he needs. It's actually more like Kakashi who provides him with these since Sasuke's under his responsibility anyway. The point is, Sasuke has never shown any interest in human interaction until… until Naruto showed up yesterday…" Tsunade explains.

Iruka seems to be lost in thoughts. And then he looks sharply at Tsunade. "Are you suggesting Naruto to be another research experiment for this patient of yours, Tsunade-sensei?" Even though his tone is calm, Tsunade could see the defiant storm in Iruka's brown eyes.

"I just want to see what is it about Naruto that makes Sasuke changed. He might even be good for Sasuke, he could provide Sasuke with interpersonal therapy and help Sasuke to be treated," Tsunade tries to make Iruka understand.

"But surely, after 9 years in hospital, Sasuke's disorders are worse than I imagine and how can you expect a mere 17 years-old teen to treat him when you can't?" Iruka's tone holds sarcastic remarks and it makes Tsunade thinks he should be a lawyer rather than a teacher!

"That's what Kakashi and I try to understand here and I believe Naruto could provide us with an answer."

"But you said Sasuke has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, surely it can endanger Naruto as well?"

"His PTSD has been dormant for quite a number of years. There are triggers that could make him burst in outrage so as long as we avoid those triggers, it's safe," Tsunade reassures him.

"What kind of triggers?" Iruka is concerned, very concern for his son, especially after what happened. For him, though Sasuke's a poor, poor boy, Naruto's safety comes first.

"Mostly about his past, the cause of his PTSD. As long as we don't mention or ask anything about it, or anything regarding his family, he's quite safe. Kakashi and I will work very closely with Jiraiya-sensei to observe both Naruto and Sasuke. We believe Naruto could help Sasuke."

"If I'm going to put Naruto's safety on the line here, I think I have the rights to know what the causes of Sasuke's PTSD are then," Iruka says after a moment of thinking.

"It's classified information but we could make an exception since Sasuke is under Kakashi's guardianship and Naruto is still under your responsibility. But in order for us to disclose confidential information like that, I'd also like your agreement and consent that Naruto is allowed to visit Sasuke here," Tsunade takes out a couple of printouts and places them on the desk. She, Kakashi and Jiraiya drafts the consent form while waiting for Iruka to come.

Iruka raises an eyebrow. "You've been planning this?"

"It's just to make everything clears between us. Whatever I've said to you is in this form, including the risks of Naruto's pregnancy and our responsibility. You can take your time in reading it. If you don't agree to this, I'll let you make a decision to back out from Jiraiya's research. We will send you back."

It takes Iruka 15 minutes to decide. He finally agrees because he knows if Naruto is to make a decision, he would definitely agree to it.