Final chapter! Ohhh…the day of ending has come!!

The final day has come! The day where both bands would collect their rewards and finally get rid of each other. But…something strange was going. For some reason, they seemed like they didn't want to get rid of each other. It was almost as if a small bond had happened between these two groups. In the music world, of course, they would have to be competitive. But now…in the real world, they could be the best of friends. So, secretly heart-breaking, they began their tear-jerking goodbyes to each other.

"Well guys," began Scythe, with his suitcase in his hand, "It's been fun hasn't it?" Both Gorillaz and Scythez both said words of agreement and nodded their heads. It was hard to believe that it had already been two weeks since they entered. Much had happened, and most of it for the better. Despite the fact that Roadkill had to fight off bloodthirsty zombies. That's when a familiar knocking came at the door. Murdoc stepped forward, and opened. At the entrance, stood the same slightly old man that had greeted them thirteen days earlier. He still had the same exact grin on his face, and the same exact fancy-looking suit on him. He turned to Gorillaz, and happily said "Well done! It looks like yeh've earned 'his prize!" He then pulled the side if his suit, and pulled out a large, check! All eight people gasped out in surprise. Hundreds and hundreds of dollars were all on that sheet of paper. He then stuck it out to 2D. The singer's eyes were bulging out of their sockets. With a hand quivering with excitement, he plucked the check out of the man's hand. The man clapped his hands together, and turned to the Scythez with a smiling face. "Well," said the man, "When we get yeh' 'ome, we'll give yeh' money." Then, the man being very polite, he grabbed Scythe's suitcase and said "I'll 'elp yeh' with yeh' luggage." The Italian stared at the man for a second, and then looked at the other band. Their new friends. He turned to the kind suited-man once more, and replied "Thanks. But can we have a few minutes alone with these guys? We wanna say g'bye." The business man arched his eyebrow, and then nodded once. "Of course yeh' can. There's no 'arm in tha'." And then he quietly left the scene.

Scythe then grinned slightly, and lowered his head for a moment. He rubbed the back of his neck, and he approached 2D. He stuck out his hand. The singer, at first, stared at it stupidly. And then, getting the idea, he did not shake his hand. Instead, 2D embraced him in a hug. It seemed to jump out at him. All six band members were wide-eyed and engulfed in surprise. Scythe, not sure of whether to be embarrassed or touched, slowly lifted his hand and patted his back broadly. And then, slowly yet nearly as striking as a thunderbolt, Russel joined in the hugging. And then, (surprisingly) Bullet threw away his shyness and joined in the moment of tenderness. Pretty soon, they were all embracing each other in a final group hug. All except for one of course. Murdoc looked away with his arms crossed. The seven of them stared at him through their moments of tenderness. Hurricane lifted one of his massive arms to let the bassist join in the love. Murdoc stared at through the corner of his eye. At first, nobody said anything. But then, Scythe's voice came in from the group. "Hey, c'mon Murdoc, don't be like that!"

"Yeah," continued Roadkill's, putting his arm around Russel's shoulder, "It isn't complete without you!"

"Please Murdoc," said Noodle, cuddling next to Roadkill, "we want you to be with us."

"C'mon Muds," said 2D, patting Bullet's head playfully, "Jus' once! Fo' us!"

Pretty soon, they were all asking and begging Murdoc to join them in their farewell hug. They all were pests to Murdoc. He shut his eyes strainfully and gritted his teeth in irritation. But then, he opened his eyes and snarled out "Awright! Awright! I'm goin' in!" And with that, he stepped into the hug between 2D and Hurricane. He put his arms around their shoulders. And then, they all seemed to crowd around Murdoc, giving him hugs and saying good things. Murdoc, showing arrogance and seemingly shunning them and squirming uncomfortably, had a very invisible grin on his face. But, as tender as this moment was, The Scythez members knew that it couldn't last very long. So, filled with sadness about leaving, they slowly backed away from their newly-formed friends and picked up their suitcases. "We'll…uhhh…we'd betta'…get goin y'know?" muttered Scythe unhappily. He was about to tell his band mates to get going, when suddenly, Murdoc stepped forward. He rested his hands on the Italian's shoulders. And surprisingly, out of the Satanist's mouth came "We enjoyed 'avin yeh'. Feel free tah' come back anytime, mates." Scythe raised an eyebrow, and looked back at his friends. They had the same expressions on their faces. And then, Hurricane seemed to smile slightly, and nodded. And then, they all seemed to grow the same grin. The blade-wielder turned back to Murdoc, smiled, and nodded. "Will do, man." He then patted Murdoc's left shoulder. The Scythez-members then picked up their suitcases, and headed for the door. But before they all left, Scythe turned his head only half-way, and the Gorillaz-members could've sworn they saw a bit of a tear in his eye. And then, without saying more, he turned his head forward again, and they all left Kong Studios with Hurricane shutting the door. They remembered when the Scythez first step foot in their studio, they didn't know what to expect. Perhaps they thought they would be enemies and probably trash the area. But instead, the two bands winded up being best friends with each other. The studio seemed so empty without them. Maybe someday, they their trails would meet again…

It's over! It is now complete! I must say, I had fun writing this story. I imagined things I've rarely ever had. But since the story is over, I may as well give out some trivia shouldn't I?

-Originally, Scythe was going to be a muscular, red-haired jerk that was actually from Toronto, Canada. He was also going to be seen carrying a scythe most of the time. But then, I made him a thin, blonde-haired, fun-loving Italian-American guy. I was actually thinking of giving him an eye patch once! But I scrapped it! XD!

-Roadkill REALLY changed from what I first pictured him. Like Scythe, Roadkill was going to be a major jerk. Then, he was going to be a mischievous alcoholic who had a deceased wife. Then, I thought of making him an artist-like character who could summon demons and ghouls at his whim. But, to fit with the story, I made him much more kind and gentle. He still has his appearance of a werewolf though. (And the lycanthropy). One more thing is, he was going to be from

-Not much has changed from Bullet when I first imagined him. The only MAJOR differences of him was that he originally was named "Styx". Then, I changed it to "Edge". Then, I got this idea of making him a guns-expert, and changed his name to Bullet. I threw away the "guns-expert" idea, but I kept his name, since it sort of fit his age. (January 1st, 1991). Also, he's the only character in the Scythez to be from Europe. (Spain)

-Practically nothing has changed from when I first imagined him. He still has his Native-American roots and his strange bond with nature. The only thing that really changed about him was the tribes he was descended from. First, he was descended from The North-American tribes, the Navajo and the Apache. Then, I switched him to the Anasazi and the Iroquois. Then, I gave him the Sioux and Blackfoot tribes. I liked the Sioux and Blackfoot, and I added the Maya and Aztec Indians for a fancy touch.

Well, that's about it. I hope this story entertained you as much as it did me! Please Review and "Alliance of the bands" out!