Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed but I do own this story and the main character!

Note: It is finally here. Big thank you to everyone who read Time to Step Up, and I am glad you liked it. And for those of you who have not read it you really should before you read this. Then again it is your choice and I won't stop you. Have fun reading! Oh and you really should review ) Oh big thank you to all of the people who reviewed the last chapter of Time to Step Up. I love you all!!!

SIX MONTHS LATER (Beware kinda sad)

Derik was sitting alone in his living room. It was dark and all the lights were off. He was just staring at the black TV.

All he could do was think of that day…..the day he lost his heart. The day he died inside.

The image of her face was burned into his memory, the blankness in her eyes when she died. That was all he could think about.

He just beat himself up. It was his fault she died. If would have been watching her better she would have been okay.

Tears slowly fell down his face as he cried.

He missed her so much. He missed her smile that lifted his heart and her eyes could see into the deepest part of his soul and it was all his fault she was gone.

The tears began to fall more quickly as he thought of all that was and all that could have been.

He cried knowing he would never hear her laugh or yell at him again. He cried because he felt like part of him was gone and he would never get it back. But he cried most because there was nothing he could do to change it.

He wished he was dead so he could see her beautiful face again.

He had tried to summon her but it didn't work. He was so angry when it didn't work. All he wanted in life was her…..and now she was gone, so what did he have to live for.

God her smile was so amazing. Her lips were so perfect. Her smell so intoxicating.

His sadness was suddenly replaced with anger.

"why? WHY HER?" he shout looking upward.



"SHE WAS WHAT I LIVED FOR" he continued to yell.

But again the anger faded and was replaced with the ever so familiar sadness.

"why her? God, why her?" his whole body started to shake as he became over whelmed with tears.

His hands covered his face as he sobbed.

He felt so hopeless, and so sad.

"Bring her back to me……please just bring her back to me." He repeated over and over again.

His heaves slowly stopped after ten minutes or so.

He got up and walked to the kitchen where he gabbed the bottle of tequila. He opened and drank it as if he had not had a drink of liquid in years.

He continued to drink, he just wanted to drink her out of his thoughts. He just wanted the pain to go away.

A half an hour passed and Derik had finally passed out on the couch. But no matter what he did she was always on his mind.

Even in his dreams.

A/N: Hell even I am crying. Anyway sorry it's a little short but I will update soon. I hope you like it.