My brother Sora was my best friend. We would spend all our time together. You never got one of us without the other. We even shared a room and were never bothered by it. We were about as close as two people could be. I guess that's why life seemed so empty after the accident.

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Sora and I both equally knew that he was our parents' favorite. But Sora wasn't a braggart; he never said anything about it. It was still obvious. Our parents always praised him, always bought him expensive things that he didn't need. They barely even noticed I was alive. But Sora never acted like I didn't exist. Not once.

And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies

I'd like to say it had been a normal day, but that would just be untrue. Both of us were really psyched about getting our drivers licenses. Both of us of course passed with flying colors. Sora suggested that we go for a drive in celebration. I won the coin flip, so I was the first one to drive. I wanted to drive by Namine's, the girl I was currently crushing on. I still sometimes wonder if that's what it was. Maybe if I had gone a different way…

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I was just going through the intersection when I saw something to the right. A car was barreling down the road. I tried to accelerate, to get out of the way, but the other car was just moving too fast. It slammed right into the passenger side, pushing us into other cars and sending us careening out of control. For a moment, I saw blurred images passing by, then darkness.

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

I woke up a week later in the hospital. My arm was in a cast and I had nasty bruises all over my body. Otherwise, I felt fine. Unsurprisingly, the room was empty of anyone else. Doubtless, my parents were visiting Sora. I sat up straight, causing my head to ache badly. Sora! What had happened to him? I frantically pushed the button to call the nurse. A young woman rushed in. "Yes, is something wrong?" "Where's my brother?" I cried, tears beginning to well up in my eyes, "Where's Sora?" She looked away for a moment before answering, "I'm sorry. If you're talking about the boy who was in the car with you, he died on impact."

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do, and I blame you!

At the funeral, which took place only a few days after I was released from the hospital, everyone was crying. Everyone was saying what a wonderful boy Sora had been, sharing fond memories and saying how it wasn't fair that he had been taken away. Like they really knew how unfair it was. Sora hadn't only been my best friend; he had been my only friend. Without him, I was all alone. And I couldn't help thinking, with a guilty twist in my gut, Would they be this sad if it were my funeral? Would they cry for me? When it was my turn to speak, I found I could only say that I would miss him and that I wished it hadn't happened. I couldn't cry. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. When I sat back down, I could have sworn I heard someone whisper, "That's him. He was driving when it happened. It was his fault."

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

:One month later:

My parents hadn't spoken to me since Sora's funeral. I tried to ask them questions, but usually only received a grunt or less in response. After a while, I just stopped trying.

No one knows what its like
To be mistreated, to be defeated
Behind blue eyes

Soon, guilt consumed my every thought. I became convinced that it had been my fault Sora had been killed. I didn't sleep, didn't eat, I got sick practically every other day. My parents either didn't notice or didn't care. Nobody at school missed me. One day, after getting sick again, my dad broke his vow of silence. He came into my room and started shaking me, screaming at me, saying it was my fault that Sora was gone, how he wished I had died instead of him, how he wished I had never been born. And through all that, I couldn't find it in me to cry. Finally, he threw me back down on the ground and stormed out. I stood up, shaking but feeling better than I had all day. I rushed out of the house, only stopping to grab a hoodie.

No one knows how to say
That they're sorry and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

I walked along through the town, rain coming down in sheets, avoiding the eyes of everyone crazy enough to be out. I imagined they were all whispering behind my back. "That's the boy who killed his brother," they would say. "He should have died instead." "It's all his fault." "He just doesn't care." I clapped my hands over my ears, trying to drown out the imaginary words. "Stop it," I sobbed, "Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!" I rushed past the shops and houses, ignoring the stares everyone gave me. I ran and ran, not stopping until I reached the bridge. I stared down at the water, which was rushing because of the rain. Right here and now, I decided. I would end this now. Carefully, I stepped onto the rail and to the other side, gripping the rail tightly. Fear washed over me as I thought about what I was going to do. But it was quickly gone when I thought about seeing Sora again. I smiled, closed my eyes, and let go of the railing.

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man, to be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.

AN: It's the dreaded sad songfic! (Dun dun duuun!) The song is by Limp Bizkit, Behind Blue Eyes

Disclaimer: I own neither the song or Kingdom Hearts. And no amount of wishing will ever change that.