A/N: This idea hit me after a date with my sassy, sexy girlfriend (Who I am going to force to read the MR books just so she'll agree with me about Fang and Iggy, as revenge for getting me obsessed with Celeborn (TELEPORNO!) and Tre Cool from Green Day. x3) and watching the Simpsons Movie (Which is only increasing my GD obsession... Billie looks so adorable! SQUEE! And Tre is gay as ever -pats him lovingly-) and I had to write it while listening to Green Day.

This is fanfic100, to go with Prompt # , Sight

Tee hee.

WARNING: This chapter has loads of sexual references, because boys are hornyfaces. And swearing and of course, gay people. Lots and lots of gay people. If you didn't notice by now, you're a retard. Oh, and third book spoilers, of a sort.

Disclaimer: As you may have guessed, all I do is borrow these guys and make them kiss.

Fang: It's very disturbing really.

Iggy: I'm straight as an arrow in the books! WTF man?

Tomo: So it would seem. But then there's... SNOG TIME! -types something-

Fang and Iggy: -snog madly-

Reviews make me smile!

DannyRebecca: Of course, who wouldn't want Shower-Iggy?

blah bitty blah: I know I am. I'm a horrible person. :D

Kira-Kira Yashimaruto: Haha well thanks a million! Not every day I get called a celebrity.

And thanks to; EdwardFangJasperEmmetIggys..., Violeteyes92, LucaLight, rosiebudbud, and twilightjunkie1313.

Contact - Being

"So, this is where I live." A cool narrative voice spoke, as the camera zoomed in smoothly to a high apartment in the middle of the packed city. They grew closer and closer, and a pale hand reached out to open the window, the camera sweeping in without a break. There was a man of about twenty or so with short spiky blond hair, his back to the camera, chopping carrots for some kind of stew that was bubbling away on the stovetop beside him.

"This is our lounge room slash kitchen," The narrative continued, and the camera turned from side to side, displaying a comfortable living area with muted reds and browns, accented by a soft cream colour. He scrolled back over to the young man chopping carrots who turned now, and smiled warmly, laying the knife down next to the carrots. His light blue eyes were clouded and misty, and he was clearly blind. Nonetheless, he strode over to the camera confidently, stopping just in front of it, an amused smile playing on his lips.

"And this is the most gorgeous man in all the land." The narrative continued, though now it sounded amused rather than impassive, and you could almost see the smirk on the lips of the speaker.

"Are you playing with the camera again Fang?" Spoke the man in front of the camera, reaching his hand out to touch the side of the camera. "You know I don't like you filming us when I'll never get to see it."

"Jeb says they're still working on it. We haven't given up yet." The man behind the camera, Fang, sounded sad and slightly annoyed now. "But if you're pessimistic like that of course it won't work. You've got to keep your hopes up."

"Sure, sure." The blond brushed it off with a wave of his hand. "So why are you filming again?"

"I told you, I'm making something to send the others. Max mentioned last time we visited that she'd like to see more of our personal lives. So, here it is."

"Well, are you going to film yourself?" The blind man put his hands on his hips, sending all his weight to his left leg, and tilting his head in that direction. "It's not fair if you only send them footage of you."

"That's why I got this." Fang said, clearly grinning. The camera wiggled and stared at the floor for a while, and there were sounds of scraping and cussing. It was then picked up, the blond now clearly in control, and pointed at a pale young man, his dark brown hair reaching down to his shoulders, a diagonal fringe getting in his face as always. He was muttering swear words and trying to set up a tripod, without much luck. Eventually though, he succeeded, and both men were now in the picture. Fang moved to wrap his arms around the blond's waist, smirking at the camera.

"As you know, this is my beloved Iggy." He spoke, clearly the same person who had been narrating from the beginning. He turned his face to place a kiss and a nip on Iggy's jaw, and Iggy giggled.

"Fang, not in front of the camera! You know Gazzy's still weirded out by all this." He pushed Fang away slightly, his perfect ivory cheeks flushing red.

"Mmm, but what if I want to ravish you right here? You know they live too far away to do anything about it." Fang persisted, nuzzling his face into the flesh of Iggy's neck.

Iggy tried to hold it in, but released a sigh of pleasure despite his efforts. After the battle with Itex had finished, Max and the others had moved back to the big E house with Jeb, Ella, and Dr. Martinez, but Fang and Iggy had left, moving to New York to live together. They had rented an apartment, and still flew out to visit the others in the big, bustling house from time to time. Jeb and Dr. Martinez were working on a project that had the potential to cure Iggy of his blindness once and for all, and everyone was holding their breaths to see if it worked. Gazzy, Angel, and Nudge were at High School, though Nudge was graduating at the end of this year, and Max was trying to get a degree in teaching. Fang was working as a freelance photographer and cameraman, doing a little bit of writing on the side, while Iggy was trying to be the first blind guy ever to get his chef's degree. So far, it was going well.

"Fang!" Iggy giggled nervously, blushing further. "I'm cooking. You'll have to wait until after dinner."

"At which point I plan to drag you to the bedroom by your hair and do very, very dirty things to you. You can even bring the whipped cream if you want."

Iggy blushed madly. "Fang!" He pushed his lover off. "Seriously though, I'm trying something new for dinner tonight, we only learned it this week. It's a really lovely sort of stew, I know you're going to love it."

Fang nodded, following Iggy into the kitchen area where Iggy resumed cooking, Fang standing behind him, hands rested lightly on Iggy's broad, feminine hips. Overall, the two seemed totally at peace with things, Iggy going on with his cooking as though this was a normal experience, Fang moving with him automatically when Iggy moved to get different ingredients, or stir the things simmering away gently in the large pot.

After a couple of minutes, Fang stepped back, and turned to the camera again. "This is really making for some godawful footage. I'm gonna switch the camera off, okay"

Iggy nodded in the background, throwing some herbs into the pot, and Fang bent right down, face to the camera, right before the screen went black.


"Welcome back to another edition of Life At Fang And Iggy's house. Today, I plan to give my boyfriend the best news of his life." Came Fang's grinning voice, the camera now pointed into a mahogany door. He opened it to a rush of steam. Iggy was plainly in the shower, the curtains giving a clear outline of his figure as he soaped himself. Fang stepped silently into the room, placing the camera on a counter, and stepped back. He was clad only in a soft-looking towel, which he used to cover himself carefully as he stepped into the shower.

Iggy gave a squeak. "What are you doing here, Fang?" He said in surprise.

Fang shrugged, placing his arms around Iggy, drawing the shorter man to himself. "I just wanted to give you the news... I've had a letter from Jeb."

Iggy sounded incredulous. "And?!"

"They have it. You have to get down there for surgery as soon as you can get time off."

Iggy shrieked, and his silhouette leaped up and down. "I can go next week! Oh my God, this is just... Oh my God!" He and Fang were jumping up and down clutching each other for joy.

"This is so fantastic Iggy, I'm really happy for you." Fang said softly, and they shared a passionate kiss. "And I've captured the moment forever."

"WHAT?" Iggy yelled. "You mean you were filming this whole time?"

Fang nodded. "We can relive the magic."

"You better not send this to the others."

"Oops! Wrong tape!" Fang laughed, grabbing his towel and fleeing the bathroom, snatching the camera and running, to cries of "I'll get you, bastard!"


"And here we are, about to make a blind man see again." Fang's voice opened the scene. Iggy was lying on a hospital stretcher, worry in his face, his hand clearly clutched in Fang's. By his other side stood 20-year-old Max, her blonde hair cropped in a spiky sort of pixie cut, concern on her face. Next to her stood 18-year-old Nudge, who had blossomed beautifully. She had a job as a model now, and it showed in the way she stood and dressed. The once-scruffy girl now had oodles of carefully waved brown hair, and was dressed in a white tank top and sky blue short shorts that perfectly set off her dark skin. On Max's other side stood Gazzy, who, at age 14, had already taken on characteristics of the 'angsty teenager', with skinnylegged jeans and a black t-shirt, dark eyeliner ringing his eyes. Next to him stood 12 year old Angel, who was emulating her brother, though her thin blonde hair had been brushed down to her waist, and her makeup had been applied carefully by Nudge, so it was done far better than Gazzy's. All of them wore expressions of worry. Ella stood behind Max, peering over her shoulder concernedly. She didn't know any of them as well as they knew each other, and she knew Iggy and Fang least of all, but she still expressed worry for the boy lying depressedly on the hospital stretcher.

"It's time." Jeb Batchelder said, walking up solemnly. He had become entirely bald in the six years since their adventures, and his face was grim and lined. Next to him stood Ella and Max's mother, her eyes locked on a clipboard. She looked up after a moment, pushing greying hair from her eyes.

"Okay, I think we're all set. Are you ready to see again, Iggy?"

"Can I have Fang with me? I don't think I can do this alone." He asked quietly, which startled noone more than Fang. He had always been such a strong person, and Fang hated to see him this small, this weakened.

"I suppose so, as long as he washes properly first."

Fang nodded, squeezing Iggy's hand lightly. "I'll switch off the camera now."


The camera switched on to a head covered in bandages, though it was clear from the chin that this was Iggy. Jeb stepped up to him.

"We're going to remove the bandages now. This is the moment of truth." He leaned forwards, taking an agonising amount of time to undo the bandages.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the bed, as Iggy's head turned in Fang's direction. It was clear that the camera was on it's tripod, as Fang came into view, looking at Iggy's perfect blue eyes in wonder.

"It's me, Iggy." He whispered. "You can see me?"

Iggy nodded slowly, his eyes locked on Fang's brown ones. There was a moment of silence between them, then Iggy pulled Fang to him in a desperate, longing kiss that seemed to never end.

There was a squeal from the end of the bed, and Fang and Iggy broke apart to glare at Nudge, thoroughly annoyed at the dark girl now covering her mouth in embarassment. Gazzy was staring determinedly the other way, while Angel hid behind him. Max was staring at them happily, and Ella watched all this from a distance.

"Sorry! It just slipped out!" Nudge squeaked embarrassedly.

Iggy shook his head. "There's no shutting out the Nudge channel, I suppose." He smiled. "Wow, I'm going to have to be introduced to people."

"I'm Fang, of course." Fang grinned. "As you guessed, that's Nudge. Max is the one smiling at us creepily, and Angel and Gazzy are the angsty ones pretending we don't exist. That's Ella over there, that's Jeb who took off your bandages, and that's Dr. Martinez." He pointed to everyone in turn as he spoke their names, and most of them gave friendly waves.

Iggy smiled warmly. "Thanks everyone. I'm just gonna take a nap now, it's really overwhelming... all this light everywhere." He said sleepily, his new eyes drifting shut.


"Once again, this is the Fang-and-Iggy cam." Fang said, this time holding the camera backwards so that it was pointed shakily into his face. He was speaking in a low whisper, signifying that this was some secret. "Today, I'm going to ask Iggy to marry me." He grinned nervously, before righting the camera, and setting it on it's tripod in the hallway doorway. It now showed Iggy sitting on the couch, squinting at a children's book in a desperate effort to learn to read. Slowly, he sounded the words out aloud in a quiet voice.

"The... cat... jumped... over... the... Hey, Fang!" He smiled brightly, his whole face glowing at the sight of his boyfriend. "What's up?"

"Not much." Fang said, the barest bit too casually, as he sat down next to Iggy who set his book aside, settling calmly with Fang's arm around his shoulders. "Hey Ig... you know we've lived together for like four years now?" Fang asked, sounding almost nervous now.

"Sure?" Iggy said, sounding confused. "Why?"

"Well... I was wondering... would you marry me?" He pulled a ring box from his pocket, opening it up to reveal a shining white gold band with an opal surrounded by sapphires embedded on it in a beautiful pattern.

"Oh... Fang!" Iggy squeaked, ignoring the ring and flinging his arms around Fang's neck. "Of course I will!"

Fang laughed an embarrassed, relieved laugh, and returned the hug with one arm. "Wanna put the ring on then?"

"Oh... of course!" Iggy laughed, pulling backwards and offering his left hand for Fang. Fang slipped the ring on gently, and they shared a beautiful, perfect kiss. It was at this point that Iggy spotted the camera.

"Aha... so that was your evil plan, eh?"

"Rats... foiled." Fang grinned, and Iggy hurried up to the camera, sticking his hand right up to the lens.

"Look! Look! I'm getting married!" He jumped up and down, and then addressed the camera again. "I have to switch this off now, so that I can ravish my fiancée, since I don't think any of you want to see that." He grinned, extending a hand and turning the screen black once more.


"Welcome back to the Fang cam." The scene once again opened on Fang's face. He moved the camera back shakily, and it was clearly passed to someone else, as the filming became smoother, and Fang let his hands drop to his sides. He was dressed in a smart tuxedo, an expression of worry on his face.

"Big applause for my lovely assistant Max, who will be filming my wedding." He clapped twice, and Max laughed.

"You'll be fine, but I'm still mad that you insist on calling me best man. And I won't be doing the filming, I'll just put the camera on the tripod. It's not that big a deal."

"Hang on a sec." Fang said, grabbing the camera. It swivelled to focus on Max, her short hair swept back with gel, dressed in a womens tuxedo that looked baggy and boyish on her, like most of what Max wore. Next to her stood Nudge, whose tuxedo was of course, tight and sexy, like everything she wore. Nudge waved at the camera, grinning.

"I wonder how the others are doing, I really hope Angel wears her hair the way I told her to!" Nudge started jabbering. "Oh, I'm so happy for you Fang!" She pounced forwards, tackling Fang in a hug that sent the camera shaking.

"Get...off...me." Came Fang's shaky voice, and Nudge squeaked slightly, jumping back into view.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so happy and oh... Iggy must be so excited! I'm so happy for both of you!" She looked like there were the beginnings of another hug forming, but Max held her back.

"Nudge. As much as we... appreciate your boundless enthusiasm, I'm sure Fang feels really nervous right now, and it's not exactly helpful for you to be bouncing all over the place. Could you go get us a glass of water instead?" She said calmly, and Nudge grinned.

"Sure! Happy to help!" She hurried off to get water, and Max took the camera back.

Fang sat down in a black leather armchair, his elbow on the armrest, fingertips resting lightly on his face. "God, I'm just so nervous about all this. I know it was pretty much all my idea, but now I don't know if I can really go through with this."

"You'll be fine." Max said concernedly. "You and Iggy love each other, you have for as long as I've known you. You're practically two halves of the same person."

"I know, but actually getting married... it's just a big step."

"You'll be fine. Go get 'im, tiger." Max smirked, turning the camera to face Nudge, re-entering the room without the water.

"It's time to go!" She grinned, and Fang heaved himself up, walking stiffly over to the door and Max and Nudge followed him, Max placing the camera on a remote-controlled tripod as she got to the stage. Fang, Max, and Nudge took their places by the alter and waited, all staring at the door Iggy was to enter by.

There was a long pause, then a general intake of breath as Max pressed a button on the camera remote, whirling it around just in time to catch Iggy entering the room. He was dressed in a sparkling pale soft blue tuxedo, with shimmering threads of silver woven through it in intricate patterns. His hair was carefully brushed out, framing his face like a spiky halo. He had a nervous, slightly embarrassed smile on his face, and his cheeks were tinted with a light pink blush, that made him look even more pale and pure. Behind him, Gazzy and Angel were both dressed in the powdery blue, Gazzy in a simple suit, Angel in a beautiful dress. Neither of them was wearing any black makeup, though Angel had a tinge of beautiful blue eyeshadow around her eyes, accentuating the blue that was already there.

The instant Iggy reached the stage, Fang grabbed him to him, and they pressed their lips together in a desperate, loving, needing kiss. The camera zoomed in on them, as they drew back slightly to stare into each other's eyes.

"I'm so scared." Iggy whispered, eyes closing softly, nuzzling his face into Fang's cheek.

"I am too." Fang assured him, kissing Iggy's eyelids before pulling back, as the Minister stepped forwards.

The rest of the wedding seemed to rush by in a blur, and eventually the camera flickered off.


"It's the last edition of my camera, as the tape's pretty much full." Came Fang's voice, as the scene opened upon a tousle-haired Iggy, fast asleep in a pure white bed. "Yesterday, I married this man, and today we are going for a long walk to celebrate being married. This will involve lots and lots of sex of course, and my husband will most likely be in this exact same state tomorrow morning." He turned the camera to face himself, grinning superiorly.

"This concludes your little insight into our lives, especially since I have to ravish this man now. Because being with him is... god, it's like being a part of him, and he's a part of me. It's a wonderful thing."

A/N: Writing weddings is lame, and my excuse for not writing it is even lamer. XB

Well, that concludes the Contact trilogy. However, it is not the last Figgy I'll ever write, I expect there are people who would strangle me if it was. I've just started on something cute for prompt 39, Taste. I swear, this pairing and Mang are currently duking it out in my head for best pairing of all time. And right now, Figgy is winning. Heehee.