Disclaimer: I do not own Furuba. I bargained for the rights over two Lays chip bags, a stuffed monkey plushie, and a computer picture of Miyavi. They did not accept it. They wanted more, more Miyavi pictures. They are so rude; I cannot give more Miyavi pictures away!

My Beloved God

Chapter 1: Moods


"Once upon a time, there were lots of animals. They belonged to the Zodiac. They had one leader, who was not an animal. He was God. They were destined to stay with him forever. There was a thread that bound them together, one that no one could break."

"Really? Mommy."

"Mhmm. Good night Tohru. Sweet dreams. I love you."

"I love you too, Mommy." I drifted off into peaceful slumber.

End of Flashback

My mom told me that on the day she died. It was the last story that I was ever told. I wiped the mud away from my dress. There was shuffling of feet in a continuous pattern, my eyes caught the fabric of a hakami.

"Master Akito. There seems to be something hiding."

"Ugh. Just hurry and check it out."

I met the eyes of a woman, big blue eyes. She was wearing a summer kimono, though the pattern was dull.

"Master. There is a little girl hiding here. What should I do?"

"Filthy. Look at her clothing, covered in mud. Disgusting girl."

I muttered a sorry. "I'm sorry for being dirty." I apologized, bowing my head.

"Put her in the car. I don't want to touch her. We'll take her to the estate and clean her up."

"Yes, Master Akito."


The water felt so good! I hadn't taken a bath like this in such a long time! I frantically tried to catch a bubble that flew in the air. Pop! I smiled and giggled at the bubble.

"What's your name, child?"

"My name is Tohru Honda! What is your name?" I asked curiously, rising myself halfway out of the tub.

She smiled kindly at me, "My name is Tamiyo Hitsugurishi."

"The water feels good, Tamiyo-san! When do I get to go back to the park?" I asked.

"Master Akito has instructed that you stay here with us. You are also in no condition to be staying by yourself and living in a park. Why do you live over there? Where are your father and mother?"

My eyes saddened, "Mommy and Daddy are dead. I don't want to make my other relatives mad at me. So I live by myself!" I replied cheerfully, trying to catch another bubble. Tamiyo-san seemed a little faltered by my reply. I heard her mutter something about poor child.


I was only eight years old when Master Akito took me in. He is three years older than me. Therefore, at the time he was eleven years old. Master Akito is very kind, but he does get annoyed sometimes. If his annoyance is further provoked, he becomes angry. I don't like it when this happens, it scares me, but I try to make him happy anyways.


"Akito-sama. Hold on!" I yelled frantically, trying my best to catch up to him, though only in my hurriedly stance, I tripped over my yutaka. Dirt covered the bottom half, and in haste, I retrieved myself up.

"Your such a filthy girl." Akito said in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Akito for being dirty. I promise to be cleaner." I apologized. I looked at him for any sign of forgiveness, though his expression remained the same.

"WOW! Look a bunny, Akito-sama!"

"Animals are stupid creatures."

"But animals so cute! They're adorable, just like you!" I exclaimed happily. "See. Look I'm a bunny," I said, hopping around in a bunny stance.

"Your stupid."

I kept hopping and hopped my way over to Akito. Than I sniffed at him! He glanced at me, than turned his head around. Though I was sure I saw a smile.

"Are you happy? I'm happy if you're happy. Tohru is always happy if you are." I started excitedly.

"Shut-up." Akito said annoyed.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I remember that day, the day when Master Akito smiled. It might have been a mere illusion, but it made me so happy. However, there was also, times when Akito was angry those times frightened me so much. They made me sad.


"Akito-sama, how come I can't go meet other people?" I asked.

"Because you belong here."

"I know, but I'm tired of seeing the same people over and over. I wanna see someone else besides you and Tamiyo-san." Akito looked at me, his fists clenched in anger. Though I did not see.

"Can I meet one of the junnishi? Please."

"No you belong here. You don't need to see someone else"

"But I wanna meet one of the junnishi! I bored of being with you." I whined. A sudden hand was clamped over my wrist and I was brought to the face of Akito.

"You stupid girl. You will do what I say. You are in debt of me. You do not need to be bored of me. I should be bored of you. You are nothing but a thing. Your stupid and filthy!" Akito-sama screamed, his teeth clenching. He slapped me across my face; a sudden sting caused me to bring my hand unto my injured cheek.

"I'm sorry, Akito-sama! I won't do it again!" I begged. I was slapped again, this time with the clench of Akito's nails. A drop of blood squirmed its way out of my flesh.

"This will teach you to obey me. Never disobey me again, you filthy girl."

I nodded and escaped through the bamboo slide.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was entirely my fault for making Master Akito angry. I felt sad and scared. But things did lighten up. I got to meet one of the juunishi…..but he was kind of royalish. It really did look like he belonged to royalty. And he spoke in such a bragging type of way, yet you couldn't blame him. He really did look like royalty.

Review CornerAuthor Comment Section

Nana: Well that was pretty good. I hoped you liked it. Though the next chapter will be longer. The next chapter will be up in maybe four days or less. Depends on the reviews I get. Oh! In addition, I will have a review corner at the end of every chapter, to answer your questions and thank you.

Oh! And here is my author introduction of me.

I'm not new to I'm somewhat old. I just haven't been in here at the website in a couple of years. Nevertheless, I'm back and better than ever. This isn't my first fan fic, but it is my first Fruits Basket fan fic. Did I do good? Well, guess your wondering who's Nana. Well that's my nickname, and that's how I like to be referred to when you're talking about me. So yeah. Nana loves you! Moreover, review! So, stay tuned! Please Review!!!!!