
It was the day after Nabooru joined Rogers's crew and all she'd done was kick some dudes ass and stay up in the crows' nest all alone just looking at either her mothers' swords, or the sky.

"This sucks." She moaned

"When you're all one your own... it will suck." Announced a voice she looked behind her to see a short red-haired boy, about her age which was about 11 years old

"Well, I am all alone." She stated sadly

"Nah, you're not alone, you have a whole crew here." He smirked

"look at me... I'm eleven years old; no grown adult wants to hang around with me." She sulked

"Well I'm eleven too, how about instead of us both being all alone, wanna help me sneak up on some of the crew?" he asked slyly and she smirked

"I'm so in." She stated "the names Nabooru." She greeted

"Shanks." He smirked

"Nice to meet you Shanks." She replied "now hold on, we're using my way of getting down." She stated and he looked at her confused, then she grabbed his hand and jumped off the crows' nest and landed on the floor without making a sound

"How did you do that?" he asked shocked and she winked at him

"I have my ways." She smirked and they hid as two crew members walked by "ok now shush... and we might just-"

"What are you to up to?" asked someone behind them

"Aww we've been caught." He moaned

"Well a ninja your not." She countered

"You were the one talking." He shot back

"You were the one that wouldn't shut it so I had to tell you to shut it!" she argued

"I was not!" he exclaimed

"Yeah you were!"





"Were!" he paused for a second as she smirked "HEY!!!" he yelled

"See, even you admitted it yourself." She grinned

"Will you two just answer the question?" he asked and they flinched and looked up to see the Captain

"Erm... heh he." They both laughed nervously and he rolled his eyes "we were... planning on, scaring some of the crew to cure our boredom." Explained Nabooru

"Well we'll be arriving at the next island in a few hours... do what you want until then." He instructed them and she smirked

"Thank you Captain." She smiled he smiled back then walked off as Shanks gave her an evil glare

"I was not talking." He stated and she smirked

"I know... I just wanted to annoy you." she stated simply

"Why you..." he mumbled and tackled her to the floor and she punched him off of her. They continued to fight for the remainder of the hour until someone stopped them by means of bonking them both on the head by resulting in a swift kick to the groin from Nabooru

"NEVER HIT ME ON THE HEAD!" she yelled to the keeled over grown up

"Mental note... never hit you on the head" mumbled Shanks to himself. The ship docked at the harbour and Rodger let the two run off into town but told them to be back in exactly two hours or they'll be left behind

"What do you wanna do first?" she asked

"Eat." He replied holding his grumbling stomach and she chuckled

"Well then, how about we nab some food?" she asked and he grinned and they shot off into town.

I was bored so I decided to make up a story where everyone finds out about how life was on Gold Rogers' ship for Nabooru and Shanks... with Buggy in there too :D