Hermione woke feeling both lethargic and hot. As she was naked and it was Saturday neither of these feelings were overly troubling. Wait… she was naked? The brunette tried to examine her situation even as the memories from the night before came back. They were definitely memories. Not having participated in activities such as the ones from the night before there was no way even her imagination could have come up with images that vivid. This explained the fact that numerous limbs stronger than her own were rendering her incapable of much movement and restricted her further when the limbs tightened fractionally as she tried to escape. Those and the chests pressed against her were the source of the heat, heat that was just short of painful. Eventually she managed to slip and worm her way out of the ensnaring appendages. She turned back to look at her bedmates in amazement when her movements didn't wake them. The fact that the idea of them waking wasn't as petrifying as it probably should have been wasn't something she wanted to look too hard at now.
As out of character as last night's strip show was, in the middle of it all she had still folded her clothing into a neat pile. Crossing to it she picked up the clothing and walked towards the door. Hermione couldn't stop herself from stealing a last glance towards the bed. Her heart beat just a little faster at the intertwined bodies that contrasted just as much as the men that inhabited them. The cool metal of the handle brought her back to reality and she slipped through closing the door quietly behind her.
Faced with the immense and only partially familiar space she quickly dressed. As she did she couldn't help the memories of doing the exact opposite last night. A quick glance around showed that Blaise had placed her school bag on a low table. She wouldn't doubt that it's placement between the dragonhide bag and what looked like Italian leather was completely, if perhaps subconsciously, on purpose. Refusing to think on those implications she walked to the portion of the wall that they had entered through yesterday.
It stood resolutely solid in front of her. Curious, she placed a hand on the cool stone. It gave nothing away remaining unyielding. Retrieving her wand she cast a simple revealing spell that Bill Weasley had taught her. It told her that the doorway was password protected on exit as well as entrance. Her father's office was protected this way too, it was clever. Frustratingly clever, she found as she quickly ascertained that "Entri Nel Fuoco" wasn't the password. Knowing it wouldn't be anything simple the brunette started thinking.
'Entri Nel Fuoco' she knew meant 'Enter the flame' in Italian. Draco was English though and traced that heritage back a ways. There was French in his background though, and the Malfoys had a home in Versailles she knew. Going with that she tried 'Exit the Flame'. The wall stayed put. Closing her eyes she tried to think back to the comings and goings.
'Enter the Flame' made sense when the flame created the entrance. When they had left she hadn't been paying attention to the details. Thinking of those moments she tried to look past Blaise dragging Draco out of the room. Nothing had happened. A small frown appeared on her lips. The wall had just melted away to create the exit. There was something there.
"Sorti la Pierre" The wall melted away in front of just as it had for Blaise the night before.
"It's no wonder they call you the brightest witch of your age Hermione. We thought ourselves clever when we came up with that." She jumped a few feet in the air at the slight drawl of Draco's voice. Her heart stopped beating for a moment and then resumed at a rapid-fire pace She knew sneaking out was probably a cowardly move after last night but getting caught was just embarrassing. It was with no small amount of dread that she turned to face them, for she knew without looking that Blaise was right beside him.
Oh Merlin. They were standing just outside the open bedroom door in nothing but slacks. No force on earth could have stopped her eyes from caressing the same expanses of skin that her hands had the previous night with exuberance. Her mouth went dry as the force of their presence washed over her. It would have surprised her that she hadn't noticed them when they had come in if she wasn't aware of her penchant for not noticing anything in the middle of a puzzle.
She swallowed hard as she felt the wall close back up behind her. It was a struggle not to repeat the password just so that she had a means of quick escape.
"Why were you going to leave, Cara?" Blaise's carefully evened voice was only betrayed by an almost overlooked flash of hurt in his dark eyes. She could have given the half-truth of 'I don't know.' But it wouldn't have been right. She didn't know somethings but she did know why she was running and if she was going to run she should at least tell them the truth as to why.
"Because, I don't know." It wasn't a statement she needed to elaborate on as the full meaning was clear in her eyes for them to see. Hermione needed to know, to be in control. She wasn't in control of this situation and she was scared of that fact. All of their hurt and anger dissipated in the light of that revelation.
"We have a few things to tell you that might help you understand where we're coming from." The Italian talked slowly and carefully as though afraid of spooking her. "Why don't you sit while I make breakfast? I'll bet you're as famished as we are from missing dinner last night." Not that anyone in the room was particularly upset about that fact in light of the reasoning behind it. He was absolutely right as her empty stomach could attest to. A part of her argued that staying was a very bad idea. A stronger part, one that fully remembered the easy camaraderie from yesterday afternoon and the even easier night, reminded her that she knew how to get out should the need arise.
Draco could hardly stop himself from cheering as she once again took a step forward towards them.
It was true that 'I don't know' was an easy way to explain that she had some things about this situation that she needed to think about. She hadn't wanted to say that but it was the only thing she could have come up with to try and explain herself. It was fortunate that they seemed to read the real implications behind the elusive statement and let it rest. As she watched the two of them make breakfast, in the thankfully easy silence, she contemplated some of those things… or tried to contemplate them.
Blaise was making her heart pound. Only most of the pounding was due to his half-naked state. The other fraction was fear. He wielded the razor-sharp knife with deftness and much to her dismay speed. He came oh-so-close to slicing off pieces of his beautiful flesh with each flash of the blade. His unwitting, or so she thought, show was keeping her breath hitched in her throat from nerves.
The chef on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing both with the knife and to Hermione. He could hear the almost-silent sharp intakes of air that she made whenever he came too close to his hands and he reveled in it. His ancestors had invented fine cooking and every Zabini learned how to cook at a young age. Draco loved watching him cook but had long ago learned to trust in his knife skills. Having a new audience made it just a little bit more of a show.
The female member of the group was too caught up in watching Blaise create sex with a knife to notice Draco's gaze. He watched her watch the other man and couldn't help his lips from twitching up in amusement. He knew exactly what his counterpart was doing. It seemed she too was turned on by the Italian's cooking skills and watching Blaise play to both the arousal and concern for his welfare was the real show in the kitchen.
For Draco the domesticity of the scene was the real turn on. She fit with them perfectly. Beautiful with her personality making her even more so, an intellectual equal, socially beloved, a fantastic lover, she would make a great moth… he cut himself off. He had no doubts that she was meant to be with them but their courtship was young yet. They didn't even know yet what her thoughts on last night were. She could just be attracted to them and not have any intentions beyond that, after all while not frowned upon in the wizarding world, triads were still by no means normal.
Crossing to the stove he snuck a hand under Blaise's arm and snagged a piece of sausage from the skillet. He wasn't quick enough though as he found his forearm trapped between a side and a bicep. Just as that registered the cook ducked his head and nipped the sausage from Draco's fingers. Hermione laughed at the display and tried to hide the rush of heat to her cheeks when she caught a glimpse of Blaise's tongue as it licked the grease from the pale digits.
At any other point Draco would have capitalized on the flush that suddenly infused both her face and her aura. Hell, given the choice he would have just seduced her back into bed and kept her there until she understood everything and had agreed to be with them. But he realized from observing her over the years that she would never accept any choice made under those circumstances. If this was going to work she had to make the choice with a clear head. With that in mind he had to diffuse the situation, especially when the tensing of Blaise's body told him where the man's head was.
"Would you kindly stop staring at the lovely Ms. Granger and finish cooking breakfast? I'm starving." The glare that Blaise threw him had no real heat to it but clearly showed off the Italian's annoyance.
Long ago they had placed anti-burn charms on all of the pots and pans as they tended to get… distracted in the course of making a meal. When Blaise turned his attention back to the stove everything was keeping warm and waiting for him. He finished whipping the eggs and poured them into a pan with a hiss. A mere few minutes later and he was adding the pre-sautéed sausage and veggies on top of the eggs. Some salt, pepper, and a few other spices and he used the spatula to scramble it all together. Once it all looked cooked he used a generous hand when adding grated aged cheddar. The cheese melted quickly and he dished the concoction out onto the three plates waiting on the counter. Opening the oven he reached in quickly and grabbed the now toasted bread slicing them cleanly in half and adding it to the plates. Carefully balancing the three plates he walked them over to the table and set them down.
Draco made himself useful by grabbing three glasses out of the cupboard and juice from the refrigerator. Hermione followed with the three mugs of coffee. Draco was right. Blaise's coffee was something else. Once Hermione had set down the mugs and taken a seat Blaise and Draco sat as well. Unable to resist the tempting aromas Hermione picked up her fork and took a bite. It was incredible. She had never seen breakfast prepared quite this way but discovered that the blend of flavors was even better when put all together like this.
"Blaise this is delicious. When did you learn how to cook?" The praised man preened under her compliment.
"It's a tradition in my family that everyone learns how to cook when they're young. The house-elves will cook for occasions but most of the time my family does all of the cooking ourselves. The dish is actually from the vacation my family took to the United States. It was picked up from Muggles. They call it a scramble. I just added some seasonings to it."
"I like it all put together like this." Silence reigned for a good while as all three ate as quickly as the balance between their manners and their hunger would allow them to. One by one they each leaned back in their chairs, hunger sated and sipped the remains of coffee and juice. As the silence lengthened and the excuse to avoid conversation was stretched thin the blonde decided to just get it all out.
"Hermione I hope you know that last night was more than physical for us." Hermione started at the sudden start to the conversation she had been hoping to avoid. She had been content with the companionable silence on their current situation as she ate good food and basked in their presence. It was odd that she felt so comfortable around them when she had only really gotten to know them over the past week. She should be losing her mind at her predicament.
"Cara, when Draco and I saw you on the platform to come here this year we both realized what we were missing. We have been lovers for a few years now and we do our best to keep it quiet. As you know it hasn't been exclusive to any extent. When we found out what we felt we decided to pursue you and see if you would be open to having us in your life. To make it perfectly clear, in this situation we come together. Triads are more accepted than ever…" Hermione interrupted Blaise's seemingly rehearsed reasoning.
"The two most sought after wizards, more than likely in all of Europe, suddenly decided that they wanted to be with me. Just like that?"
"Just like that. Consciously at least. We're fairly certain that it's been unconscious for a few years now." He saw the look on her face. "Is it really so hard to believe?"
"Yes! You two really do wake up looking perfect!" She exclaimed as she made a general gesture towards the two half-naked men.
"You obviously don't look at yourself in the morning." Was the response to her exclamation as both men blatantly looked her over.
"Why now? We've been civil and barely so for the last 6 years. Now this? I don't understand." She looked at them. It had obviously been a question in her mind for a while. "Not even a week ago you two came up to me in the library. I'm not completely certain that we have even spent 24 hours together. Then last night… It all happened so fast."
"We know. If you need time we understand. We have a tendency to go after what we want as soon as we realize we want it. Just know that Draco and I discussed it and we want to go forward with this as a real relationship. Exclusively."