Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean

This is my story, so I know what everyone is thinking. Post AWE; pretended Will & Lizzie hadn't been married yet, and Elizabeth sailed with Jack for a while, until she got very angry with him the day before Will could step on land. Then something happened between Will and Lizzie, and blah blah blah. Sparrabeth. R&R!!!

Rated T for violence, language, and sexual scenes (but nothing too strong)


"Just one more chance?"

This question replayed in Jack's mind over and over. Was it the way he said it? Or the numerous times he had asked her that question before? Elizabeth always gave him another shot every time he asked her. But the last words between them, were nothing but rejection.

"No Jack. I gave you so many chances. And every time you let me down. You had my trust, and then you didn't. Over and over. I can't stand it anymore Jack! I'm leaving so I can see Will on land. No more chances, Jack. No more."

Jack remembered her sculpted face; her dirty blonde hair flowing in the sea breeze; the touch of her lips against his. Nothing but memories. He would never see her again. For all he knew, she was already married to Will, even though she left two months ago. But to Jack, it seemed like ages.

Every time he'd look at her, he'd see his reflection. They were so alike.

'Why couldn't she see that?' A voice sounded in Jack's head.

"Because she was nothing but a wench. A landlubber. She was blind to all that was around her. Oblivious to..." Jack's voice faded.

'How much you loved her?'

Jack looked at his empty bottle of rum. A memory of him and Elizabeth, drinking rum by a fire, alone but with each other, flashed in his mind. He grabbed the bottle and angrily threw it against his cabin wall. The glass shattered into a million pieces.

'A heart of glass. When it came to her, you had nothing but a heart of glass.'

"Shut up!" he shouted with venom. A knock at the door forced Jack to quiet down.

"Capt'n?" It was Gibbs. "We're here. They're ready for you."


"Even with Beckett dead, and the East India Trading Company breaking apart, doesn't yet mean we are safe to sail the seas," Villanueva, the Spaniard, retorted to Barbossa.

"Beckett's fleet is still a float, searching for any pirates that may dare sail into their path. I say we wait," Ammand the Corsair agreed.

"Wait for what? For them to come find us?" Barbossa questioned.

"Ship Wreck Cove is a fortress!" Mistress Ching chimed in. "We have enough provisions to keep us until they give up."

"Do ya think they're goin to give up?!" Barbossa answered angrily.

Jack sat in his seat at the Table of the Brethren Court in silence. He needn't to take part in these discussions. All that was asked of him was to attend.

"They're many of them! If we just leave 'em be, they'll recruit new men, rebuild new ports, and search for us. And soon, they'll destroy the only free pirate port left in these waters!" The room fell silent at Barbossa's words.

"Tortuga is too heavily populated with pirates. Any army wouldn't dare to capture it!" Chevalle, the Frenchman, muttered.

"They will now! You say we hide, correct? The pirates in Tortuga will hide, and the port will empty. Then the East India Trading Company will snatch it in their greedy fingers. Don't cha see Ladies and Gents? We must fight them now, before they take anything that's left of ours!" A grumble of agreement spread across the room. Many shook heads in agreement, but some shook their heads no.

"I am with Barbossa," Gentleman Jocard boomed in. "We fight!"

"Who made you Pirate King?" Chevalle hissed. Jocard's eyes sharpened and stared at Chevalle.

"I was only agreeing with Master Barbossa," he explained. "Besides, I would make a better Pirate King that you would've, you prissy snake." Chevalle stood up, his hand on his sword.

"You are unworthy to be Pirate King! Maybe you should go back into the slave trade along with you're kind!!" Jocard blew a fuse. He and Chevalle stood on top of the table, and started battling to the death.

"Order! Order!" Barbossa shouted.

"Damn order!" Villanueva cursed. He turned around and shot one of Chevalle's men.

The great Pirate Hall soon rose up in chaos. No one could stop each other because Sri Sumbhajee, the man who usually kept the peace, had not attended this meeting of the Pirate Brethren.

Jack did not notice the uproar, for he was nervously watching the door. He knew Elizabeth was a Pirate Lord, as well as the Pirate King, and she would surely never betray her fellow Pirate Lords for not attending her second meeting. Then again...

Jack's fear became realized as she busted through the door. But Elizabeth staggered in, her face covered in blood. Jack's heart raced at the sight of her injured, and the Great Pirate Hall became dead silent.

Before he realized it, Jack ran to her side and caught her just when she fell.

"Elizabeth?" Jack asked quietly. A small grin came upon her face. She caressed Jack's face gently.

"Jack..." she whispered.

'Why is she smiling at me, and touching my face? Isn't she still mad at me?' Jack thought.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he questioned. Her grin faded, and her eyes became wide.

"He's dead!" she whispered with intensity and fear, clutching Jack's arm.

"Who, luv? Who?" Jack asked again.

"Sri Sumbhajee..." she whispered before slipping into unconsciousness.

Jack, still holding the sleeping Elizabeth in his arms, looked at the all the pirates in the Hall. Their faces froze in shock and disbelief. No one could speak.


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