Title: Shin Makoku
Author: MistressKiko
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maou or any of the songs!

Author's Note: Well, here we go. Finally got the second chapter up. I'm a slow writer, but I beg you put up with me! :3

Chapter 2 – Caution


His right hand and the force of gravity played a game of catch as Yuuri sat on his bedroom window sill, gazing out into the fine mists descending from the sky. Late last night, ominous gray clouds had settled over the town, though no severe weather had yet made itself known. This relieved Yuuri, for riding his bike half way across town in a thunderstorm would more than likely stir up trouble.

"Yuu-chan!" A voice cried from downstairs, "Lunch time!"

The baseball stilled in his grip before he stood.

"Coming!" He shouted, safely placing the baseball in a catcher's mitt before leaving his room. The aroma of homemade curry was calling to him, but even so, his feet slowed while passing Shouri's bedroom door. No melodies could be heard, so Yuuri assumed his brother must be working on writing a new song.

Yuuri felt that uneasy feeling swirling inside his stomach once again.

'Should I tell Shouri I'm with Shin Makoku now?' Yuuri wondered before a frown marred his face, 'Then again, I guess it wouldn't matter.'

The smell of curry enveloped him when he finally made his way into the kitchen. His mother smiled at him as he took a seat next to his father.

"Here you go, Yuu-chan!" Miko said cheerfully, setting a steaming plate in front of him and his father, "And for you, honey! Made with love!"

"Ah, and that makes your curry the best!" His father cooed, wrapping his arms around Miko lovingly.

Yuuri blanched and decided to focus on stirring the contents of his plate together.

"I'll be going out after lunch," Yuuri announced before taking a bite. Miko sat down at the table with her own plate of food, frowning.

"But Yuu-chan, it's such a dreary day!" She exclaimed, pointing a fork at the window, "Why didn't you and Murata make plans for a nicer day?"

"Not Murata," Yuuri replied instantly, though he imagined the guy would end up showing up somehow.

Mental cringe.

"So you made some more friends, eh?" His father asked, smiling and nodding his head as if proud, "That's my boy!"

"Or could it be that my little Yuu-chan has a girlfriend?!" Miko suddenly shouted, eyes turning starry, "… Or maybe a boyfriend?!"

The two men at the table promptly choked on their curry.

The fiery blonde from yesterday unwillingly made his way into Yuuri's mind, and Yuuri shook his head violently to get rid of the thought.

"Ho… honey…" His father started uneasily, once he could properly breathe again. Miko seemed oblivious to the sudden discomfort, eyes staring at Yuuri like a hawk, awaiting her answer.

Avoiding both gazes, Yuuri took that moment to shovel the rest of his curry in his mouth, standing up and dashing out of the house. The "Bye!" shouted was undistinguishable thanks to his full mouth.


Pressing on the handle break successfully stopped his bike and he settled one foot on the pavement, waiting for the walking sign to turn green.

Grumbling, Yuuri ran a hand through his damp hair.

It was only a faint mist, but even such could get you wet after being out in it too long. And in his haste to get out of the house, he had forgotten to grab a hoodie.

'I'm definitely trying to make a good impression,' Yuuri thought sarcastically just as the light turned green. With a swift kick of his foot, he was once again peddling down the sidewalks of Downtown.

'Let's see… building on the corner of Fifth and Sterling… this should be it.'

Yuuri did not pay any mind to the burly man standing in front of the front door as he jumped off his bike and set it against the brick wall… at least, not until he noticed the man seemed to be purposefully blocking entry.

'A bodyguard?' Was his first confused thought.

Oh well.

"Excuse me, sir," Yuuri spoke politely, eyes silently gesturing to the guarded door. The man's ocean blue eyes caught his own for a brief moment, before he huffed and looked away, not bothering to move.

Yuuri felt his eye twitch. How rude could a guy be?!

"Sir," Yuuri tried again, glancing at the watch on his wrist, "I'm already five minutes late. If you would-"

"How is a little boy like you connected with them?" The man boomed, pinning Yuuri with a glare. To his own horror, a squeak came from between his lips before Yuuri stepped back. It just hit him how tall and muscled this man was…

'He could probably squash me with one arm!'

"Er… well… Conrad told me to come here today so he could show me the recording rooms…" Yuuri uncertainly trailed off, eyeing the menacing man warily. The man blinked, his angry features melting into a sort of stoic shock.

"… You're supposed to be the new lead?" He asked, shock turning to disbelief.

Yuuri felt his temper flare.

What was with all these people?! Did he really come off as being so freaking incapable of everything?!

"I was chosen yesterday!" Yuuri exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips, "Now let me through already!"

That foreboding glare came back full-force, and Yuuri felt his sudden burst of confidence wobble at the sight.


Yuuri blinked at the sudden command. What was this? Who was this?!

"Those people are murderers," the stranger finished, sending a chill down Yuuri's spine.


There was suddenly a click. The stranger turned around, whilst Yuuri could only manage a caught-in-headlights look.

"… Adalbert," Conrad spoke slowly, eyeing the scene before him cautiously.

The man, Adalbert, pinned his glare upon the newcomer before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Yuuri? Are you alright?" Conrad asked, knocking the poor boy from his stupor. Yuuri laughed nervously, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his head out of habit.

"Er, yeah! I'm good!" Yuuri exclaimed, eyeing the corner Adalbert had disappeared around, "… Who was that?"

Conrad seemed troubled by the question, and stepped aside, gesturing Yuuri in. After a moment's hesitation, Yuuri walked into the building.

'Murderers? How outlandish is that?' Yuuri thought, remembering their weird first meeting on stage, '… As if people like this could even be capable of such a thing. But why would he say that? Does he hold some sort of grudge against Shin Makoku? Now that I think about it… I really know nothing about this band…'

"Oh, Yuuri!" Gunter immediately sprang into action upon sensing the boy's presence, "It's been much too long!"

With this claim, Gunter was found glued to Yuuri's side.

Yuuri carefully inched away, trying to manage a smile.

'I'm getting the feeling this is going to be an everyday occurrence.'

"It… it's only been a day, Gunter," Yuuri tried to reason.


Yuuri didn't even have to turn around to know who that was. Though apprehensive of the newest addition, he was relieved when the clinging Gunter was hauled off of him.

"You're late!" Wolfram exclaimed once he stood between Yuuri and Gunter, "What kind of wimp shows up late for his first meeting?"

"It was that blonde guy's fault," Yuuri drawled, trying to let the insult roll off his shoulders. Little did he know it was possibly one of the worst things to say.

Wolfram's eyes flashed in rage.

"Blonde guy?!" He yelled, gripping the front of Yuuri's shirt, "You little TWO-TIMER!"

Yuuri blanched, fearfully shaking his head in denial.

"He's speaking of Adalbert," Conrad spoke, and Yuuri inwardly worshipped the man for speaking up as the flames of hell died in the accusing emerald eyes before him.

"Oh, that must have been a dreadful encounter!" Gunter gushed, lacing his fingers together and placing them over his heart, "He didn't harm you, I hope?!"

'No, he just told me you were murderers,' Yuuri's mind supplied unconsciously.

"No, but… I don't think he likes you guys much," Yuuri replied, knowing that had to be the understatement of the year. Wolfram scowled, finally releasing his hold on the fabric of Yuuri's shirt.

"Forget about him," Wolfram said, waving a hand in the air to dismiss the thought, "Now that you're finally here, I'll show you around."

Before he could protest, an arm was linked within his and he was being dragged down the hallway. Yuuri thought it best to just keep his mouth shut and be dragged along for the time being. He was just getting to know them… things didn't have to be rushed.

Wolfram paused to open a door, revealing a recording studio. Yuuri excitedly walked in, taking in the soundproof glass, glossy floor, amps, microphone, instruments, all the way down to the millions of knobs and buttons on the console.

A feeling of déjà vu consumed him as he traced his fingers across the microphone. All of it was so very familiar to him and yet… so far away.

Suddenly clutching the microphone, he turned his determined gaze to his new band mates.

'Show Shouri that he was wrong,' repeated in his mind like a mantra.

Grinning, Yuuri asked, "So when do we start?"

Whee Don't worry, moments between Yuuri and Wolfram will eventually blossom. I need to get the actual plot going before I can focus on the mushy moments. XD And to all those who have already reviewed, thank you a bunch!

Also, my chapters are kind of short, I know. I'll try to make them longer in the future.
