Author's Note: Hello everyone! I deleted this story and have decided to re-write it thanks to Jeni-Tall, my fanfiction kindred! If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have bothered posting anything…I'd given up on writing, and was content with just reading. Anyway, the plot is technically the same, but I've tried to write it better and added in more subplots and semi twists. I hope you enjoy it.
Summary: It's 7th Year and everything is changing. Draco and Hermione find themselves in over their heads when they realize their attraction for each other. Love triangles and other odd shapes ensue. What they all learn is: the truth doesn't hurt that bad after all.
Pairing: Draco/Hermione…but later on, there will be mentions of other pairings and even some slash, so please be warned now.
Chapter 1: The More Things Change…
Harry and Ron sprinted towards Platform 9 and ¾, wincing painfully at the hitch in their sides. Hedwig hooted indignantly as her cage almost toppled off Harry's trolley, but Harry had no time to think of apologizing, as he dashed past the barrier and onto the hidden platform, Ron following swiftly after. They were late, as usual, and both of them dreaded Hermione's reaction when they finally got onto the train. They could see Hermione's parents standing off to the side, and they waved at them, shouting quick hellos as they placed their luggage onto the train and quickly hurried on board.
Sighing heavily with relief, giving each other rueful looks, the two boys made their way to the back of the train, where they knew Hermione would be waiting for them, before Hermione and Ron had to leave to the front of train, to perform their Prefect duties. Hermione had been made Head Girl, and Harry had been offered Prefect duty but instead decided to be Quidditch Captain for the Gryffindor team. Harry had been offered the position during the summer while Harry stayed at Ron's house, while Hermione had been in Hawaii with her parents. Ron had been more enthusiastic than Harry and had whooped for joy, immediately telling everyone in the Weasley household at the time. Harry had ducked his head in embarrassment from Ron's praise, and had been a little taken aback by Ron's sudden willingness to accept Harry's superior skill in the game.
"Get off it, mate," Ron had said to him then, "You deserve it, more than anyone. No really, I'm beyond happy for you!" Harry had never been happier when Ron smacked him good naturedly on the back, his eyes alight with laughter. Now, walking towards the back of the train, he felt like both he and Ron were closer than ever.
Before Ron and Harry had arrived at the station, Fred and George were sitting down comfortably in their compartment for Hogwarts Staff, when the door slid open to reveal Hermione Granger. Their eyes went up to their hairline when they saw her. Wearing the traditional Hogwarts uniform, Hermione still looked gorgeous. The skirt seemed shorter and showed off her recently bronzed skin, supple calves, and legs that seemed to go on for miles. She had grown taller last year, but now she stood at 5 feet, 8 inches. She was in the middle of doing up her tie, and they noticed that the few buttons of her shirt were undone and revealed an eyeful of cleavage. The twins looked at each other and back at Hermione. She looked up at them then and smiled.
"Hello Fred, Hello George," she greeted cheerfully, walking gracefully into the room on shiny black heels. They nodded their reply and watched her walk to the nearest empty seat and collapse into it.
"Did you have a good summer?" she asked, tossing her hair behind her head. Fred and George watch the sunlight that poured in through the window catch it and it shimmered prettily. Suddenly, their eyes sparkled mischievously, and they both answered in unison.
"Yes, Hermione! We did indeed. We also bought you a present." She looked surprised, and then immediately weary.
"You bought me a present? Why?" She asked accusingly. They both looked scandalized.
"Hermione, how can you sound like that?" Fred asked, looking hurt. George nodded, taking out the carefully wrapped gift, and handed it over to her.
"Yes, how can you? We put a lot of thought into it too!" Fred nodded in agreement with his brother. Hermione took the box and opened it carefully, as if expecting it to explode any second. Her eyes widened in surprise and she looked please.
"Lipstick! It looks very expensive…" Fred and George grinned at each other, while she examined it. She opened the lid to it and twisted the bottom. They watched her sniff its scent. She laughed.
"It smells like rose petals! I've never seen anything like it before. Thank you both so much!" She got up immediately and ran to hug them. Fred couldn't help but hold onto her when she made to move away to hug George.
"That's okay, Hermione, George is feeling a bit under the weather. You can give me his hug instead," Hermione rolled her eyes and George laughed.
"Aye, I think I might have a cold, you better stay back!" She shrugged and picked up the box she unwrapped the lipstick from.
"You're both so sweet, how can I repay you for this?" She looked at them both questioningly, eager to grant them any request. Fred was about to open his mouth to say something, but George shoved him hard, knowing exactly what he had in mind.
"By putting it on of course! You should put it on and show Harry and Ron. Their eyes will probably bulge out of their sockets when they see how gorgeous you are!" Hermione blushed a light shade of pink and hid behind her long hair.
"Alright, I'll be back later!" She dashed out of the compartment before they had time to say anything else.
They both burst out laughing, clutching their sides in agony.
"Oh god, Fred, what were we thinking? This is going to come back and bite us in the arse," said George, shaking his head in amusement. Fred stood up and stretched, looking at the door where Hermione had just exited from.
"Oh no…this is going to be very amusing. The effects from that lipstick should take effect about 10 minutes after she puts it on. It'll last for days. Providing she doesn't drink any wine. I wonder why wine has a reversing effect on the sexual enhancer we put in it…"
"She'll probably kill us, if she were to find out," George said, clicking his tongue.
"By then, she'll be in way over her head to notice," Fred smirked, shrugging it off. "Besides, it's just a harmless prank. What harm could it really do?"
Ron and Harry were laughing at a joke Ron made about Fred and George being back this year to assist Professor Flitwick in Charms, when the door to the last compartment slid open and standing there in front of them was Hermione. Both Ron and Harry stopped in mid-sentence and stared open-mouthed at her.
" Hermione?" croaked Ron, barely able to form the syllables of her name, his mouth gaping like a fish.
"My god, Hermione, you look…" Harry began, but decided not to finish that statement. After George and Fred had given her the gift, Hermione had gone back to the compartment at the back of the train, and began to wait for Harry and Ron. She had put on the lipstick and sat down with her favourite book, when suddenly she had dropped the book in distaste and looked down at her clothes and decided she didn't like them. She picked up her wand and transfigured her Hogwarts outfit. The skirt that had already been short, shortened itself and sliced itself up the side of her leg. Her Hogwarts button up shirt was sliced in half, revealing her midriff. The shirt hung off her shoulders, drawing attention to her breasts. She looked at herself in the reflection of the window and nodded her approval. She had then heard Ron and Harry outside the door and walked over to it, sliding it open. She smirked at their reactions, and cocked her head to the side, eyes glinting wickedly.
"Problem, boys?" she asked, taking a step backwards, allowing them into the compartment. Ron gulped audibly, and Harry did his best not to stare. This was definitely not the Hermione they grew up with. Something about her was definitely off and Harry noticed it right away. He looked at Ron to see if he noticed too, and immediately cursed silently. Ron was staring quite openly at her chest.
"He better stop looking at her like that," he thought angrily. "Or I'm going to hit him." Harry walked over to the seat and tugged Ron down next to him. Hermione sat across from them, crossing her legs. Harry noticed how Ron was watching her like he was ready to pounce. Well, he certainly was going to put an end to all of this nonsense.
"Hermione, why are you—" Harry was suddenly cut off by the door sliding open once more to reveal Draco Malfoy and his two goons that had grown considerably taller since the last time they had seen them. Harry noticed Malfoy hadn't slicked his hair and it looked windswept, which was definitely odd. He also immediately noticed that Malfoy was wearing dragon-hide pants. He looked up at Malfoy and sneered. He saw Malfoy do a double take when he noticed Hermione, and the immediate leer that spread across his face as his eyes roamed over her figure.
"Well, well, well…" Malfoy purred, his voice like liquid fire. Harry turned his eyes away from Malfoy immediately, and his eyes came level with Hermione's chest. He bit his lip in frustration.
"Noticed her chest as well then, Potter? I can see Weasel, as dumb as he is, managed to pick up on that too." Malfoy watched the black haired boy as his face whipped towards him, his eyes darkening dangerously. His silver eyes flickered when he heard the contempt spew from Potter's mouth.
"Don't you dare talk about her like that, Malfoy." Harry's eyes were narrowed into slits. He saw Weasley turn towards him then, his face bright red. Draco assumed that if Harry was not guilty of that accusation, the red head most certainly was.
"Yah, bugger off, Malfoy!" Ron snarled loudly, standing up, his fists clenched at his sides.
"Why? And miss the wonderful opportunity to see you slobber all over her? Why would she bother with either of you, when she could have someone like me?" Draco asked cockily, his eyes not leaving Potter's face. Ron's face was as red as his hair and he moved forward instantly, ready to fight, but Harry didn't move from his seat, his eyes still locked on the blond boy.
"Get out." Harry replied coldly. His voice was venom and Draco noticed that the green of his eyes had darkened to almost black. Then Hermione finally spoke for the first time since Malfoy entered the compartment.
"Now, now Draco…let's not assume things shall we? After all…why would I waste my special talents on your pathetic self when I have two incredibly attractive men who are probably better in bed then you anyway?" She cooed seductively, as she stood up and placed a reassuring hand on Ron's shoulder, making his freckles disappear completely on account of his blush worsening quite a bit. Harry, despite himself, blushed as well when her foot managed to run up his leg from where she stood. Malfoy's eyes narrowed with hatred at the three of them, his eyes lingering on Hermione.
"I'd never waste my time with a mudblood." He turned around, thinking he had the last say, but what surprised him more than anything was her reply.
"I may be a mudblood, but that bulge in your pants counters your other claim." And when he turned around to argue, she slammed the door in his face, and he heard the derisive laughter from the three Gryffindors inside. He growled and stormed angrily away from their compartment, his fellow Slytherin's trailing silently behind him.
Harry might have laughed when they walked into the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony, when all eyes seemed to turn to them. Except Harry knew exactly what they were looking at, and he didn't like it one bit. Hermione seemed unaware of the attention however. Despite her protestations, Harry finally managed to convince her to fix her Hogwarts uniform. She refused to put on her robes however, and Harry grimaced getting off the train, knowing that everyone would be staring. Ron was drooling all over himself, and it pissed Harry off to no end. She wasn't a goddamn piece of meat to be ogled at…she was Hermione! And she was acting differently and Harry didn't like it one bit. She hadn't even bothered to ask them if they did their homework over the summer. Honestly, what was going on?
Harry saw Fred and George approaching the table and he meant to call out to them but they looked at him, then pointed to Hermione, and stuck their thumbs up, raising their eyebrows. Harry didn't know what the hell they meant by that, but obviously it couldn't mean anything good. He watched them wearily as they walked up to the staff table to join the other staff. Surprisingly, Harry noticed, not one of the staff members seemed to notice Hermione's lack of robe. Harry rolled his eyes and turned back to Ron and Hermione and then immediately wished he hadn't. Ron was staring at Hermione's chest again, and Hermione was deliberately exposing herself to him. And if he didn't know any better, he could almost swear she was leering at him while giving Ron a peep show!
He felt himself blushing at the seductive way her tongue traced over her lips and found himself captivated by the glint of her eyes as she looked at him.
Oh this was bad. Very. Very. Bad.
Across the Great Hall, Draco Malfoy stared moodily at the Gryffindor table and watched with feigned interest as the first years trickled in through doors, following skittishly behind McGonagall. His fingernails tapped the table and he watched Parkinson fawn all over Blaire like he was some sort of God. Please. Tall, dark and handsome, my arse, thought Draco, preening slightly. I'm the fucking Slytherin Ice Prince. There's NO one more attractive than I am. For the first time however, he felt the small twinge of insecurity prod at his insides. His eyes refocused on the Golden Trio and wondered why on earth he ever managed to get mixed up with those fools.
Draco realized that Dumbledore had already given the word to begin supper, but he found that he lacked his usual appetite and remained lost in his own thoughts. He could barely make her movements across the hall, but Draco could almost swear Granger was deliberately trying to entice Weasley with her exposed chest. He noticed that most of the people surrounding Granger were in animated discussion with her. Potter seemed to be brooding; he sat next to her, leaning back slightly, so as to let the person sitting next to him speak to Hermione. He seemed almost oblivious to the whole thing, unless he was deliberately trying to pretend like it wasn't happen. Wasn't that so like Potter? Living in his own goddamn world, thinking he was better than the rest of them. It was goddamn ridiculous.
He blinked, and he realized that Granger was staring at him from across the hall. She was holding her spoon in her hand, and she eating a bowl of ice cream. Oh. My. Fucking.God. Her head was tilted slightly, and her mouth wrapped around the spoon, her lips tightening around the silver object seductively. He watched the head of the spoon disappear into her mouth. She twirled it once and pulled out it of her mouth very slowly. Draco just knew, even though he was nowhere near her, that the spoon had made a 'popping' noise.
Draco was beyond aroused and he thanked Merlin when dinner was over and avoided everyone's inquiries when he walked hurriedly out of the Great Hall, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone, and then sprinted all the way back to the Slytherin dungeons. He burst into his private room and immediately threw off his robes, tore off his shirt, and stepped out of his pants and climbed into bed. He just needed to calm down, to stop thinking about this. The whole idea was getting out of hand. He should have never fraternized with the enemy to begin with.
Whatever, he thought. The mudblood is gorgeous. I want her. I'm going to have her, and I don't give a fuck what anyone says. ESPECIALLY Potter.
Staring up at the canopy above his bed, Draco suddenly wondered about when Granger had gotten so confident…and sexy. She hasn't seen anything yet. He suddenly felt better about the turn of events, his confidence returning to him tenfold.