May 30th

Boston, Massachusetts

Gabriella's POV

It all comes down to this. This is what you've waited your whole life for. It feels like just yesterday I was a high school student who had fallen in love with a basketball star. Never did I see this coming. It's just too good to be true. I'm finally marrying the man of my dreams.

So, why do I have this weird feeling inside? A feeling as if something bad is going to happen. I know Troy's the one, but there's something that just doesn't seem right. Maybe it's not Troy at all; maybe I'm just excited, and overreacting. Yeah, that's probably it.


Gabriella was pushed her strange thoughts out of her head, and quickly jumped up out of bed. It was a bright summer's day, with the sun shining the birds were singing, and to top it all off, she was getting married, to her high school sweetheart, and her love, Troy Bolton. It seemed as though life couldn't get any better.

"GABRIELLA MONTEZ GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" yelled a frustrated Gina Montez, Gabriella's mother.

Gabriella slipped on her robe and slippers and ran down the curvy stairs. Her mother was standing in the kitchen hands on hips. Gabriella just smiled at her.

"Good morning dear mother." She said while kissing her on the cheek.

"Don't you try to butter me up. You should have been up an hour ago. You're getting married today and you seem to not care at all." Gina said, with a small smile curling at the corner of her mouth.

"Mother, mother, please I don't need that right now. I was absolutely exhausted. You've been pushing me in all sorts of directions for the past month. I wanted to get at least a little sleep before my wedding." Gabriella said with a warm voice.

Gina smiled. "I know, and I'm sorry. It's just hard to see my little girl finally grow up." She said in a teary voice.

Gabriella hugged her mother tight. "Don't worry mom, you'll see me plenty. I'll make sure of it."

Mother and daughter smiled at each other, and busily started making some breakfast. While Gabriella was eating some cereal, contemplating what it will be like being the wife of a CIA agent, she heard the front door open and close softly. A smile curled onto her lips. There was only one person who tried so hard to come in unnoticed, but always failed to do so.

Gabriella slipped around the kitchen and hid behind the door. She tried to contain herself from laughing as she heard quiet, but firm, footsteps walk into the kitchen. When she saw the back of someone, she took her chance, and jumped out from her hiding place.

"BOO!" she shouted. The muscular body of Troy Bolton jumped as high as the countertop and turned around to see who it was. Gabriella immediately started laughing and giggling at his shocked face. But Troy recovered quickly and within one small swift move, Troy had Gabriella hanging over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, begging for mercy.

"Troy, please….giggle…….let me……giggle….down….laugh….."

Troy smiled into her waist, and carefully put her down, but kept her snug in his arms.

"Well Mrs. almost Bolton, what did I do to deserve that?" He said with a voice full of teasing.

"Oh, I don't know, just a little pay back from all those times you scared me during high school." She said smiling, remembering the good times.

"Well, if that's how it is, I guess I'm just going to have to get you back again." Troy said, pulling her closer.

"And what's your plan of attack, Agent Bolton?" Gabriella said, in a softer voice.

Troy leaned his head down a little. "Oh, I think I have an idea in mind." He said even quieter.

"How about you tell me your little secret?" she said, taking in the sweet smell of his breath.

Troy smiled a crooked smile. "I think I can arrange that." He said, and with that he pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her ever so gently, yet with passion. He pulled away a minute later to look into her eyes.

"I think I can handle that kind of punishment." Gabriella said, breathing slightly heavier with a small smile creeping onto her lips.


The music started. The beautiful bride started taking the long awaited walk down the isle. Her white dress was simple, but elegant. Her dark gorgeous hair was falling around her face in pretty little ringlets. And her whole self just seemed to glow as if she was an angel from heaven.

Gabriella looked up and Troy and smiled. She truly was going to be happy. The entire ceremony seemed pointless until their "I do's", because she was lost in those striking blue eyes that belonged to the man in front of her.

Before she knew it, they were kissing, and everyone was cheering. They ran out, holding hands, to the limo that was waiting for them to take them to the hotel they would stay in tonight. They had to attend the reception before they could go on any honeymoon. Tomorrow they would leave for Hawaii.

Once in the car, and away from the noise, Troy just took Gabriella in his arms and buried his face in her fruity smelling hair, and started to cry.

Gabriella, feeling somewhat alarmed pushed him forward and took his face in her hands.

"What's the matter?" she said full of worry. Troy sniffed, and smiled a teary smile.

"I'm just can't believe we're finally married. After all that we've been through, we're finally married." He said in a matter of a fact voice.

Gabriella leaned up and kissed him quickly. "I can't believe it either, but aren't I supposed to be the one that cries." She said teasing.

Troy chuckled, and wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and just kissed her. In no time at all, the car stopped in front of the hotel. Troy helped Gabriella out, and they checked in. Once they were in the room, Gabriella quickly went into the bathroom and changed. Wedding dresses are nice, but very uncomfortable after a while. And if she was going to have to stay in it tonight, she wanted as much time out of it as possible.

20 minutes later, when she came out of the bathroom, she found Troy, still in part of his tux, sprawled out on the big, inviting bed.

Gabriella tip toed over and leaned down to peck him on the lips. Troy opened his eyes and opened his arms. Gabriella gladly slipped into them.

Troy rolled on top of her and kissed her good and hard. When his mouth was free, he would whisper her name.

He pulled back slightly, and stared into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I love you Mrs. Bolton."

"I love you Mr. Bolton."


The reception hall seemed absolutely gorgeous. There were candles lit, music playing, and people everywhere. Everything seemed to be just perfect, until around 8:00 pm.

"Geez, I don't think I can smile anymore, my mouth hurts." Gabriella said massaging her mouth.

Troy laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"Don't worry princess, it's almost done."

Gabriella looked around, and seeing that no one else was in the line at the moment, she decided she needed to go to the ladies room.

"I'll be back soon, I need to slip into the ladies room." She told Troy, kissing him of the cheek.

"Okay, but hurry back. People will start coming again."

Gabriella nodded, and walked to the bathroom on the right side of the room. She slipped in and turned on the light. She slumped into a chair and sat there. Then, that strange feeling came back into the pit of her throat. She felt as though someone was watching her. Gabriella looked up to see herself in the mirror, and screamed at the top of her lungs. Eric Thompson was behind her, a gun pointed at her head.

Gabriella's scream made Troy run at top speed toward where she had gone. Tyler, Alex and Sam, who just happened to be at the reception, jumped up as well and ran toward Troy.

Troy, trying to get past startled people, could see Gabriella being pulled by a man in the opposite direction. Gabriella was absolutely terrified.

"Troy! Troy, help me! TROY!" she yelled. This made Troy move faster, pushing and shoving, but not succeeding.

Once he reached the door, there was no sign of them. Alex, Tyler and Sam were behind him, panting.

"Troy, what happened?" Tyler asked.

Troy just stood in bewilderment. "My wife was just kidnapped."

(a/n: okey dokey, there's that chapter. I'm really excited for this story. I've done a lot of research, and I hope I can do even better on the next chapter. I've already got the next chapter outlined, and I should have it up soon. Probably by Tuesday, it should be up. Please read and review, and tell me what you think.)