Okay, so I should be working on my other story, but I'm lazy and this one has been bugging me, so here it is :)


He grabbed my hair and pulled my to the floor, shoving my face in the broken bits of plate and food.

"Do you see what you've done!" He pushed me harder into the floor and I felt the pieces of glass begin to pierce my skin. Nausea came over me when I smelled the sickening sweet blood.

"Yes, I'm..I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I sobbed


"No, no I." He slapped me in the face, "Please." He slapped me again and then threw me to the floor.

"Get out of my sight you disgusting creature." I tried to stand up and felt antagonizing pain in my ankle causing me to fall back to the floor with a small yelp. "GET OUT OF HERE I SAID" I could tell he was coming for me again and so I quickly got up, ignoring the pain and ran out of the house, looking over my shoulder to see if he would follow me. But he didn't, he never did.

You see, I am an orphan. My parents died when I was eight, leaving me with nowhere to go, no one to take care of me. I had run away from all the social workers, I had been so confused and they all seemed like monsters, playing around with me as if I was an inanimate object. Paul had found me on the streets a few nights later, half dead from starvation and hyothermia. He took me in.

At first, things where good. He seemed like a nice man who truly cared for me. But then one night I accidentally threw up on him and he exploded, slapping and kicking me until I couldn't stand up. He left and came back the next day, apologizing, telling me that he had trouble with his temper and it wouldn't happen again.

And it didn't for a few weeks, but then I got him angry and it happened again, and again, and soon it was an everyday occurrence. He was always drunk and brought strange "Friends" over to the house. I would lock my self in my room when he was home, especially when his friends where there too. I would try not to anger him. I would try to make everything perfect for him. But I was clumsy and stupid, I always messed up.

I thought about leavening allot, but I had nowhere to go, no money to get me anywhere. I had no friends. I had never attended school or anything. I only went out of the house to do errands for Paul and every now and then I would sneak out when Paul would go missing for a week or two like he tended to do and stop by the library, teaching myself everything I would need to know. Reading books way beyond my reading level.

And now here I was, out on the street. I would go back in the morning when his anger had died down like I always did when he was this mad and it would be like nothing had ever happened. Well, at least until he got mad again.

I limped down the street and stopped outside a wall-mart, sitting down on a bench to examine the damage. I pulled up my pants leg to examine my angle first. It was in the most pain. It was most definantly broken and out of place. My whole foot was swollen and purple. I reached down and gently prodded it until I found the right place and moved the bone quickly back in place. I bit my tongue to hold back a yelp and tears rolled down my cheeks.

I had broken many bones before and knew by now that the only way it would heal was if it was in the right place. I tore of a piece of my jacket and wound it tightly around my ankle, securing it with a piece of string from my pocket. Next was my face. I gingerly touched over it. They're where several deep cut, but the worst was a gash that had a deep piece of glass embedded in it.

This was going to be difficult, I would need to find a mirror to look at what I was doing. I hade become an expert over the years on caring for my injuries. I had even read a few medical books at the library. It was my survival skill. I layed back and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain, willing it to go away.

"Oh my"

My eyes quickly shot open at the gasp. The most beautiful women I had even seen stood in front of me. She was small, but taller than me. Her skin was chalky white and her eyes where a beautiful golden color with dark purple bruise like shadows under them. She had wavy carmel hair cascading down her back and her eyes where filled with concern.

"Oh my dear, what happened to you?"

"Oh its nothing" I lied casually, I had perfected this skill, "I fell of my bike is all. I'll be fine"

"Oh no, you need to see a doctor!"

"Really, I'm okay" I said waving my hand to wave it away as if it where nothing, but I winced when a searing pain went up my wrist to my elbow. Her eyes opened even wider. Shoot.

"Come on I'll take you" she said, a determination in her eyes

"No thank you" I said polity as possible. I could tell she really did want to help me, but I honestly had no money to go to the doctor.

"I insiste!" when I shook my head no she sighed heavily "Well, at least let me take you to my house to see my husband. He is a doctor. Please, let him take a look at you." I was very ready to refuse her offer when I began to feel nauseas and before I knew what had happened I passed out.

I opened my eyes to find that I was lying down on a nice leather seat. I was definantly in a car. My first instinct was to get away, to jump out, to get out of danger, but before I could do anything I remembered what had happened.

"How are you feeling" the lady was in the front seat driving. I tried to sit up, but my head immediately started to spin. Why lie now? I was already in too deep.

"Horrible" I could see the frown cover her face even in the dark.

"We are almost to my house. Carlisle will fix you up" With that I put my head pack down and drifted into a light sleep. When I work up I was lying in a bed. I breifly remembed cold stone arms picking me up and bringing me into the house. There was a buzz of commotion and someone had to leave the house, something about not being able to stand my smell. Was I that bad? Then I think somebody, probably the man called Carlisle, probed around all the injuries. I had barley been conscious through it all and everything was fuzzy. I sat up and saw a cast on my leg, a splint on my arm ,and various bandages covering my body. I reached up to touch my cheek and felt a few stitches tugging my skin back in place. My entire body ached with pain and purple bruises had begun to form over my arms, legs, and hips. I was just about to get up and try and make my way out of the house when a man came in the door. He was inhumanly beautiful with the same pale skin, gold eyes, and purple shadows as the women the night before.

"I wouldn't try and get up if I was you," he said with a small smile. He came and sat on the edge of my bed, extending a hand towards me.

"I'm Carlisle." I reached out to shake his hand attentively. His skin was cold and stone hard.
"Bella" I said cautiously. My life had taught me to trust no one and he was no exception.

"Bella, Esme tells me you where in a bike accident, can you tell me what happened?" Esme must have been the women from the night before.

"I crashed my bike into a ditch and landed on a broken bottle" He gave me a disbelieving look, but said nothing of it.

"You broke your leg, and spranged your wrist. You busied two of your ribs and I had to give you five stitches on you face."

"Thank you for everything." I told him politely, "But I really have to get going now" I tried to sit up but he merely chuckled at me and gently pushed me back down.

"I don't think so. Your in no condition to go anywhere right now, you need to rest, but if you would like you can call your parents and see if they would like to come pick you up and either take you to a hospital, take you home ,or leave you here for a few days so I can watch how you are healing." Oh no.

"Umm.Well, they are out of town for the week, but I have to get home, they wouldn't want me staying at a strangers home" I lied, coming up with the best excuse I could think off while my head was spinning

"Why don't you give me their number then so I can call them and talk to them, You really should stay in some ones care."

"I..they..I don't know it" He stared me down, looking me straight in the eye. I looked down and played with a lose sting on one of the covers.

"Bella" I didn't look up at him, but fidgeted slightly in my bed, "You where not in a bike accident. Please who did this to you." I felt my vision begin to blur as tears threatened to fall. I blinked them back. I could not cry now. I could not show weakness.

"I don't know what your talking about" My whisper was hardly audible but he heard.

"Bella please" When I didn't look up at him he sighed. "Fine, we can talk about it later" With that he walked to the door, I felt him give me one last look before he exited. I layed down and turned over on my side, letting a single tear roll down my face. This wasn't good. Paul would most defiantly be mad if wasn't home in a few hours, but there was no escaping. I couldn't walk with the crazy caste on my leg. I layed there for about twenty minutes when I heard the door creak open slowly. I rolled over to see a pixie like girl peaking into the room. She had short hair and was no taller than an eleven year old, but she looked to be about my age. She walked gradually into the room, a gigantic small on her face when she realized I was awake. She came and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm Alice"

"Bella" her smile grew even wider if that was possible and she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't help but smile at her. Her happiness was contagious.

"You very pretty" I bushed at her comment. I had never been told that before and quite frankly I did not believe it. It was a pity comment. She took a deep breath and look like she was about to say something (allot of something) when a tall, lean guy with honey blonde hair walked thought the door.

"Alice, what did I tell you about bothering her? Hmm?" Alice's eyes widened and she looked extremely innocent, or guilty. One of the two.

"What ever are you taking about love?" He looked over at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry. Bella, right" I nodded my heard. "I'm Jasper, very nice to meet you." He stayed by the door, keeping distance between us for some odd reason, and waved at Alice. "Come one Alice, Emmet wants to ask you something. Sorry for bothering you Bella" and with that they both left. No one bothered me for the rest of the day and I drifted off to sleep.