Disclaimer: I do not own POTC, only Costantina, Aurora, Illyria, Margaret and the plot. Read and Review if you'd like
The seas were as calm as could be since Captain Jack Sparrow, Lord of the Caribbean, was rescued from Davy Jones locker and since the pirate lords had made their stand at Shipwreck Island. Captain Hector Barbossa sailed the seas upon the Black Pearl looking for whom he had again taken the ship from. Jack held the map to the Fountain of Youth in his small boat and was somewhere on the seas, moving closer and closer to his destination. Jack had a few days advantage in front of the Black Pearl, but none could ever hope to outrun it, not even the Flying Dutchman could. Barbossa's men hoisted Jack up onto deck and searched his small boat for the map.
"Where be it Jack?" Barbossa asked, holding his hand out for the map that was stolen.
"Where be what exactly?" Jack asked swaying and moving to walk around Barbossa.
"The map, where be my map?" His hand curled around Jacks shirt, keeping him in eyes view.
"The map?" Jack looked down at Barbossa's hand with confusion and took his hand, as if a vile item and removed it from his shirt. "Oh that map?' He swung around and began walking down the stairs. "My head." He turned and pointed to his head, a smile playing upon his lips.
"Don't be playing ye' games Jack, where is the map?" Barbossa strolled down the stairs after Jack, removing his sword and pointing it at Jacks throat.
"I said, my head mate." Jack pointed the sword away from his throat and leaned forward, whispering to the other man. "I threw it out to sea, only I know where the fountain is, savvy?" Jack leaned back and smirked, wobbling a bit in his stance. Barbossa's eyes darkened and he pointed his sword back at Sparrow.
"And where exactly does it lay?" Jack smirked and looked at Barbossa with confidence.
"Before I disclose that to you, I think you'll be helping me out with something first. Shall we?" He strolled into the Captains quarters, and Barbossa with a curious look in eye, followed.
A sea breeze carried the lively chatter of the Sicilian people to the docks of their port, which was strangely quiet except for the splashing of the waves. An elegant black ship had pulled into port and quickly commandeered the area.
"Dock the Pearl." Barbossa's loud command was heard yelling over the rest of the men's grunts.
"Jack wants ta be in an' out of this place." His monkey, also named Jack, jumped down from the mast and perched upon his shoulder, a note in hand. Barbossa opened the note and saw Jacks chicken scratch.
It lies upon the younger one.
Barbossa glanced at the dock and saw the crew bustle about to finish docking. Mentally he selected men to go ashore with him and to gain what Jack sought. He walked down to the men, calling each pirate by name and having them ready to disembark. He was first to exit the ship, and Jack was last, all the others having gone between the two. Adjusting his hat upon his head, he nodded to Barbossa who began leading the men up the cobble stone streets.
The group made their way through the deserted town and soon was at the Castle's outer wall. Voices drifted over the walls, as some of the pirates scaled them and then opened the metal gate, allowing the other men to easily enter. Everyone drew their swords as they came upon the town watching a ceremony take place.
"And if any man or woman holds objections to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest spoke loudly, and began speaking after there were no immediate objections.
"Aye Sir, I speak against it." Jacks voice rose above the priests and all turned to see the armed crew. Panic descended upon everyone while soldiers drew their swords.
"Get the woman out of here." The groom yelled turning to his bride, giving her a kiss and drawing his sword while the King grabbed her and the flower girl by hand.
"After em!" Barbossa yelled while slicing a solider on his arm. The crew pushed forward as the three escaped from sight.
"Gibbs!" Jack yelled pushing a man back into another group and knocking them down. His second in command quickly made his way over and they fought back to back.
"Have Barbossa stay and keep everyone busy, we'll go around back and catch them." Gibbs delivered the message and the two snuck out the front unnoticed. They ran along the outer walls until they came to the back of the castle, and while rounding the corner saw the king and the girls exit the back door. The king however glanced over and drew his sword, shouting a message to the girls.
"Costantina, Margaret run!"
"Papa!" The younger girl named Margaret called while her sister grabbed her hand and began running again. Gibbs charged the king while Jack followed the bride and her sister into town again. Looking over her shoulder, the two took a sharp right into an alley and Jack knew he had them cornered. Standing in the entrance, he leaned against the wall and examined his nails as the older woman hid the child.
"Now come on love, just give Captain Jack 'ere what 'e wants." From the folds of her dress, she produced a sword and spoke to him with a bell-like voice, sweet but strong.
"Come and take if it you dare pirate." Jack smirked and he spared against her as her sister began setting up crates so she could climb up on the roof. Jack took in Costantina's fighting stance and realized she had been trained to use a sword.
"I see you're caught up on your fighting darling, lets see if you can keep up with Jack eh?" The two fought for some time until finally he knocked her sword from her hand.
"Move aside." He asked nicely pointing his sword next to her.
"You'll have to run me through." Her jade eyes shined with stubbornness.
"And why would I do that to such a pretty lass, much more I could do than run your through." He raised his eyebrows towards the sky and pushed her to the side just as Margaret reached the top of her stack. She was reaching for the edge to pull herself up when a hand shot out and dragged the screaming girl the rest of the way.
"Margaret!" Her sister screamed, turning and rushing past Jack onto one of the crates, her dress making it hard to climb.
"Costan!" She yelled back until her mouth was covered by a clothed hand. Glancing over the edge, Jack and Costantina starred back into beautiful stormy sea blue eyes with heavy curly brown hair framing them.
"Illyria." Jack muttered. She smiled and placed her boot against the top crate, causing Costantina's eyes to widen.
"Aye Jack, finder's keepers eh love?" She pushed the crate over, causing Costantina to tumble back and fall on top of Jack, allowing Illyria to run away with her sister.
"Get off; I can't seem to breathe much." Jack coughed from under the weight of the dress and rolled Costan off his body. He stood and brushed himself off, bending over to retrieve his hat. He placed it back on his head and starred at Costan.
"Costantina was it? We'll seems your sisters gone and I needed her for two reasons, she has something I want." He took a step towards the girl who cowered back against the wall, trying to escape him. "And she was going to be ransomed to your father for money, my crew is a bit strapped right now and well, we need rum." He was soon in front of her and brushed her ebony black bangs from her eyes. "Although you can fix our second problem and." He leaned in closer near her face "You're a bit better on the eyes." Going in for a kiss, Costantina slapped him in the face, stopping him.
"Pirate scum." She spat, going to slap him again. He caught her hand and leaned in again.
"Captain pirate scum if you don't mind." He leaned back and began dragging her down the streets to the ship, seeing Barbossa and the men boarding. They came to the ship and walked up the plank.
"Hoist the sails. "He yelled still holding her wrist.
"This be her?" Barbossa asked, walking over to the two.
"No, but she can at least be our ransom, her father sees her on the ship, wave to your father love." Jack said raising her hand in the air and waving it as the Black Pearl left harbor.
"And she sleeps where?" Barbossa asked although he knew the answer already.
"Captains quarters." Jack said dragging her to the said room and lightly tossing her inside, locking the door once she was in. Banging was heard as Costan screamed at Jack for his actions who simply ignored her.
"And now where to Jack?" Jack went to the edge of the ship and removed his telescope from his pocket and starred out at the departing ship, heading the other way.
"Tortuga." Barbossa yells the order to his men and Jack exchanges his telescope for his compass, the thing alternating between pointing at the departing ship and the area behind him.
The crew arrived in Tortuga a few days and docked in the port. Jack and Barbossa stood at the plank that led down to the deck.
"Have a crewman stay outside the gal's door, we will go in town and find some information on Illyria and if she's been seen." Barbossa laughed as he made his way down the plank with Jack.
"Seems the wrench has got the best of ye again." Jack rolled his eyes and spun around on his foot at the bottom of the plank.
"No, seems she hasn't." He spun again, his hand waving through the air as he walked. "She's just doing all the dirty work for me, unknowingly of course." Barbossa raised his eyebrow and caught up to Jack.
"Dirty work? You didn't seem keen to mention that when I first took this on, care to mention it now?" Barbossa's eyes gleamed with danger and Jack shook him off again, looking cautious.
"Later, on the ship when we return." He said delaying and striding forward again. Barbossa rolled his eyes but followed suit leaving Pintel and Ragetti to watch her door. They walked through the town, eyeing various wrenches and whores who were suitable for the night. They entered the Fur Immer and Jack waltzed over to the bar matron, a beautiful tall woman with straight blonde hair and shining ice blue eyes.
"Jack." She said sweetly, causing him to lean forward onto the bar and smile sweetly at the girl.
"Aurora, love, how have you been?" A quick and harsh slap to the face silenced him while Barbossa looked on with amusement in his eyes.
"How have I been Jack? You stole my money again and not to mention my fathers boat the last time. Do you even know how long it-"But she quieted when Jack held up a finger.
"That money will be paid in due time, we have ransom coming from Sicily, but dear please, a bit of rum if you don't mind." Aurora sighed and turned her full body to the other end of the counter to gather a drink for the men. Jack turned to Barbossa who raised his eyebrows and took a seat next to him.
"Another ye owe money to? Why Jack, you might as well owe the world all your fortunes." Jacks mouthed twitched as he turned to Barbossa.
"I do owe the world my fortunes; just don't be planning to actually pay them back." Aurora appeared with two bottles of rum for them and she leaned forward, showing her ample cleavage.
"How can I help you boys?" Her blonde hair fell in her eyes and Jack suavely brushed it from her face.
"Have you heard anything of interest lately?" Aurora smirked and leaned back, eyeing Jack with lust.
"Depends on what interest you." She traced his fingers with her own and he smiled taking her hand in his.
"Captain Piquon." The name caused Aurora's face to fall and she pulled back from Jack.
"That vile creature? For what interest is she to you?" Jack leaned forward to take her hand again but Aurora stepped from his grasp.
"My reasons are my own love, but you'd be very helpful to Captain Jack if you told me what you know, and yes you know things, I can see it in your eyes." Aurora frowned but took a tentative step towards him.
"Word round here has it that she kidnapped a child from Sicily, a child who holds some sort of sacred item that belongs to the sea." Jack took a long swig of the rum and leaned back placing a hand upon his forehead.
"Yes yes, I know all this, but any reason why or where she plans to go?" Aurora smiled and held her hand out, asking for money.
"Later love." Jack said taking her hand and placing it back on the counter which she grew angry.
"Not this time Jack." Placing one hand upon her hip, she held her hand out again. A large bag of gold coins fell onto the counter and Jack glanced over at Barbossa.
"That be all ye getting miss, you'll tell us now before we take some horrid measures to get our information." Aurora's eyes widen and she starred at the purse, talking quickly with excitement.
"Word be that she heads towards the sunken temple of Neptune, the relic of the sea will shine and show the way from there to where it must be truly used. This relic, gives supposed immorality to the person who can tame it." Aurora's hand inched forward for the bag but Barbossa moved it from her grasp.
"But where be the temple." Aurora's eyes looked up and she smiled with a hint of dread.
"Between Scylla and Charybdis." The men's eyes widen and Aurora took the gold before they took it from her.
"We be going now Jack." He took Jacks arm and led the man out of the brothel quickly, with a purpose. Moments later a scream was heard and Aurora came rushing out.
"Get them1 The dirty liars and cheats! Get Sparrow!" The announcement of his name caused some men to look up, men Jack owed money to. He smiled and shrugged, quickly turning and taking off towards the Black Pearl with Barbossa who drew his sword and cut down men in the way or who got to close. The crew of the Pearl was ready and as soon as Barbossa and Jack set foot onto the ship, they pulled the plank up and began to depart, leaving the town of Tortuga and its inhabitants behind. Jack turned and met the glare of Barbossa.
"Time for that talk Jack." Both men walked to the captains quarters and opened the door to find it empty.
"Where did she go?" Barbossa asked, scanning the room while Jack entered and searched around. Suddenly a pot was broken over Jacks head causing the man to tumble and from behind the door, Costantina tried to escape out the open doorway. Barbossa quickly grabbed her long wavy hair and pulled her back into the room.
"You'll not go anyway Coast." He walked her to a seat and pushed her into it, having her join them at the table for dinner.
"Start speaking Jack, you've only got until dinner before I throw you overboard, or better yet make a visit to your favorite island." Jack threw a sarcastic smile to Barbossa but sat down at the table next to the girl whom had crossed her arms and refused to eat.
"You see Hector, what this girl's younger sister had, was a key, a necklace in the shape of a trident. It's a symbol of their family but her sister Margaret's is the key to the temple door. The temple shows the location of the real Trident and in turn, you can rule the sea with its power. But obviously from Auroras description there are many dangers on the way to the temple." Jack stood and began pacing in front of the group.
"And why should I lend m ship to ya?" Barbossa asked, taking a bite from his green apple and cutting a slice for his monkey to eat.
"My ship mate, but because when I become ruler of the sea, I'd allow you safe passage over my waters." Barbossa raised an eyebrow and stood.
"And why should I let you keep the trident?" Barbossa's men took that moment and stormed into the room, their swords drawn.
"Take them both to the brig, they can enjoy each others company. Make course for Charybdis." The men grabbed both Jack and Costantina and took them below deck throwing them behind the iron cages.
"Well this is familiar." Jack said while Costantina glared at him before slapping him one last time and sitting in the corner, her arms folded across her chest.
"Yes very familiar." He rubbed his cheek and sat across from the girl, pulling his hat low and rest for the night.
The night wind smelled from the salt of the sea and the Tigers Eye effortlessly sailed to its destination.
"Captain, a storm is brewing behind us, do we dock until it passes?" The captain turned and her long brown hair whipped across her face as the wind began to pick up.
"We sail for Scylla, no stopping for anything." She walked into her quarters and saw the young brunette sleeping, her necklace still resting on her neck and chest. Illyria smiled in delight and exited, taking her place back at the wheel.