Okay, so I had this random idea for a Bleach yaoi because... I have yet to find one with this pairing... at least not on also did this because NLINTDMOI is one chapter away from done... so, yeah... enjoy

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Bleach so dun sue me... D:

Warnings: Yaoi, lemons later... the norm... for me...


Chapter 1

Wild Strawberry

Ichigo sat in the same place he always did; the roof of the school. Though school was out, he still sat here to get away from the family to think.

'Okay. So, we didn't reach Rukia in time. But, she knew we were there and told us not to come closer. I wonder... did she really want to die?'

Ichigo groaned and leaned against the railing. "I need to stop thinking so much about it...," he mused aloud. After another hour, he stood and looked over at the city. The sun was just setting, and any normal person would've found it beautiful but Ichigo... "What the fuck is everyone staring? It happens everyday." He rolled his eyes and picked up his backpack to walk home.

"I'm back. I'm not hungry either."


"Hey. Anyone here?" Ichigo furrowed his brows... well... more than normal. He walked about the kitchen until he came across a note on the table.

'Ichigo, your sisters and I left for the week on an emergency call to another side of the country. You know what you can and can't do. See ya.'

Ichigo blinked before grabbing the note. "Why the fuck do you always leave when I'm not here!?" He huffed and started stomping upstairs. Once to his room, he threw open the door and stopped to stare blankly.

"Hanatarou, what the hell are you doing here!?" Said person looked up and tilted his head. "Well, Rukia-san wanted me to make sure you would be okay if she died and, well..." Ichigo threw a book at his head.

"I'M FINE, DUMBASS!" His eye twitched as he stood in the doorway. Hanatarou had fallen off the chair and landed on his face. Hanatarou flipped his legs over so he was standing again and rubbed his neck while laughing nervously. "I knew you would be, but Rukia-san specifically requested it as her final wish. I could not ignore her." He walked over to Ichigo and started inspecting him.

"W-What the hell are you doing!?" Ichigo went to move away but Hanatarou reached up and grabbed his sleeve. "Don't worry. I'm just making sure your previous wounds have healed well and that you havent't obtained anymore." He knew that it was weird, but it was then that Ichigo realized how much smaller Hanatarou was than himself. "Okay..."

"Remove your shirt." Ichigo went to protest but remembered that's where his largest wounds were so he guickly removed his shirt. The sooner this was over, the sooner Hanatarou would leave. "Well, those seem okay, but Ichigo-san..."


"When was the last time you ate?"

Ichigo gulped and pulled his shirt back on. "That is none of your business!" Hanatarou gave him an almost saddened look. "You need to eat, Ichigo-san." Ichigo groaned and flopped onto his bed. "A month." He didn't know why, but he now felt like he had to answer the meak Soul Reaper.

"Ichigo-san! That isn't very good for your health!" Ichigo turned his back to him and yawned. "Well, I'm going to sle-."

"No you're not! You're going to eat." Ichigo blinked as he was picked up. "What!?" He blinked again and realized Hanatarou had him thrown over his shoulder. 'He's stronger than I thought...'

Hanatarou placed him on the chair and chained him to the chair. "Wasn't that a bit drastic, Hanatarou?"

"No. Knowing you, you would've run when I had my back turned." Ichigo looked to the right. 'He's right.' After a few minutes, Hanatarou placed a bowl of rice and an omlette infront of him. "Hurry up and eat before it gets cold." He sat in the chair across from him and started scarfing down his own food like a wild dog. "Er... Hanatarou...?"

"Hmm?" He looked up with a piece of omlette hanging from his mouth. "Uh, it's kinda hard for me to eat without the usage of my FUCKING HANDS!" Hanatarou cringed and undid the binding.

"Geez, no reason to yell." Hanatarou sat back down, pouting slightly. Ichigo blinked and started eating. "Sorry..." Both remained silent after that.



Hanatarou blinked and looked over to Ichigo from the bed. "Yeah?"


Hanatarou tapped his chin and shrugged. "I don't know. Do you want me to leave?" Ichigo sent him a weird look. "That would be nice..."

"Okay. Um..." Hanatarou went looking around Ichigo's room which only made Ichigo angrier. "What are you doing?"

"I can't remember how I got here..." He laughed nervously again. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT REMEMBER SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?" Ichigo threw his pen at his head, huffing loudly. "Wait..."

Ichigo blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Ooops... Ichigo-san, do you know anywhere I could stay for awhile?" Ichigo gave him a weird look. "The portal won't be able to open for another month."

Hanatarou picked up his little box of supplies, waiting for directions to some place to stay. "You can stay here..."


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Bored x.x Anywho, the next chapter shall be called Tame Flower... Yeah...