Pirates of the Caribbean 4: Aqua de Viva

By: Eriksleadinglady


Summary ( SPOILERS): Jack's out on a quest for the Fountain of Youth and the Black Pearl; Will has to deal with being the Captain of the Flying Dutchman; Elizabeth is a Captain herself; and Barbossa is trying to beat Jack to the finish line. Now, their fates are intertwined, but how do they join?

Chapter 1: Doing the Job

Onboard the Black Pearl, Captain Barbossa glared through his telescope. He snarled as he pulled it away from his eye. Turning around quickly, he ordered, "All hands on deck! We've got a pillager a'comin."

Standing by the railing, staring over the seas, Ragetti gulped. "A pillager. That sounds like a scary beastie thing."

Pintel, who was standing beside him, slapped him on the back of the head. "It's a pirate, you numbskull."

"If it's a pirate, then why didn't Barbossa just say it was a pirate?" whined Ragetti as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Because," growled Barbossa from behind them, "it's Jack Sparrow."

"Oh," Ragetti responded quietly, nodding his head in understanding. Then, realizing that he did not actually understand, spun around to face Barbossa, but the Captain was already gone.

He shook his head in disappointment. "You can never have a real conversation with that man."

Pintel just rolled his eyes, wondered why he even talked with Ragetti, and then went off to prepare for Jack.


Out in the sea, Jack Sparrow rummaged through his boat. Why could he never find the rum?

"Ah," he softly declared when as last his fingers were around the neck of the green bottle. He caressed the neck just before he raised it to his awaiting lip. However, just as he was about to gulp down the rum, a rushing sound came from his left, and pretty soon, giant waves swept up, wetting both him and his dingy. Then, with the bottle still lifted and none of the rum gone, he felt his tiny boat go up and then down. Slowly he shifted his eyes, and then turned his head. Upon seeing what caused the splash, Jack quickly spun around, drank the rest of the rum, and then turned back to face the Flying Dutchman.

Swaying as he crossed the four-foot width of his boat, he waited for the Captain to show himself. When Will did come, along with the rest of his crew, Jack yelled, "Oy, what are you doing here?"

Will, or rather, Captain Turner, replied, "I came to do my job."

Jack gulped and a wild, wide-eyed look of fear came across his face. His hands felt all over his body as he asked, "Am I dead again?"

Will smiled as he shook his head. "No, Jack. This time, it's not you."

Then Jack spread open his arms and smirked devilishly. "Of course I'm not dead; Elizabeth's not around."

Frowning and looking forlorn, Will said quietly, "No, she's not."

Jack smiled knowingly. "Ah yes, that's right, you can't see your bonny lass for another ten years." Then, after thinking about it, Jack, too, got sad. "By then, she'll be wrinkled and sagging... That won't be becoming of her at all."

"Elizabeth with always be beautiful."

Jack dismissed this notion with a wave of his hand. "Nonsense. She'll get old and wrinkled, like all other women, while you will stay the same forever. Then, eventually, she will die and you, Captain Turner, will live on forever." After a pause, he added, "Without her."

Trying to be optimistic, though it was hard to do after what Jack just said, Will added, "That day will come, yes, but she and I will be together until that day."

Jack frowned. "You're looking to the good side far too much. Are you really going to want to live forever without your damsel?"

"Of course not," Will immediately answered. "But what else is there to do?"

Realizing where this was going, Jack's eyes widened and he spun around, pretending to be looking for something. "Of course nothing can be done. Nothing at all."

Will's brow furrowed as he thought over Jack's reaction. He only reacted like that when he was trying to hide something. But what was it this time?

"So where are you going Jack?"

Jack didn't turn around. "Just getting back my ship."

"To get where, exactly?" pushed Captain Turner.

At this, Jack quickly turned around and stared at the boy incredulously. "Is that a serious question?"

Will crossed his arms across his chest. "Where are you going Jack," he demanded.

Jack once again crossed the width of his boat. "Well, look at you acting all high and mighty. I don't believe I have to tell you anything. Now, if you would excuse me, I have to be getting to my ship."

"How are you going to get it back, Jack? All by your self?"

Jack smiled. "Of course."

Will didn't back down. "Do you honestly think that Barbossa will just hand over the Black Pearl?"

Jack paused as he frowned up at Will. "You're just full of questions, aren't you boy?" Then he continued preparing his dingy. "Like I said before, I am not in a divulgatory mood." He smirked. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Tomorrow you'll be dead."

The pirate leaned back with his arms by his side. He glared at Will, trying to discern whether or not to trust this boy. Deciding the latter, he ventured, "You're lying."

"Do you doubt my position?"

"I doubt your ability to say anything other than a question," countered Jack, looking a bit constipated.

Puffing out his chest, Will divulged, "While trying to get back the Black Pearl, Barbossa will kill you, Jack. If you go alone, it will be the end for you."

Thinking about it for a moment, Jack still wasn't sure if he could trust Will. After all, he was a traitorous, pig-headed scallywag. Perhaps he was just saying this to get Jack to talk. "No," declared Jack.

Cpt. Turner stared at Jack with his brow furrowed. "No what?'

"No, I will not tell you where I am going. Now stop lying and get back to your job. Unless, of course, you want a tentacled face." Then Jack leaned over closer to the Dutchman. "But I don't think Elizabeth will like that very much."

"Fine, Jack. Go and get yourself killed. I guess you just want to try out my locker, since you already experienced Jones's."

Jack gulped. "The locker…"

Will nodded and his eyes widened. "Oh yes, but I assure you, you won't be escaping mine."

Jack put his hands on his hips. "Well then, Captain Turner. Just what exactly do you propose?"

A/N: There's chapter one! Yay, another story! Please let me know what you think, and if I get good feeback, I will continue. if I don't, then my story'll walk the plank.