Melting the Snow
Okay, okay, I know you all probably hate me for making you wait so long for this bonus chapter, but I have a good excuse: I have a short attention span!! Once I actually finished the main story, I just wanted to take a break, and I kinda forgot. Besides, school is a bitch. School is now officially out, so you guys will get more updates more often, as long as my job doesn't interfere. Alrighty, so let's get this show on the road!! Cracktaaaaaaastic!!
Oh, by the way, these bloopers will be written in script form. I don't think they would work any other way.
Disclaimer: Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee don't sue me for using these characters, 'cuz I'm only borrowing them...but if you try to take my original characters, I will steal your sooooouuuuuullll!!
Any who, on to the fun!
Scene 1: From Chapter 9
This is a different way that Kaiba's conversation with his subconscious could have gone.
Inner-Kaiba: Oh, just keep saying that, Seto.
Kaiba: growl
Inner-Kaiba: giggle You don't scare me with that little growl of yours.
Kaiba: begins bashing his head against the wall GO AWAY!!
Scene 2: From Chapter11
What would have happened if Seto hadn't caught Ari in time? Let's watch boys and girls!
Ari: falling and thinking Well, shit.
Kaiba: goes to catch her, misses completely
Ari: hits concrete OOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!
Kaiba: bad...
Ari: Oops? Oops?! Dude, what the hell?! Is catching someone who's falling right towards you really that difficult?! I mean...
Kaiba: ...You okay?
Ari: I think I have a concussion, but it's kind of hard to tell considering I HIT MY HEAD ON CONCRETE!!
Kaiba: backs away slowly
Scene 3: From Chapter 15
Let's just say that Laine didn't quite have the strength to move that furniture back into place.
Laine: barricades door with furniture Ahahahahaha! Just try to get me now!
Ari: Laine, come on! You're acting completely ridiculous!
Laine: I don't care!
Ari: He's not going to shut you down, I swear!
Laine: How do I know you're telling the truth?
Ari: sigh How about I promise you my eternal servitude if he does?
Laine: noises begin again Uh-oh.
Ari: What now?
Laine: I think the furniture is stuck.
Ari: That would be karma at work, my friend.
Laine: Oh my god, what if I never get out of here again?! What if I run out of food?! I'll starve and die! I don't want to die!! I'm too young to die!! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Ari: Laine, just calm down. Don't do anything too-
Laine: jumps through glass window
Ari: -extreme.
Laine: lies on ground bleeding
Scene 5: From Chapter 17
You'd think a normal person would react a little differently to having a confession of love interrupted.
Seto: Ari, the reason I've done so much for you, the reason I can talk to you so's because...I lo-
cellphone ringing
Seto: Sonuvabitchmothererburninhellforever!!
Ari: ...Holy shit dude...
Mokuba: What's wrong, big brother? Did you lose another duel to virtual Yugi?
Well folks, I hope you've enjoyed this very scary glimpse into the minds of me and my friends. If anyone else can think of moments where something way funnier could have happened in this story, SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE, NOT A REVIEW!!
Guten Abend! Ich liebe du!