When she wakes up she remembers the random emotional outbursts late at night have the same effect the next morning as a hangover- crusty eyes, swollen checks, and headache from hell. She sits up and looks for the nearest mirror just to make sure there isn't some gigantic split in the middle of her head, thankfully there isn't; Yuffie is pretty sure she would vomit everywhere if there was. She runs her hands through her hair in a brief attempt to settle the hairs that have decided they would defy gravity this morning, and is greeted by a stinking pain in her hand. Oh yeah….

She is then bombarded with all the things that happened the night before, and her good hand instinctively goes up to her forehead; to the spot she is pretty sure he kissed, but can't be certain because she was a deer in headlights when it happened; which is an under exaggeration- her mind was flashing big red lights and screaming 'mayday, mayday mental malfunction'.

But whose wouldn't be if Vincent Valentine swapped spit with their forehead.

She walks back over to the bed in a daze; and calmly wonders what the fuck do I do now?

She takes a deep breath and gets herself into 'serious Yuffie' mode. The way she sees it she has got two options… she can handle this maturely by speaking to him calmly and asking him to explain what exactly they are, and what his feeling towards her actually are- or she can avoid him as much as possible. She decides the second choice; while the kiss was … unexpected, there were no fireworks or sappy romance music in the background and all it let was awkwardness and confusion, and she's not really sure she wants all the answers to her questions.

Plus she's not exactly sure what a kiss on the forehead means; a sloppy kiss on the lips she can interpret… but a kiss on the forehead? That can mean about fifty billion different things, and odds aren't they are the meaning she is really hoping for.

"Well this sucks." She mumbles to herself, "I just need to get my mind off of it." She walks over to the other side of the room and picks up her PHS which is lying conveniently on a whole mound of her dirty clothes, and dialed Tifa's number.

After what seems like forever Tifa finally picks up. "Hello?"

"Gawd Tifa, what took you so long? Ew… wait is Cloud over there? Grossness, don't even answer that- I don't want to know." She heard Tifa sigh.

"Yuffie that was the weirdest greeting. What do you need?" she pauses a second, "nothing's wrong with the bar, right?" she asks, not really wanting to hear the answer.

Yuffie rolls her eyes, "Yeah actually, you won't believe it- we had this huge earthquake, and it started this enormous fire in the bar. Don't worry though, the giant tsunami put it out, and I'm going through a midlife crisis, and I started my period and-"

"Alright, I get it." Tifa laughs, "So what did you really call for then?" she hears Yuffie huff at her question.

"Why do you always assume I call you when I want something, maybe I just enjoy your company- by company I mean your boobs of course." Tifa is about to respond, but Yuffie beats her to it, "Alright, fine… um, remember when you said you would get me some chocolate and stuff?"

"Yuffie that was yesterday, of course I remember."

"and remember when you said you would get me a moooovvvviiieee?"

"Yes, Yuffie. Get to the point," she says.

"I am. Geez, remind me not to interrupt you and Cloud again, it makes you all cranky." She takes a deep breath and mumbles out as quickly as she can, "couldyoubringmemore?"

It takes a moment for Tifa to despiser what she just said, "why?"

"Because dealing with a series of natural disasters makes me hungry?" Tifa laughs, she continues, "We could have like a girl's movie night, or whatever when you get back. It will be fun Tifa!"

She pauses a second and hears, "Yeah ok, I'll grab some more. I'll be home around sixish, okay?"

"Yeah okay, sweet! Bye Teef," she hangs up, and does a little victory dance, which actually looks a little retarded but she doesn't mind. Distraction in place, now the only problem is finding out where Vinnie actually is, and staying as far away from there as possible till six. Think, think, think, duh! Reno!

"Of course, I'm a moron," she says dialing Reno's number.

Reno and her and become surprisingly close over the past few years. After the Geo Stigma incident, where they all were practically forced to work together- he had started coming to Tifa's bar. Tifa and Cloud hated him with a serve burning passion, but not near as much as Vincent did (which surprised her, she thought they would have some kind of Turk bond, or something) by the looks he gave him Yuffie was scared Reno clothes would burst into flames, but he kept coming back. If nothing else than just to annoy the shit out of them- Yuffie found she could respect that kind of determination and started hanging out with him. She wasn't sure if she did it because he was a funny drunk or because Cloud strictly forbade it, regardless they found they got along quite nicely and it wasn't long till he was up there on her "People I Actually Buy Christmas Presents For" which included all of four people. She found he was a nice relief to all the goodie-goodie shit she was surrounded by constantly, and he never lectured her when she lighted the load of some passing buy tourist, hell he had actually helped her steal it a couple of times – if that's not friendship then what is. In return she would go with him to bars, and help him attract women (not that he really needed help) by hanging all over him and raising the competitive sprit; it always worked. She told him things not even Tifa knew about, and he would answer back with some smart ass comment, that was supposed to sound stupid, but really had an underlying meaning to it- once she figured that out she found he was actually a pretty smart guy… for a turk.

"Reno, Reno, Reno, renorenorenorenoreno, pick up!" she chants to the ring.

"H-hello?" he sounds like he just woke up.

"Morninnnnnggg Turkey," she makes it a point to be as annoying as humanly possible, that's what he gets for not picking up the phone faster- after all she is a busy girl.

"Fuck Yuffie, what time is it?"

"9:27" she waits for him to freak out, she doesn't wait long.

"9:27?! Why the hell are you calling me at 9:27? You know damn well I don't even think about waking up before at least noon." He rants some more after that, but she doses out and vaguely hears him say something about her mother and a foreign prostitute. She decides to save what innocence her ears have left (not much) and interrupts him.

"Hey shut up for a second, gawd…" she hears him growl over the line, "First off that was a pretty weird noise, I won't lie. Now, back to what I actually called to ask you. Tifa won't be home till 6 and I'm in charge of the bar, and I'm having massive, I mean ginormous Vinnie problems. Soooo, do you want to come over and help?"

He thinks a second, "Do I get to drink free?" She snorts.

"Don't you always?"

"Yeah, good point. Alright brat, I'll come over. You should probably get ready though- If I'm coming then you know dozens of hot girls are going to be following." She makes a gagging sound, which isn't really attractive ever.

"Insensitive bastard, what would Rude think- breaking his heart like that. I'm ashamed of you, I would think you would honor your commitment with him a little more than that." It's his turn to make the choking noise.

"Princess, you want me to prove to you that I'm not gay. Cause I'm more than willing." she can hear his smirk.

"Ew, that won't be necessary. I take pride in being STD free, thank you very much." He laughs.

"You mean prude."

"Shut up, I'm not prude!" she says, "Whatever I don't have time to argue with you now. Just hurry up and get your ass over here Turkey" and hangs up.

She gets dressed, slowly and carefully because her hand still hurts like a bitch, and Reno's cussing spree did nothing to help her headache. She sneaks down the stairs, wide eyed and alert- she had seen Vinnie first hand, and knew he could materialize randomly from seemingly nothing; which she thinks is pretty freaking unfair. She relaxes visibly when she is sure he didn't stay the night, and goes to open the bar.

She knows that she is late, and the bar should have been opened two hours ago; but Tifa isn't here to bitch her about it, and it's not like she will find out. Plus who the hell really wants a drink at seven in the morning, excluding Reno (that is probably his breakfast). Her suspicious are confirmed when no shows up for a while, and she exclaims a loud, "I'm so fucking bored," to the bar stool, and chairs, and to a probably sleeping Shelke upstairs- which gives her an idea.

Reno arrives about twenty minutes later and walks in to find she has turned up the radio to an ungodly level, and is currently using a rather pathetic looking mop (it was falling apart, even before she touched it) as air guitar. He notices Shelke at the top of the stairs glaring daggers at her, probably yelling too, but Yuffie doesn't even seem to notice her- she just keep twirling, and spinning, and unconsciously beating the shit out of that poor broom. He can't help but smile at the sight, as he walks over to the radio which is waging a war on his eardrums, and turns it off.

Yuffie stops dead when the music does, and turns to Reno and winks at him, then looking up to where Shelke is currently fuming, "Oh, sorry about that. I guess I forgot you were here," and gives a mischievous smile. Shelke apparently decides to that the high road, which is never near as much fun, gives a final glare and goes back to her room.

"Anti-social bitch," Yuffie says, and puts the mop back in its place- broken and exhausted, then sits down on the bar, and downs a carton of aspirin; no brilliant plan goes without sacrifices she tells herself as her head throbs. Reno smirks and follows her over.

"What was that, some kind of Wutain mating dance?" he asks.

She snorts, "Why did it work for you?" He walks behind the bars, and starts making himself a drink.

"It might have, if you had tits." She crosses her arms, and looks down her shirt.

"I have boobs! See I can see them, bastard." She sticks her tongue out. He glares at her and leans to her over the bar.

"Stick that thing at me again, and I'll have to do something about it." He says, throwing her a smirk. She promptly rolls her eyes.

"Gross, hey will you make me one too?" she asks, staring at his drink.

He sighs, "What do you want?"

"The same as always, I want an umbrella too." He raises an eyebrow, she continues, "they are on the second shelve," and nods her head in its direction, he mumbles something about princesses under his breath.

When he is done with both their drinks he comes to sit next to her, "So what's this about 'Vinnie problems'?" She tells him the whole story, or at least all she remembers- all about the drunk, and the lack of sex, and the fighting, and the cuts, and the kiss, and she has to stop a couple of times in the middle of it to tend to a few men who are unnaturally early. Reno helps too, he is a lot better at it then she is, considering he like an encyclopedia of anyway someone could possibly get drunk. He interrupts her story once or twice to throw in a, "What the hell didn't he just use a cure?", and she responses by punching him and telling him, "Because that's not near as romantic." (Though it is a good point, and she kind of wishes he did… cause it still kind of hurts.) Reno offers to cure it himself, she declines not wanting to put Vinnie's hard work to shame- he rolls his eyes. He comes to the same conclusion she did, that the kiss could mean just about anything and Vinnie's 'game' was develop practically a thousand years ago when vampires where actually cool, and that the art of flirting has evolved dramatically since then. So basically, interrupting it would be as hard as learning a dead language… wonderful.

At two the bar is still mostly empty, Yuffie is washing the counter and Reno is counting the unrealistically, large pile of phone numbers he collected earlier that day behind the bar- purposely getting in her way.

"12, 13, 14- Candy, that's always a promising name." he says.

"Reno if you don't stop dirtying up the bar with your retarded hooker numbers I swear I will destroy any chance you have of reproducing ever again in the future, ever." He laughs.

"Jealous?" she grins.

"Hardly, I just don't want to-"she stops in the middle of her sentence and stares out the window; paling visibly, "s-shit, he's coming. Reno he's coming!" Reno follows her glance, and quickly shoves her under the counter; crouching she grabs on to his leg (like it would hide her any better) and chooses to ignore the smirk that grows on his face or the subjective position she is in- his footsteps grow closer. She squeezes her eyes shut and hold her breath, which makes her resemble a constipated squirrel that is slowly changing into the always lovely color blue.

"Reno?" she hears Vincent's voice, her grip on his leg tightens.

"Actually I prefer being called Laquesha, thanks," he says thick with sarcasm.

"… What are you doing here?" Vincent responses back threateningly, Yuffie is amazed how Reno doesn't piss himself right there, and undeniable glad he doesn't- the last thing she needs in to be urinated on.

"Yuffie was getting swamped with the bar, so she called me to help." Vincent surveys the bar and the three men that are currently 'swamping' it, then turns back to Reno and raises an eyebrow.

"Where is Yuffie?" he says deadpanned. Yuffie tightens her hold on Reno's leg once again, until he is sure it is just going to pop off like some sick cartoon.

"She went to the store, out of those little umbrella things or some shit like that." He pauses, "Look as much as enjoy playing twenty questions with you, and trust me I do, Yuffie will kill me if she finds out I've be flirting with the costumers again- so sorry babe, but we are going to have to keep this professional." He winks, and finds a rather large gun barrel practically swallowing his forehead (what's with Vinnie and foreheads?) –surprisingly Reno doesn't fluster, just searches his pockets for a cigarette, lights it and blows it in Vincent's face, "and I can't even imagine what she will do to you if you make a mess in here. Bitch is psycho when it comes to making this dump spick and span, and she is pretty creative with her death threats." Yuffie would punch him if he wasn't already digging his on grave.

She is surprised when Vincent pulls back the gun, gives Reno one last death glare, and walks upstairs.

Reno swears under his breath, and looks down to see Yuffie staring up at him stunned. She loses her balance and gracefully drops on her ass, still holding on to his leg.

"You are like a god," she says, "a cheesy, red headed, perverted god." He busts out laughing.

"And you shouldn't have taken so much aspirin."