A/N: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I give you my Pirates of the Caribbean story, Eternal Damnation. As a note, I would like all readers to remember that this is a post-At World's End story, and therefore will contain spoilers from the third film. Now please, let me quickly grace you with the complete summary…

Jack Sparrow, after having his ship stolen again, travels to find immortality at the Aqua de Viva (Fountain of Youth). Meanwhile, left without the map to the Aqua de Viva, Barbossa and Elizabeth set out on a journey to find Jack and safe Will from an untimely fate. In the process, they find a charming woman who teaches Barbossa an important life lesson. Meanwhile yet, Davy Jones and Calypso meet again and try to escape the dreaded World's End.

Please Read and Review, no flames. Thanks! And remember: the first chapter is always the shortest! Well... at least it is for me. P:

-Lemony Leafe

Eternal Damnation - Chapter One

The sound of the ocean, rippling water beating rhythmically against the side of the Black Pearl. The ocean had a serene, calming, soft side to it that calmed the crewmembers and it's captain. Not once before in his life had Hector Barbossa heard the ocean so calm; so quiet. He figured that the loss of both Davy Jones and Calypso had caused less than grief among the seas. Barbossa, standing dead still at the wheel, listened to the waves with ease, catching every time his ship caused a new ring to be emitted into the water, the calmer part of the water being disrupted by the Black Pearl. Tangled, graying hair blew in the seas wind, shaggy beard tickling his chin only the slightest. Black hat vibrated from the salty air but remained steady on his head. Cool, mid-morning breeze blew his black leathery overcoat out behind him. Ah, how he loved the sea. The sounds, the smells, the sight of nearly nothing but the horizon in the distance.

Keep a weathered eye on the horizon.

He could barely remember anymore the day his father had told him that. His father had been a pirate too, he left on a dark ship the day he told his son that saying… and never came home. But that was what Barbossa had done after that. He kept his eyes on the horizon, going wherever the wind took him.

Times were different though. With the recent events, it wasn't just the wind carrying him anymore. He had to go against the wind and take control of where he went. He wanted to so badly, but he couldn't let the wind take him everywhere anymore. But as long as he kept his eyes on that horizon…

Opening an ebony compass, he looked for east. It was the direction in which they had left Elizabeth Turner. He couldn't leave her there though, not to fend on her own; she was a pirate now, and she was a part of his crew, a part of the Black Pearl. Even without Will Turner, she was still as much of a pirate as she was when Will was still there. Barbossa turned the wheel a few knobs to the left, and the wind blew the mast and they continued forward. The crew had been particularly quiet the last few hours or so. Since they had left that morning, everything had been running smooth on the Pearl, even if it had just weathered a swirling war with the Flying Dutchman. Barbossa actually enjoyed the seldom sound of silence from his restless and inconsiderably bothersome crew. It gave him a chance to feel at peace.

But nothing managed to last forever.

From below decks, he could here certain members yelling at each other. Screaming cusswords and threatening to shoot or stab one another; another day onboard with the bloody meatheads. Barbossa chose to ignore them; they had probably been playing some stupid, immature game to waste the time. But as the yelling affixed, Barbossa got more and more displeased. It was like the ocean had never had any peace at all.

It wasn't long before Barbossa could hear screaming and punches being served. A bottle shattered, most likely over someone's head. Barbossa rolled his eyes and turned around. Cotton, the only pirate who couldn't participate in conversations or tussles such as the one going on below deck, was standing quietly behind Barbossa.

"Cotton, watch the wheel, would ye'? Keep it headed east… I have to go take care of the buffoons…" Barbossa uttered rudely when referring to his crew as buffoons. Cotton gave him a nod and took a hold of the wheel, while his parrot, positioned perfectly on his shoulder crowed repeatedly, "Aye, aye, Captain!" Barbossa turned on his heel and sauntered toward the steps to go below deck.

The door was closed, but thankfully not locked (even though Barbossa would've had no trouble getting through if it was) and he opened it and stepped down. Indeed, his crew was tossing punches and anything they could get their greasy hands on. Barbossa's jaw muscle twitched with anger. Gibbs staggered up to him with a distressed look swiped across his chubby face.

"Oi, sir… they were playing some sort of game and Ragetti found out that Marty was cheatin'… I don' know how, but I guess he was…" He tailed off, suddenly lost in thought about how the short man had been cheating. Barbossa, honestly, didn't care if anyone was cheating or even what the hell they were playing. In one expeditious move, he removed his pistol from its jacket along his belt, raised it straight up and shot a hole in the deck. The crew froze in shock and turned to look at their captain.

"Alright, now one of ya' tell me what the bloody hell is goin' on down here!" Barbossa yelled, his voice filled with anger. Ragetti stumbled out of the pile, fixing his eye patch quickly and standing as straight as he could get his back.

"Uh, well, you see, Captain Barbossa," Ragetti stuttered, "We were, uh, playin' a game with--"

"A game? How could somethin' as simple as a bloody game lead you brute's into such a quarrel! What were ye' playin', a friendly game of "insult the nearest crewmember of the Black Pearl that isn't yourself"?" Barbossa asked loudly, shoving his pistol murderously back into its sheath. Ragetti stuttered alone for a moment before his stubby friend, Pintel, popped out of nowhere to his rescue.

"Well, you see sir, it wasn't actually a game, per say," He said with a raspy, heavily accented voice. Barbossa crossed his arms and raised his brow.

"Aye, man, then what was it you were playin'?" Barbossa asked once again, his voice cold. He tilted his head a little when he asked it, not afraid of his hat, which he sporadically removed, from falling off his cerebrum. Pintel and Ragetti exchanged looks and stutters but failed to bring forth a conceivable answer. Barbossa nodded. "That's what I thought." Everyone climbed off each other silently. "Now," Barbossa said fearfully, "all hands on deck! We should be arriving soon to Elizabeth's island."

"Captain, don't you think we should give this island a name?" Ragetti asked as he climbed up the steps to the deck behind Barbossa moments later. Barbossa shook his head.

"No, you see, we still remain uncreative with names. Haven't you figured it already?" He said. Ragetti shrugged sheepishly. Barbossa looked down and saw the hole in the deck from his gunshot. He looked at Ragetti and pointed at the stop. He commanded, "And fix that bloody hole."

"Aye, sir," Ragetti said. Barbossa watched as he retrieved the equipment to do such a repair and then walked away as Ragetti got down on his hands and knee's. He relieved Cotton and allowed him to go help Gibbs with the mast. He took a hold of the wheel with one hand, and hummed to himself, almost silently:

Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me…

He grinned to himself. That bloody tune was the most annoying song he had ever before heard, and yet he still found the urge to hum it. He blamed Jack Sparrow, and it put a smirk on his face every time he thought of the pirate in his miniature boat. Barbossa reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of silver he had found after the destroyed Beckett's ship. One of the Nine Pieces of Eight, he had presumed, but it was damaged from the explosion. He twiddled with it in his dirty, darkened fingers before chuckling and putting it back away. Soon he would have the Pirate King back aboard the Pearl, exactly where she belonged. It sounded so odd calling her King; but popular vote did win, and there was nothing Hector Barbossa could do about it.

He remembered a time, before he had died, when he had been so crule to Mrs. Turner (who then was Ms. Swan). He could remember the things he had said to her and the things he had made he do; and now he was going back to fetch her from an island. All the irony. But, if he was going to find Jack Sparrow, he would need her help. And in return... well, he was still mulling that little detail over. He wondered, though, if there was a way to return Will to the mortal world to live out his life, rather than having to wait ten years to come back and love Elizabeth again. Barbossa knew that there had to be a hidden loophole, something that could... he would think about that later, when Elizabeth was back on board with Will's heart.

"Land 'Ho!" He heard Gibbs yell from in front. He peered up and looked at the horizon. Elizabeth's island was in eye view. He pulled out his telescope and looked through it at the mass of land. It was indeed where they wanted to go. He couldn't help but be a little relieved that the damn compass hadn't lead him in the wrong direction. Pushing the scope back together again, he kept his eyes on the horizon. He hummed again:

Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo-ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo-ho…

Grinning again, he cursed that song for being so damn catchy, and he headed in the direction of the horizon.