Never Shall We Die

This is my first ever Pirates fic. I stick to the Mediator fanfic, because that's what I'm good at.
But there's always a first.
I'm doing this for
Divorah. So, love, I hope I make you proud.

Summary: Captain Turner is immortal. Destined to sail the seven seas his whole life.
Haunted by the death of his wife, he thinks he will never love again...
Or will he?
But can a heartless man find love again?

Disclaimer: If I owned this, would it be on fanfic? Though I hear if you get on Jackie's good side,
he'll give ya the rights pretty cheap.

The idea of this story belongs to Divorah. I just put it into a story!
I hope you guys like!

He stood on the deck of the Flying Dutchman, singing that dreadful song so softly, so hiscrew wouldn't hear:

"Some men have died,
And some are alive.
And others sail on the sea.
-with keys to the cage..
..and the Devil to pay.
We lay to Fiddler's Green."

His 'heart' was heavy as he closed his eyes, tears from his past rushing at him like a hurricane.

"Yo, ho.
Haul together.
Hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars..."

A single tear rolled down his cheek before he whispered the final sentence of the song, "Never shall we die."


Can a heartless man be in love? Can a heartless man truly love? William Turner did just that. While his heart no longer beat inside his chest, but inside an actual tresure chest beating alone, he had loved his wife Elizabeth Swann-Turner since the day he met her. He couldn't shake though, the feeling of death...he couldn't forget as her death seemed to haunt him everysingle day. Every waking moment...almost a century later.

His love for her, was so strong. He'd die for her...he'd do anything for her if it meant her safety was assured. But he knew it wasn't right. She made so many sacrifices to be with him. She loved him, as he loved her...

But while he was immortal, and forever young, she would grow old and die. Leaving Will alone in the world, because the same had went for his father...his friends...everyone.

He had heard that Jack Sparrow had the fountain of youth, but Jack wasn't the kind of man that Will liked being around. Jack was a nice guy (deep down) and likable enough when he wasn't drunk and smelling of rum, but everytime Will crossed Captain Sparrow's path, it seemed that once again, Will was press-ganged into one of Jack's idiotic (yet somehow brilliant) schemes.

The sunset seemed as if it wasn't as bright. As if the world was colder than it had been wasn't right...nothing was.
And it hadn't been since the dreadful day that his one and only love had died.

He sat alone on the deck of the Flying Dutchman, remembering years gone by. He closed his eyes, trying to forget all the sadness he had gone through in the last decades, but it was no use, it was all there.

She had died of natural causes. It was sudden though. She died a few weeks shy of Will's next visit. Imagine his surprise when he was met by the love of his life waiting in hell's waiting room. His dry mouth somehow found strength to ask those dreaded words, "Do you fear death?"

What was her answer?

Her brown eyes filled up with unshed tears as she said, smiling, "No. I don't."

If he had had a heart, it would have broken right then and there. He had no choice. She didn't fear the afterlife, and she had to move on. His mother had always taught him that everything happened for a reason, but he didn't believe that anymore.

He wasn't sure if there even was a God, as horrible as that sounds. As strong as his faith used to be, it seemed to die. Just as his wife did almost a hundred years ago.

Faith was what his mother said: "Sometimes faith is all you have." But when you watch the people you love die, it's hard to remember that you should have faith that everything would turn out alright.

Because to Will, his life was hell. He helped lost souls move on, or stay for a hundred years of service. He watched as young children were killed by his crewmen and pushed back into the sea to await their afterlight.

Whether that meant heaven or hell, he didn't know.

And even though he didn't believe in faith anymore, he silently prayed that Elizabeth was watching over him. Along with his father.


"Why the bloody hell am I spending my year on land here?" The handsome Turner asked to himself as he made port in the ghost town that was Port Royal. After the mutiny (that Barbossa had led), the people that didn't die, left. But most men, women and even children were murdered.

It broke his heart as he walked down the streets of his former home. He saw the place where he had and Elizabeth were to be married before being arrested for helping Jack Sparrow. He saw the place where James Norrington had proposed to her, where he had seen her being led away to the Black Pearl, where Jack was to be executed...

He knew why he was there. To find his heart. It had taken him a hundred years to get the courage to come back here. It may sound stupid to you, but when you're deeply in love...well, love makes you do crazy things.

100 hundred years since he had last been here...


Before he made it to Elizabeth's home (where she died) he stopped at the blacksmith's shop. Somehow, a smile appeared on his ageless face as he walked through the doors.

"You're the man they're hunting. The pirate."

It looked about the same as how he had left it. It popped into his mind, and was continuing to bother him, as he thought about Mr. Brown. Had he been killed? Where did he go after the mutiny?

He looked at the swords hanging on the wall. He could practically see him and Jack fight as they did when they first met. He could almost hear Jack's teasing voice as he said, "Pirate."

All of it was so real, that he wasn't for sure if what he heard next was real, or an illusion.

"You look somewhat familar. Have I threatened you before?"

Will took his eyes of of the swords haning untouched on the wall, to see the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. His own ageless face was only touched with a slight look of drunkeness as he staggered over to his former first mate. Though drunk, as usually, Mr. Sparrow's face was still as perfect and handsome as it had been a hundred years ago.


Jack Sparrow smirked, "In the flesh, Mr. Turner."

Jack propped his leg up on an overturned barrel and said, "What's it been? 50 years?" The captain smiled as he asked, "Has it really been that long since we've last seen each other?"

Will closed his eyes, momentarily. It was hard to believe it that the last time he crossed the idiotically brilliant pirates path was 50 years ago. When Jack opened his eyes, he saw Jack (still smirking) as he looked Will up and down , "Look at ya, mate. You don't look a day over 24."

"Why are you here, Jack?"

He smiled as he closed his kohl-lined eyes, leaning his head back against the wall, "No reason."

"Why do I feel that you're lying?" Will asked him, tiredly. They had both been through this dozens of times now, it was ridiculous.
Jack rolled his almost black eyes, bringing the rum bottle to his lips, as he said, "Do I need to have a reason to visit an old friend?" When Will narrowed his own chocolate eyes, Jack smiled and said, "I need your help, actually."

"What? Can't be cursed Aztec gold? Or maybe a heart. Or perhaps you can go get yourself killed so I can sail to the bloody ends of the earth and rescue you! Only to end up immortal and sail the seven seas watching everyone I love die."

Jack smiled, as he corrected the young Mr. Turner saying, "That, my dear William, if where you are wrong. Not everyone is dead."

"Oh, really?" Will asked, as he sat down on the barrel Jack had just removed his foot from. "You got my father in that bag of yours?"
Jack looked as offended as the day he thought everyone was after his dirt. He pushed the brown bag away and said, "No I don't. But you're wrong. Not everyone you love is dead!"

When Will continued to stare at him, Jack cried happily, "You've still got me!" Will just continued to stare at him, before laying his head down on the table muttering, "God, help us all."

"William, listen. A little birdy told me that you're looking for your heart. Well, sorry to dissappoint ya, mate. But it ain't here." Jack stated to him, matter-of-factly. Will looked up at Jack and spat, "And you wouldn't be that little birdie would you?"

Jack stared at Will, who sighed and said, "Your said a little birdy. You're last name's Sparrow." Jack stared at Will more. Will shook his head as the smile was wiped from his face and said, "It sounded funny in my head."

"Well, keep talking in your head mate-" Jack pulled Will's head up when he tried to lay it back down. "-just not now."

"What the bloody hell do you want from me?" Will asked him.

"I want you to help me find this." Jack pulled out a piece of parchment. On it were some scribbles. Will studied it for a moment, before saying, "I don't see anything. It looks like a baby drew it."

"You've got it upside down!"

After Jack turned it around, Will smiled sarcastically at the captain and said, "Oh, you're right, Jack. That makes it so much more better!" Will groaned outwardly and slammed his head back on the table. "What is it?"

"An island!"

"Oh, boy. Another island." Will said, in a bored voice. "Jack, I don't think that this has ever registered with you, but I have a life! I've got things that I have to do. I can't always help you, -what?"

Jack smiled and said, "That is where you come in. I need you to help me find this island because on this island is the man that has your heart. Yes, as weird as that sounds, a man does indeed have you're heart and no it is not me because if it were me I would not be in front of you telling you that a man on this island that I need to find has your heart and the thing that I need is with that man who has your heart."

Pretending that he had acutally followed that, Will said, "Who would this man be?"

"I can't tell you right now. That's why you have to come with me." Jack said, offering Will some rum. Will shook his head and asked, "Jack, how do I know that you're not just telling me this so that I'll help you and get mixed up in some sort of weird scheme of yours?"

"Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

"Do you honestly want me to answer that question?

"No!" Jack said, smiling. "It was a reloric-...retoric...rhetto...retro"

"A rhetorical question?" Will asked him, wearily. Will's attitude did not have any affect on the cheery Captain Jack who almost jumped out of his seat and said, "Yes! That's it! A reitical question!"

Will didn't even bother to correct him. So Jack, thinking that Will had lost all intrest in this conversation, leaned down and breathed in his face, sending a scent of rum into Will's nostrils, "If you say no, I shall find this island all on my lonesome. I will not retreive your heart, and I may possibly die meaning that if we don't get your heart, the man whom I can't speak of right now may stab your heart and kill you as well. And that would be no fun, now would it?"

"Fine. But I promise you, the moment that this starts looking funny, I'm leaving. Just to be safe, my crew and I will follow you in the Dutchman. Deal?"

Jack laced a jewled hand into Will's and said, "We have an accord. Shall we be on our way?"

Following the clearly crunk pirate out of the blacksmith's shop, Will called after Jack, "Where are we off to first?"

Jack, not turning around, smiled to himself, and said, "We need a little help."

"From who?"

Jack turned to meet Will when he finally caught up to the rum-drinking pirate, "His daughter."


Divorah, I hope this is starting off okay for ya!
Well, guys, this is my first Pirates fic.
Tell me what you guys think!

Review and you shall recieve the heart of Davy Jones.

I've already got Will's, so you can have Squidy's!
Love and Sexy Pirates,