Brighter than Sunshine
By Underwrldqueen
Summary: In order to live, Sakura will lose her memories. She has a new future and everything is well until she bumps into a certain man. He brings her memories back, and they are not fond. SasuSaku
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, I wouldn't be here writing this. I would be too busy spending all that luscious money I make off of you Naruto fans. Yep. Hehe. JK.
Prologue: Prized Possession
"Naruto, I have bad news for you. I'm so sorry." The 5th Hokage's face was stricken with grief.
"Is this about...Sakura-chan?" asked the blond uncertainly.
"I'm afraid it is. I have healed all her physical injuries, but her mental ones are permanent. The part of her brain where she stores her memories is damaged severely. I'm afraid I cannot do anything. I'm sorry."
Naruto looked at her like she was crazy.
"No! You can heal Sakura! She will be fine! You can heal her, right?!" Naruto leaped out of his chair, but Tsunade did not look irritated in the least. Actually, she looked even more saddened.
"I'm afraid not, Naruto. The damage is too severe, and so, not even I can save her."
"You can save her! Aren't you suppose to be the best medic nin in the village? Aren't you one of the Legendary Sannin? You are the 5th Hokage! Do something!" Naruto slammed his fists on the table angrily.
"How do you think I feel, Naruto? This isn't easy for me either! She is my student Naruto, and I care for her very much! I've already tried my best, and there is no hope! Now stop acting so childish!" Naruto was taken aback from her sudden outburst. He fell silent.
"There is no...other way?" he asked softly.
Tsunade's eyes darkened. She was silent for a moment, contemplating.
"Yes, there is a way." She said softly as she stared at him right in the eye.
"Really? There is? Then save her, Tsunade-sama! I don't care if it costs me my life! I would do anything for Sakura-chan." Said Naruto firmly.
"Even losing your most prized possession?" asked Tsunade.
"Of coarse. Anything." Stated Naruto.
"Even if Sakura loses her most prized possession?"
" you mean?"
"Her memories. She will lose her memories if she gets through this operation. You will lose her friendship. Are you willing to give it up?"
Naruto thought about this for a moment. Sakura would no longer remember the Genin days together, with Team Seven, or when they became Chunnins and celebrated at Ichiraku's together, or when they first became Jounins. She would remember nothing. More importantly, she wouldn't remember him anymore. He felt a pang in his heart. Would she still be the same Sakura? Her life was more important. He was willing to give up his most prized possession.
"Yes. Save her. Please."
Tsunade nodded and walked out.
Sakura walked briskly to the bridge where she was supposed to meet her teammates. It was early dawn, and the sky was still dark. The cool night air felt refreshing and somehow exotic. As she arrived, she spotted her teammates chatting idly.
"Shikamaru! Neji!" she greeted. (A/N: Yea, it's not the same teams I know, but just go along with it. It'll fit later.)
They looked up and nodded in acknowledgment.
"Are you ready?" asked the white-eyed young man.
"Yep, I think we're all set to go." Replied the rosette haired kuonoichi.
They looked back and found the pineapple-headed ninja dozing off.
"Shikamaru! Get your lazy ass over here! Lets go!" yelled Sakura.
"How troublesome..." mumbled Shikamaru as he stumbled along beside his teammates.
They were on an A-rank mission to Sound where they were ordered to assassinate Orochimaru, an S-class criminal, otherwise known as the legendary snake Sannin. It was a hard task, for sure, but the team was nicely put together. Hyuuga Neji, the renowned Byuukgan user, Nara Shikamaru, the genius tactics manager, and Haruno Sakura, the greatest medic nin in Konoha besides Tsunade herself. It was Konoho's best hope in stopping Sound from terrorizing Konohagakure any longer.
So, what do you think? Yeah yeah, I know, its short, but this is just the prologue part. Don't worry, SasuSaku fans! Theres going to be more sasusaku later. I cant rush. Need to stretch out the story, yeah know? Just a taste. Anyway, give me some feedback, read and review! I'll try to update. Yay.