Summary: The purely nonsensical product of my sixteen-year-old mind, written for my Sophomore year Creative Writing class. Hope you're amused, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Legolas, as this sonnet so tragically states.

Author's Note: For all those extreme poetry fanatics, yes, I know my rhyme scheme here is technically off, but my teacher never told us the proper structure. And for all those who might possibly care, it should be "abab," not "aabb" as I have. But oh well, I still got a kick out of writing it! Special thanks to Whilom for reading this and encouraging me to post it - love ya, dearie!!

"Sonnet: Legolas"

So tall, so strong, so very cute,

Your skill with a bow I can't refute!

The arrows you shoot have pierced my heart,

And now my emotions shall tear me apart!

With your long, blonde hair and your pointed ears,

With your bright eyes nearby, I have nothing to fear.

What should I do? Dear heart, I can't help myself!

Oh, if only I, too, could be an Elf!

But, I know it can't be, this great fantasy;

I never can go to the City of Trees.

Such stark realizations make me just want to scream,

Yet I'll still see your face in my happiest of dreams.

And, though you I admire above all other things,

I'll be content to see you only in the Lord of the Rings!

Author's End Note: See what I mean? Pure silliness!! But I do hope it made someone smile!