Disclaimer: Kim Possible and American Dragon: Jake Long both belong to Disney Animation Studios and Buena Vista Television.

Warnings: This story will contain relationships of heterosexual nature. If this bothers you, I suggest you stop reading now. It will also contain homosexual relationships. No described sex.

What If Every Wish Came True?

Chapter 3: A Lucky Plan; A Gliding Fortune

Approximately over the Hudson Valley, State of New York: Saturday July 28: 6.35pm

"Yo, Jakey," Trixie said, "Why does it seem like we've been flying for years?"

"Wait, you feel like that too?" Jake questioned, the startle in his voice obvious.

"It probably has to do with that whole college-thing I'm hearing about now," Spud suggested. He was too right. "Anyways, think we'll be in Kansas soon?" he asked.

"Probably within the hour," Jake said aloud. 'I hope,' he thought to himself as he raced further towards the Wheat State, the Wishing Talisman senses in his heart tingling stronger every second. "I hope nothing's happening to the Wishing Talisman," he called over his shoulder.

"What could possibly be happening to it?" Trixie asked.

Drakken's Timeshare Lair, Kansas: Saturday July 28: 6.36pm

The fight between super-hero teenage fighting sensation Kim Possible and super-villain 30-something aged fighting sensation Shego was progressing nicely. The two were evenly matched, and the property getting destroyed didn't cost that much money. As for their male counterparts, well that was a different story.

Ron was chasing Dr Drakken around the lair, and Dr Drakken was holding the Wishing Talisman out of Ron's reach. Computers were getting destroyed, chairs were falling over, and what looked like expensive lab equipment quickly became piles of rubbish on the floor, never to be used again.

Suddenly, one of Shego's green energy blasts zipped across the lair and passed directly in front of Drakken, stopping him in his tracks. This caused Ron to sort of "fall" into him, dropping the pair to the floor. On the way down, Drakken spun around trying to avoid landing on his stomach. Instead, he landed on his back with Ron now on his stomach, the two face to face.

"You know, with a good plastic surgeon and some light make-up, you could make those scars go away pretty quickly," Ron pointed out from his vantage point. "How many times do I have to tell you that before you go and do it, cutie?" Ron ruffled Dr Drakken's hair next-which usually pissed him off. The difference was this time, the hair ruffling distracted Dr Drakken long enough for Ron to grab the Talisman out of Drakken's grip and run off.

"SHEGO!" Dr Drakken yelled, pointing to Ron who was now half-way across the lair, heading towards the door. "He's got the Talisman!"

"I got it," Shego said, turning her attention to Ron. Kim turned her attention on Ron, too. She saw him wink and knew that somehow, he came up with a plan yet again that seemed to be going well.

Kim ran into Shego-quite literally-knocking her off balance, and giving Ron enough time to get to the door. What Ron did next confused even Kim.

Ron just stood there, back to the door. He looked Drakken right in the face—a face that was getting closer and closer—and stuffed the Talisman down the front of his pants, keeping his hand down there. "Wanna go down and get it?"

Drakken, more annoyed than angry, grunted. "Well," he began with a fake innocence in his voice, "if I gotta get what I want…" he said as he moved towards Ron's trousers.

When Drakken's hand was only inches (and a layer of denim) from the Talisman, Rob jumped aside just in time to watch a handcuff latch on to Drakken's wrist. Drakken was puzzled. Shego was puzzled. Kim was puzzled.

"Just what did you want to get with this minor, sir?" the policeman asked Dr Drakken. "You're under arrest for sexually assaulting an underage child. You have the right to remain silent."

Shego was never one to hang around when police were present, so her disappearance was no surprise to Kim. In fact, Kim didn't even really bother going after her. Shego was smart enough to not even try going near the Talisman considering its current location. It wasn't worth it.

* * *

"So that was your plan the whole time?" a surprised Kim asked Ron as they headed to the local Bueno Nacho. Even a state like Kansas has one.

"Well…kinda…I mean I guess," Ron mumbled. Honestly, Ron had gotten lucky, but he wasn't about to let Kim know that.

Kim laughed. Ron may not be boyfriend material, but they were still pretty close friends. "Oh, hey, there it is. C'mon," Kim started, "my treat. I'm starved."

'Music to my ears,' Ron thought, as he kept his hand on the Talisman for safe keeping—in his pocket.

Over the town of Bird City, Kansas: Saturday July 28: 7.00pm (local time)

"You, dude, I think we missed it," Trixie said, looking at a map.

"Wait, where did you get a map from?" Spud wanted to know…so did Jake.

"Girls have their secrets," Trixie said aloud. 'And hopefully one secret can become a reality soon,' she thought, looking at Spud.

'Guys have their secrets too,' Spud thought. He just looked straight ahead, as usual.

"She's right—sort of," Jake said, turning around.

"She's right that girls have their secrets?" Spud asked.

"No…well, possibly? I mean she's right that we missed it. The Talisman's moving, but not very far," Jake yelled over his wing. "The faster we get this thing, the faster we can get back home."

"Well where do you think it is?" Trixie asked, now looking at the ground. "I don't see anything but circles down there!"

Jake stalled, and thought. "There!" he said, pointing to a circle in particular. "It's down there. Come on!"

The three zoomed towards the ground to get the Talisman back. 'I hope this is worth it,' Jake thought to himself.

Miss me? I bet you have.

I'll be honest, the most likely way this is going to get updated is if I get pestered. I'll feel guilty for not giving you guys more to read. So reviews, e-mails, anything you can think of to get my attention—at least now I've got the whole plot worked out. Happy reading!