AN: Yes, I know I'm pretty much hated for the end of Phase Two, but not all is as it seems, as you will soon see. You may have noticed, but I absolutely adore cliffhangers and anti-climaxes.

I am so so so so so so so sorry that this wasn't up days ago like i promised, but Enigma-chan was poorly again.

Thanks again to all of my loyal readers and reviewers for the last few stories. Please enjoy the third and final part of the MIA series.

1353 words in this chapter.

Back to Surreality

Chapter one- Lies

The story so far…

For her birthday, Tsunade trapped the two "couples" (Kakashi & Sakura and Shikamaru & Ino) in an apartment each for "seduction training" and has been filming them for around four of five days while they are trapped in a time altering Gen-jutsu. Along with Tsunade, a group of other jonins has been watching, including Inoichi Yamanaka, Shikaku Nara, Choza Akimichi, Kurenai, Genma and Anko. The only one of the victims that knew they were being filmed was Sakura, who blocked the image from her and Kakashi's apartment. There has been five hours passed in the real time of Konoha, making it around two in the afternoon on August 2nd. The "mission" has now ended, through Shikamaru saying the key. The situations at the end of the last story have Ino telling Shikamaru that she never wants to see him again and Sakura walking out as if nothing ever happened, leaving Kakashi bewildered. That's all folks…

The two kunoichi entered the corridor at the same time and turned to face each other, both bearing looks of confusion and discontentment.

They let out heavy sighs and walked to meet up with each other. Sakura threw her arms around Ino in relief. Ino returned the embrace.

They stood back. "Don't look so upset Ino-pig. You won"

"Yeah, and ruined my life in the process. He will never talk to me again now." She began to walk down the corridor.

"It wasn't anything to do with me was it?" Sakura cringed, following after her.

"No, don't be silly." She waved her off "I want to talk with you about it though."

"Alright… How much did he say?"

"He wouldn't tell me exactly what you have done. Only for how long and why."


"How could you keep that from me for so long?"

"Hold on… it wasn't that long."

"Six years Sakura, that's pretty long."

Sakura almost choked "Six years?! Try eight months."


"Christmas Ino. That was it. Once."

Her eyes went bright. "He lied…"

"Well, you still got him to do what you wanted."

"I say again, he will never speak to me again."

"You weren't that brutal, were you?"

"No. I didn't even touch him. He just, gave up"

"Like the first chunin exams?"

"Exactly like that. I guess I'm too troublesome to deal with."

"Well… thank you."

"What for? You would have won, I'm sure."

"Yes, but I was this close to kissing Kakashi for it" she held out two fingers to show the centimeters gap that had been between them and shuddered. "When the Gen-jutsu broke, he had me in his arms"

"Just kissing?" Ino rose an eyebrow at her.

"Kakashi-sensei." Sakura pointed out again for her with a sick look on her face. "Why, how far did you go?"

Ino flushed bright red and glanced away. "Further than kissing."

They reached the end of the corridor and turned the corner, following Sakura's inside-out knowledge of the hospital.

"I don't see why kissing Kakashi would be that bad." Ino continued, attempting to change the subject. "Did you get to see his face?"

"Yes… and more…"

"Ooh! Sakura! Do tell!" she gripped her arm childishly in excitement.

"Eww… you aren't seriously asking me that."

"Why? Was it horrible? Did you not like what you saw? What is it he's covering up?"

"Nothing really. I guess he was kind of handsome, but come on Ino… It's Kakashi-sensei!"

"That wouldn't stop me."

Sakura was half way towards another disgusted look, but then something dawned on her and she couldn't help but to giggle. "No, but half naked Shika is enough to have you ready to top yourself…"

"That's different, he's…" she was cut off by Sakura's hand as the younger girl leant against the wall leading down the next corridor.

"I hear voices" she whispered and let go of Ino's mouth so that they could listen closer.

"Your daughter! She's just set to make him miserable!" Shikaku's voice came down the corridor.

"Well if your son could just contain himself better, then she wouldn't have any need to call him those names." Inoichi fumed.

"Please don't start arguing again." Choza reasoned "They'll be coming out in a minute. We can't get caught here."

"Oh no! Tsunade, you didn't…" Sakura whispered in disgust.

"What? What is it Sakura? I couldn't hear properly." Ino asked her.

Sakura pulled her back the way they came, till they were out of hearing range. "Promise me you won't scream or anything."

"I promise. Who was that?"

"That was… That was your dad Ino… and Shikamaru's… and Chouji's"

"What? What are they doing here?" she gasped in fear.

"What, you didn't figure it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"They entire thing was being filmed Ino-pig. Tsunade was watching, along with…presumably… your parents."

Ino's eyes were wide, her face was red, and her heart was racing. "They'll kill us!"

"It can't have been that bad Ino…"

"No, it really wasn't that bad… it was awful! It was suicide!" her voice was growing in pitch. "And she filmed it. She went against my one condition in agreeing to this. I'll kill her!"

"Ino… you can't kill the Hokage. That would put Naruto in charge and that isn't a good plan of action."

"Can I at least hurt her then?"

"No. we'll be adults about this. They sounded like they were leaving. With any luck, they'll be the only ones who were watching, not any of our peers and they will never know that we heard them. They can't say a thing now without having to admit where they found out from. It was a mission, remember; so stay professional."

"Don't expect me to say anything. I couldn't trust my own emotions. Are you sure that daddy was leaving?"

"I'm positive, come on." Sakura took her by the hand and led her down the corridor the parents had just vacated, following the chakra signals to the room where she sensed the others.

Tsunade looked over at the two jonins in hysterics and scowled. "Genma! Anko! If you don't get the hell out of here in the next 10 seconds, I'm going to put you on D rank missions for the rest of your natural lives! I mean it! It's not just yourselves you are hurting here! If Hatake finds out what went on here you won't be able to walk, never mind spread gossip."

"A-all… right Tsu-Tsunade sama." Anko tried to get out while giggling, poking Genma in the side as hard as possible to get him to stop aswell. It didn't work.

"I'm serious! It's not even that funny!"

"I-I Know" Genma gasped "But it… I can't…st-stop… Anko…"

"Gen… Genma… we n-need to…"

Then they stopped laughing. Anko looked over Tsunade's shoulder and coughed uncomfortably to hide her previous amusement. Tsunade however, didn't notice this last fact.

"Good. You've finally calmed down. Now get the hell out of here before I get my ass fried by some pissed off shinobi."

Genma suddenly got over the awkwardness and sauntered passed Tsunade towards the door. She didn't think to turn and look until she heard him exclaim, "Sakura! Baby! That burn was masterful! If only you would have let us see it… I would have paid to see his face."

Now Tsunade turned to see Sakura leaning casually against the door frame and Ino standing behind her looking embarrassed. Obviously Sakura has told her about the cameras… at least the others left in time.

Sakura didn't react to Genma, looking behind him straight at Tsunade with a disapproving glare, so Genma turned to Ino.

He gave her a small bow. "I've got to say Yamanaka-san, you could really make a fantastic career with Jiraiya with moves like that." Then he winked cheekily. "You can call me anytime Gorgeous"

She seemed too shocked to react so Sakura simply punched him in the face from her position behind them. She barely moved any other part of her body, but the jonin now lay unconscious on the floor of the security room.

Anko gasped but avoided the temptation to run over and check his pulse on account of Sakura's oddly calm demeanor.

Sakura didn't take her eyes off her old mentor, until she was satisfied that she was sufficiently disturbed, when she stoically said "Happy Birthday" and then left the room, slamming the door to trap Ino inside with the others.

"Sakura!" Ino protested in a whiney voice, and then stood still again, head bowed.

Tsunade felt a sudden wash of guilt. "Ino… I'm sorry"

"No you're not." She looked up to face her, but something on the screen behind Anko caught her eye. She signaled to it. "Is that..?"

"Yes Ino."

The younger girl walked over to the screen, pushing passed Anko in her path to see better.

What she saw there made her breath stop for a while. She curiously put a finger out towards the screen as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Ino…" Tsunade went over and turned off the screen "You shouldn't see that."

But it was too late.


AN: Show the luff. Pleshies.

Xx from Belizma-chan