A/N: I'm a Mack/rose shipper who thought it would be fun to write Rose's POV during the season. So here are the first two episodes. I've smushed them together because it's a 2-part episode.

Most people can pinpoint an exact time when their lives changed. My life changed the moment I picked up that little gold and white box. Professor Harman had been messing with my robot again. He always does that.


I walked into the University of London, knowing by the screams what had happened. I walked forward with a little smirk on my face. No matter how much Professor Harman messed with my robot he'd never understand how it works. Shoving him out of the way I tapped a few buttons on the keyboard. The robot returned to its normal position.

Turning to Professor Harman I tried my hardest to remain calm. "Professor, next time you want to mess with my robot: please don't." I bent over, reaching for my backpack that I'd accidentally left there the previous night. Suddenly I heard a clattering noise. Looking down, I saw a little gold and white box. Clicking it open, I saw a holographic man standing there. Impressive, I thought. Holographic messages are still being worked on in most places.

"Hello Rose," the man was saying. "I've read your papers on Advanced Nuclear Robotic Science, very impressive." Wow, he'd read my papers? Interesting… "I'm Andrew Hartfort and I'd like to invite you to come to my house this weekend. I've already booked your flight in anticipation of your coming. Everything's arranged. I hope you'll be able to make it."

With that, the little holographic man disappeared. Well, why not? He's taken the time to read my papers, and I'd like to talk to him about holographic images. As far as I know they're still in the development stage. Hartford, now where have I heard that name before…


I walked into the room, surprised to see a group of people there. I'd thought that I'd be the only one there, well maybe a group of scientists, but I could tell just looking and listening to these people that they were not scientists.

"Anyone have a clue why we're here?"

The Chinese guy shook his head.

"Nope," the girl replied. "I got an invitation so I showed up."

"This Hartford guy," the Caribbean guy was talking how, coming around the edge of the pool table. "Must be some wacky gazillionaire. He had me break into his own bank in Brazil."

I started looking around the room. The guy was obviously rich – what, the guy was a thief? I was interrupted in my thoughts by a new person walking in the room.

He was tall, blond haired and blue-eyed. He carried a book in his hands. I looked at him interestedly. He was cute, very cute. Stop it Rose, you know guys aren't interested in you. As soon as they find out you're smart they practically run away! There's no point in my getting a crush. I'll only get hurt. He's hot though…

"Hey guys. What's going on here?" Another guy this Hartford character had arranged to be here.

"Join the party," the blond girl said. "We got a message from that Hartford guy just like you." Darn her, I was going to be the one to say something to him. She's pretty, he'll like her a lot more than he will me. Wait, what's he saying?"

"Message? What message?" Hmm, if he didn't get a message, then he must live here. My suspicion was confirmed a few seconds later. Through the doors on the right a man came through.

"Welcome everyone." This must be Andrew Hartford. Now we'll get some answers.

"What's going on, dad?" Yup, I'm smart.

Andrew Hartford looked dismayed that his son was here. If he hadn't even told his own son what was going on…

"Hey, Mack," he said, walking quickly over to his son. "We're having an important meeting back here. Can we talk later?" Pushing his son back out of the room, he closed the doors quickly.

"But dad, what are all these people-" he was cut off by the doors. Darn, I wanted to keep looking at him, I mean. No I didn't. Get a hold of yourself Rose, you'll only get yourself hurt. Remember Andy and John and Evan and Mark and all those other guys you let yourself get attached to. They broke your heart and this guy'll do the same.

"I'm Andrew Hartford. I'm glad you're all decided to accept my little invitation." Should've been 'you've' not 'you're'.

"Before we get started, can I interest anyone in some lemonade? Spencer." He said, turning to the portly old gentleman who had come in with him. Obviously a butler.

"Oh thank you sir, but I'm quite fine." I hid a smile, this guy was awesome.

"For them," Hartford said, looking embarrassed at his servants reply.

"Oh." Spencer said, leaving the room.


It was a lot to take in, suddenly I had the fate of the universe resting on my shoulders. Well, mine and 3 others. Now I'm standing here getting my DNA re-sequenced. As soon as I walked into the centre I started getting excited. This Hartford guy had way more technology than I'd ever seen before in my life. We were given uniforms, each of us in a different colour. I'm glad I got pink. Ever since I was a little girl I've liked the colour pink. It started when I found out that my name, Rose, was a shade of pink.

"Team thank you for accepting my offer. Your uniforms look good on you. As we speak your bodies physical and mental abilities are being enhanced by a DNA re-sequencer. A Hartford Industries design. As your body adapts, you'll soon be able to do things and know things that only moments ago were thought impossible."

"Are we going to turn into a weird fly or something?" The Chinese guy, Dax, I reminded myself, was saying. Obviously he's watched too many movies.

Hartford gave a little laugh. "Not a chance. This is totally harmless. But you are now stronger and smarter than when you first arrived." Great, just what I need, to be even smarter.

The re-sequencer was finished and I stepped forward slowly.

"Welcome to your new base. One thing you should know about me is that I would never ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do myself."

"I didn't see you getting your genes scrambled." The blonde girl, Ronny said.

"I'm about to join you right now. I will be the fifth member, the red power ranger." I almost snorted with laughter. This guy, who was a good 30 years older than us is going to join us in fighting? Yeah right. I was interrupted in my thought by the elevator doors opening. Through them came Hartford's son. I wasn't able to stop my heartbeat from rising. Stop it Rose.

"Dad?" He said, walking forward. Hartford turned.

"Mack," So that's his name. It suits him. ARGGGGG. "You need to go home." I looked at Hartford for a moment. Why was he being so harsh?

"I am home, technically several feet below my home." At his words my focus returned to him. He was walking around. "What is this place?"

"I'll explain it all to you later." With that, he walked forward, grabbed his sons shoulder and dragged him towards the elevator. We stood there, not knowing what to do.

"If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your rooms." Spencer said, leading up to a set of stairs.

After climbing what seemed to be hundreds of steps we found ourselves in a small room in back of the kitchen. "Follow me," Spencer ordered. We followed him single file until he stopped in a hallway. Here we could hear what was being said in the other room.

"I knew something was going on." Mack's voice came through clearly. "Ever since you got back from your last trip you've been working 24-7. I never see you anymore." My heart sank. I felt sorry for this kid. All the money in the world doesn't matter to you if your parents aren't around. Where is his mother?

"I know, I-"

"-messed up big time." Mack finished his fathers sentence. "I understand. And now you're doing something about it, and I want to help. I want to be a power ranger too."

"Why don't you take a little walk around the grounds, get to know the place a little better." Spencer said, tearing us away from this fascinating conversation. He showed us a door that led to a little patio.


"Rangers!" The call came clearly. These guys were a lot tougher than they looked. I suppose we'll get used to fighting them. It'll get easier once we're more experienced. I ran with the other over to Spencer. I was holding my elbow which was sore. Reminder: more time at the gym and less time in the Library. Spencer was holding Mack by the back of his jacket.

"We need to leave right away. You three," Spencer pointed to Dax, Ronny and Will. "You'll need to ride by yourselves. You'll find the vehicles in the garage. Rose, you come with me."

"I'm going to the garage," Mack said determinedly. I couldn't help but smile. He was like a little kid. Spencer pulled him back. "You're coming with me too." We ran to a big jeep that was sitting in the driveway. We got in, Mack sulking a little. I smiled again. He was so eager to help. Hartford was already waiting in the jeep.

"Mack! I told you to stay inside where it's safe." He said as Spencer got into the jeep.

"I want to help." Mack said simply. We rode in silence for a few seconds, the other three joining us on the road. "You guys were awesome." Mack said to me suddenly. I smiled at the compliment. "You were really giving to them back there." He was smiling at me, a full;blown smile. It was so brilliant that I couldn't help but smile even wider.

"I'm not exactly sure who was giving what to who, but thanks." He was still smiling at me. "Mr. Hartford, apologies again for doubting your story."

"No worries Rose."

"There may be, sir." Spencer said. I'm really liking this guy, he's got a great sense of timing.

I leaned over the looked through the seats. "I think we're in trouble." Spencer continued. Mack leaned forward too, our heads inches away from each other. Calm down, Rose. It's just a guy, he probably won't like you in that way anyways. My thoughts were brought back to the present danger when I spotted a group of weird gray guys. They must be Flurious's soldiers. The jeep stopped suddenly.

"The lizards are behind us, who are these guys?" Will said, his voice rising.

"I don't think they're our welcoming committee." Dax said. I rolled my eyes. This guy HAD been watching too many movies. He had the corny one-liners down pat.

"We're going to the big time." (A/N: I can never understand what he says there) "Guys, these are your Overdrive trackers. These are what will morph you into Power rangers." He handed one to me. It looked like it would take hours to figure out all the different things this Tracker could do. Luckily right now, we only needed one. " 'Overdrive Accelerate' is the activation code. Let's do it." He said, holding up a Tracker of his own. I almost laughed out loud. I don't mean to seem rude, but this man was way too old to fight. Oh well, its his funeral. I thought, running off with the others.

"I don't know about you guys, but we can't wait for Hartford." That sentence made no sense, but I know what he means. "Let's Ranger up!"

"Overdrive Accelerate!" I yelled, my body knowing what actions to make. Must be a part of the re-sequencing. Pressing a button on the side, a screen appearing in from of me with an image of the suit, weapons and everything I'd need to know. Tomorrow I'll have to take the time to read all the specs and info. Suddenly I found myself in a ranger suit, pink and white with a logo on the chest and a little skirt. I thought it looked cute.

"Let's do it!" I heard myself say, running forward to fight.

I have to admit, the next few minutes were all a blur. I've never had any martial arts training, and I found myself kicking and hitting like a pro. That DNA re-sequencer was an amazing machine. It was like my mind had stepped back from my body and was watching it do all these amazing things. Now I know what they mean when they call something an 'out of body experience'.

Suddenly on the horizon a red ranger appeared. I knew instinctively who it was. "It's Mack!" Seeing Mack pull out a weapon made me remember mine. Suddenly on the inside of my helmet a screen appeared with the specs of my weapon. It appeared in my hands. I wasn't able to use it right away though. As soon as I could, I yelled "Drive Geiser!" Going into a flip and starting to shoot. I smiled when I saw them go flying. Mack used a special feature of his weapon to make them all crumble, and then he ran, the rest of us following.

"Back off!" Mack yelled. We watched in horror as the crown was handed to Moltor.

"I'm sorry, sir." Spencer said, "they overpowered me."

"The choice is yours, rangers." Moltor was speaking to us. "Go after me and the crown, or…" lightening flashed from his forehead, our eyes following it until we saw it hit a nearby mountain, which erupted, lava flowing from the top.

"NO!" Mack yelled.

"Or save your city below." Moltor finished. "You wanna be heros? Be heros!" He said. With a flash of flame, he and his lava lizards were gone.

"Dad, what do we do?" Mack said, turning to Hartford. We de-morphed.

"We can't let him get away, we have to go after the crown." Will said heatedly.

"No," Hartford said calmly. "There are people to be saved first."

"But the crown-" Ronny started to argue.

"It wasn't the real crown." Hartford interrupted. He's a smart guy. "Now, you need to split up. Rose, Ronny and Dax, find a way to stop the volcano at the source.

"Let's go!" I said sharply, knowing that no time could be lose. We ran to the jeep and drove up to the volcano.

I held my Tracker up, clicked a few buttons, my fingers somehow knowing which ones to press. "The source of the lava is behind these rocks. Ronny," I started to say.

"Allow me." She said, pushing forward with her DriveClaws. She tore away at the rock, stepping back when the lava started to pour through.

"The heat, it's intense!" Dax said.

"We need to get closer," I insisted.

"DriveVortex!" Dax said, holding out his over-sized blowdryer. "It won't hold forever. Do your thing Rose!"

"DriveGeiser!" I yelled, pointing my GeiserGun (as I liked to call it) and spraying lava, cooling it into rock in seconds. "Come on guys, lets go help Mack and Will."


"We did what Moltor asked us to do!" Dax was saying. "Be heros!"

"But the bad guys got away," Will said with a confused look on his face.

"There will be another day." Hopefully not tomorrow, I'd really like to get some research done on out weapons and the Tracker. And spend a little more time with Mack… "But today you guys were great."

"We were great? Mack was the one who was great." I felt pride run through my veins. He looked pleased, so I continued. "He led us to victory and saved everyone's skin," I turned back to Hartford, my memory returning to when Mack asked to be a power ranger and was refused. "Including yours." I said boldly, hoping that my words would convince the older man to let his son join us.

"Yes. You did a great job Mack." Mack looked happy. Hasn't his father ever praised him before? Told him he did a great job? But then his father isn't around much, so I suppose Mack takes every opportunity to try and prove himself to his dad. Poor little rich boy…

"You wanted to be a ranger and you were one," Hartford continued. "Now its time to put away that fantasy." Mack's face fell. He looked as if he might cry. "I'll take that." His father said, taking the Red Tracker out of Mack's limp grasp.

"But, Dad-" Mack said, his eyes filling with sadness. His father was walking away, not listening to his sons plea for understanding.

"I'll be upstairs in my office." Hartford said, ignoring his son.

"You always are," Mack said in a whisper.

"Come, Master Mack." Spencer said gently. "Come to the kitchen and I'll fix you something for lunch." Spencer took Mack by the arm, but Mack pulled away sharply, running up the stairs. We looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say. I started wandering around the room, looking at all the technology, thinking hard about what had just happened.

What is it with Hartford? His son only wanted to help. Of course, I wouldn't want my kid to be a power ranger, but you have to let them make their own decisions. Today Mack had been great, he'd been a natural leader, knowing instinctively what to do. Had something happened to Mack that made his father more protective of him?

"Incredible! I thought only the Defense Department had this type of tracking capabilities." Dax was enthusiastic. I smiled. After only a day with these people I was pretty sure I had their characteristics down.

I rattled off some specs about this technology, as I spoke I found myself getting more and more excited. As I ended I realized that everyone was staring at me. "What? Oh, I guess I'm the only one who memorized the data manual."

"Now," Ronny said, leaning over the board. "Where are these amazing vehicles they said we'd be using?" With a few buttons pressed we were looking at a garage filled with huge vehicles.

"Wow!" Ronny said excitedly.

"I think you found them."

"Those are for us?" I said, more for the sake of saying something than actually asking the question.

"I may need to lie down a minute," Ronny said almost breathlessly.

I walked forward and pressed a few more buttons, until I found cameras that showed the house. We saw several rooms, and several outside cams. I stopped pressing buttons when we saw one looking over a brick patio. Sitting on the steps leading down to the grass was Mack. We watched silently as Spencer approached. I saw a button that would activate a microphone, but I decided not to press it. It would be a private conversation. I quickly pressed a few more buttons until we found ourselves looking at pictures of what our rooms would be like.

"Nice, lots of wall space for all my movie posters!" Dax said excitedly.

"A room is a room is a room," Will said shortly.

"Wow, I already know where I'm going to put everything." Ronny said excitedly. "I wonder when we can start redecorating."

Suddenly the elevator opened, revealing Mack and Spencer. Mack ran into the room, a worried look on his face. "He's not down here." Mack said, turning to Spencer.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"He's gone and his office is trashed. Its gotta be those lava freaks who took him." Mack said angrily.

"At least he has his locator watch with him," Spencer said in an attempt at calming Mack down. "That is if he hasn't broken it already."

"I'll program a search pattern starting with the West Coast grid." I turned to Mack. "I can widen it if necessary." Mack nodded and looked down at the floor.

"Don't worry, Mack." Dax said, walking towards him. "We're going to get your dad back."

"Thanks." Mack said with a small smile at Dax. "Wish he hadn't taken Red's Tracker."

"Ah yes," Spencer said thoughtfully. We all looked at him. "The Tracker. What a pity its in your father's office. Locked in a fool-proof safe. Impossible to crack." He said deliberately before turning to Will. "Impossible," he reiterated. Will smiled slowly and started walking towards the elevator.

I walked over to the computer and started programming a search. Mack walked over and joined me. I turned to him as the computer started searching. "We'll find him. I'd tell you not to worry, but that'd be useless." I gave him a small smile which he returned. My heart started beating wildly at his smile. I can't help it. I've only known this guy for one day. I sighed softly. I just hope he breaks my heart soon and I can get over this silly crush.

"What was that sigh for?" Mack asked me softly.

"Oh nothing, just thinking." I smiled at him and he nodded, walking away to talk to talk to Spencer.

"I found it!" I called out excitedly.

"Oh wonder of wonders." Spencer said, rubbing his hands together. "A wonder that Mr. Hartford remembered his locator watch."

"Yes!" Mack said excitedly.

"Rhotuba Island. I've never heard of it."

"It's a remote island is Australasia approximately 465km north of Fiji. Now what I don't know is how we're going to get all the way over there." I looked at the map, thinking hard.

"Well, the fastest way would be to use the Special Hydro-Aero Re-con Craft, which Mr. Hartford likes to call the SHARC." Spencer said, walking forward and pressing a button. Looking at the screen we saw the specs for the SHARC. I scanned them quickly, knowing that my photographic memory would come in handy for when we used it.

"Sweet!" Ronny said, eager to get going. "I'm driving." She said right away.

"Yeah, I'm going too." Mack said determinedly. "Don't try and stop me, Spencer."

"I wouldn't dare, sir." Spencer said.

"Hey hotshot," a voice behind us was saying. We turned to see Will. "If you're going to be coming along, you might need this." He said, pulling out the Red Tracker with a grin.

"My Tracker!" Mack said. I noticed he said 'my,' and I smiled. Already he was becoming attached to it.

Ronny gave a little laugh. "You did it!"

"Was there a doubt?" Will said, throwing the Tracker to Mack, who caught it easily.

"Let's get going!" Dax yelled. "Where is this SHARC?"

"This way," Spencer said, leading us to the garage.


We returned from Rhotuba Island victorious, triumphant and a little sore. Yup, I'd definitely have to spend more time at the gym.

We were relaxing outside on the patio when Mack came running up to us. "Guys! Dad's allowing me to be the red ranger!"

"That's great, Mack. You're a great leader." I said smiling. I could feel my cheeks heating a little as he looked at me with a huge smile on his face. He was practically glowing.

"Yeah Mack, you're gonna be great!" Ronny said excitedly. My smile faded a little as he turned his smile to her. Well here it starts. He's obviously going to like Ronny more than me. Why wouldn't he? She's beautiful and I, well I'm just the brainy bookworm. No guy has ever looked at me twice. My intelligence sends them running away. Everybody was getting up and following Mack. I'd totally missed what they were saying. I got up and followed the rest of them down to the Command Centre.

Spencer was there getting the DNA re-sequencer ready. "Here you go, sir." He said, handing Mack the red uniform. Mack went into the little bathroom off to the side to change. He came out, wearing his uniform proudly. He looks hot in black… He's taking the jacket off, wow that t-shirt is tight on him. I can see his muscles. They aren't bulky, just large enough so you know he has some power behind those arms. And what nice arms they are… Stop it Rose, as if he'd be interested in you.

My eyes followed Mack as he stepped into the DNS re-sequencer. His eyes caught mine as the machine started. All through the re-sequencing his eyes never left mine. My heart almost stopped beating. Did this mean anything? Of course not, stupid Rose. He broke the eye contact as he began to feel the tingling they'd all felt. He stepped out of the re-sequencer with a smile.

"Your DNA re-sequencing is now completed, sir."

"I don't feel any different."

"Well it takes a few minutes for it to kick in," Ronny said. I almost glared at her. I'm jealous. I admitted to myself. But I can't let anybody see, because then they'd know and that would be awful.

"Great to have you on the team," I smiled widely at him, but he wasn't even looking at me, he was concentrating on doing up his jacket. I handed him his Tracker, our fingers touching briefly. The touch was electric. I wondered whether he'd felt anything too.

"I can't believe this is really happening." He said, looking down at his Tracker. He stuck the Tracker on his arm, suddenly getting a funny look on his face. I knew what was happening. He was feeling his power.

He reached out and grabbed Spencer by the collar, lifting him into the air easily. Super-strength. I laughed at Spencer's facial expression.

"When I asked for a raise, this is hardly what I had in mind." Mack grinned, and looked towards the elevators where his dad had just come through.

"I see you've given Mack his enhanced powers." Hartford said, a smile in his voice. "Put Spencer down now."

Mack lowered him carefully onto the ground. "Thank you," Spencer said before walking over to Hartford.

"Listen up, rangers. It's time to get to work. Our enemies have the crown." At this our faces lost their smiles and we became serious. "Now they're going to be after the jewels. It's going to be the mission of Operation Overdrive to find them first."

"Yeah!" we all said, getting ready for the fight of our lives.

A/N: Review and let me know what you think!