OH WOW! I haven't updated this story for a LONG time! Since 2007! T.T I feel bad now…Well, anyways I'm going to bold Inner thoughts now and when Sasuke's talking to his Inner, I'm going to just call him Sasuke, and not Outer Sasuke anymore.
Standard Disclaimer Applied…
Sasuke yawned mutely, 'Where am I?'
'Hm, black bras, black panties…I GOT IT! We're backstage at a Victoria's Secret's fashion show!' Inner Sasuke exclaimed while waving his hands like a mad man.
'Baka, there are NO black bras or black panties…And anyways we're in Sakura's room,' Sasuke explained.
Inner Sasuke pouted, 'You just have to ruin my fun, don't you? Ooo, Sakura's room? I wonder what we did there,' Inner Sasuke grinned so that the sides of his smiles stretched all the way across his face.
'Shut up, you're annoying,' Sasuke replied.
Sasuke glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 10AM. He also noticed that the picture of Team 7 was standing up again like a normal picture would.
Sasuke walked out of Sakura's room to search for Sakura, which it wasn't really hard because a delicious aroma came from the kitchen. He headed towards the kitchen and found Sakura preparing breakfast.
"Ohayo, Sasuke," Sakura greeted while her eyes glued to the frying pan.
"Ohayo, Sakura," Sasuke replied quietly.
They ate at their food in a comfortable silence.
"So Sasuke what do you want to do today?" Sakura asked, breaking the silence.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, 'She wants to spend time with me?'
'Mmm…I know what we can do tonight,' Inner Sasuke came out with a certain orange book in his hands called, Icha Icha Paradise.
Inner Sasuke started to giggle at some of the parts he read.
'Could you please put away that disgusting trash?' Sasuke sneered at the orange book.
' But…But…THIS IS THE GOOD PART!' Inner Sasuke cried out.
Sasuke got pulled out of his thoughts since Sakura waved her hands at Sasuke's face.
"Ummm, Sasuke? Are you still there?" Sakura asked.
"Hn, I am," Sasuke replied.
Sakura rolled her eyes when Sasuke said "Hn."
"Anyways, so? Do you want to do something in specific?" Sakura questioned Sasuke.
"No," Sasuke replied stoically like a robot.
"Ok, then I'll pick where we will go!" Sakura chirped happily.
'What got her in a good mood?' Sasuke wondered.
Then Sasuke realized her attire, her clothes aren't in black anymore. She was wearing a red vest with ninja shorts under her pink ninja skirt. Sakura also had ninja boots on her feet and a red headband on her head with short hair.
Sakura gestured for Sasuke to get changed into his ninja attire. Sasuke got rid of the outfit he wore when he was with Orochimaru. Instead he wore his clothes from the Genin days but a bigger size.
Sasuke stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Where are we going?"
Sakura flashed a smile towards Sasuke, "It's a secret."
"Hn, let's just go," Sasuke grabbed Sakura's wrist and dragging her out the door.
"Um, Sasuke, shouldn't I be dragging you?" Sakura sweatdropped while taking back her wrist.
"No, I don't want to get dragged. Just tell me where we are going," Sasuke calmly stated stopping for Sakura to tell him where they are going.
"Too bad, you're not going to get your answer till we arrive there," Sakura replied.
Sakura started pulling on Sasuke's wrist now and pushing through the crowds of people on the streets of Konoha. Sasuke didn't even bother to pull his wrist away from Sakura because he thought he would get shout at and etc. etc. When Sakura finally found the place she wanted to go to, it was a park. It was a beautiful park with birds chirping and happy couples walking down on the path.
"Let's take a walk here," Sakura suggested while heading down the path.
"Hn," Sasuke trailed after Sakura.
Sasuke caught up to Sakura and walked side by side with her. The silence wasn't completely awkward but there was some tension in it.
Sakura suddenly stopped, "Let's rest here," Sakura sat down on the green grass.
Sasuke nodded.
Sakura whispered, "Sasuke I want to get to know you better."
Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, "How do you plan to do that?"
Sakura gave a large grin, "We're going to play 20 questions!"
Sasuke sweatdropped but he was interested in getting to know Sakura better, "Hn, whatever, but how about 10 questions?"
"Ok, fine. But you go first." Sakura stated.
"What caused you to change?" Sasuke questioned Sakura.
"Eh? You mean why am I dressing in my original outfit and being happier?" Sakura inquired.
"Yeah," Sasuke replied.
"Just something you said made me overlooked my whole life," Sakura answered, "What was your favorite memory?" Sakura asked her first question to Sasuke.
"When my father finally acknowledged me and started to pay more attention to me than Itachi. Who's your most precious person?" Sasuke questioned Sakura.
Sakura's face became docile, "Hmmm, that's hard to choose from, Sasuke. I have many precious friends but not one of them can be my most precious person."
"Why not?" Sasuke asked her.
"Because the one who I think of my most precious person, doesn't feel the same way," Sakura's facial expression became gloomy, "Anyways, was it worth it, leaving the village for power?"
"…" Sasuke finally responded, "Yes and no, it was worth it because I was able to seek the power I thought I need to kill Itachi. No, because I realize that it hurt my friends in the process."
"Awww, Sasuke that was so sweet! Haha," Sakura giggled.
Sasuke glared at her, "How come you're so annoying?"
"Haha, I don't know. Maybe it's cause I was born to annoy you," Sakura teased him, "My turn, would you mind if I start calling you Sasuke-kun again?"
"Not really," Sasuke answered, "What do you like in a guy?"
"Haha, why would you want to know?" Sakura taunted Sasuke.
"Just answer the question," Sasuke said wearily.
"Hmm, I like a guy who is strong, can protect me, very sweet to me in his own way, very cool and mysterious, and does the little things he can do just to impress me," Sakura honestly answered, "When you kill Itachi…How do you think you will feel?"
Sasuke stayed silent for a while…Then he replied, "I think…I would feel happy that I'm free from the burden that has been placed on my shoulder, that I reached my life goal of avenging my clan. Why did you stay with me during the Genin days even though I was cruel, mean, and I pushed you away many times?"
Sakura pondered for a moment, "Well, I honestly don't know that answer. But I think that if you really love a person, you would stick with them through thick and thin. You would never give up on that person. Is it really true that you like girls with long hair?"
"No, whoever made up that rumor is stupid." Sasuke's voice changed, becoming softer, "How was it like during those five years I was gone?"
Sakura's face made a distorted look for a second, "It was terrible for me. I couldn't sleep at night, worrying day and night if you would ok or not. Questions running through my head saying 'Why did he leave?' 'Was I not strong enough to stop him?' 'Was he happy in this village before he left?'"
Sakura glanced at Sasuke's face, it was emotionless. But his eyes showed sorrow and guilt.
"Soooo, my turn for asking a question," Sakura made a face, "How was your family like before the massacre?"
Sasuke flinched; talking about his family members wasn't easy for him.
"My mother, she was a kind, caring mother. She would listen to my problems and made me feel like nothing was ever wrong. She would cook and clean, making her the ideal housewife. My brother, Itachi, he wasn't always a murderer. He would promise me that he would train me but sometimes when he couldn't keep his end of his promise, he would flick my forehead. I idolized him but loathed him at the same time. I think it's cause I was jealous at that time…Him being the "perfect child" and such. My father…He was a strict person. He always paid attention to Itachi, not me. Always comparing me to Itachi. My mother said that he would talk more about me than Itachi when he was alone with her." Sasuke summarized his whole family.
Sakura looked at him and asked him "Are you ok?"
Sasuke shook it off, "Yeah, I'm fine. Next question, how was your family like?"
"My family…" Sakura trailed off, "My family was pictured as the "Perfect Family." But it was far from perfect. My mom was a great mom, she would talk to me about my problems, give me great advice, and there to comfort me in my time of need. My dad was a shinobi, always coming out and in, but he still made time for us. My sister…was like your brother. She wasn't always a backstabbing murderer. She cared for me in her own way. I could see it, but things…started to go downhill when she heard that Itachi slain the Uchiha Clan. She started to go ballistic that Itachi did that and he left her. So, that's how the Haruno Clan turned up today," Sakura gave a sad smile.
"Hn, our stories are similar, probably the only thing that would be different is that I'm a boy and you're a girl," Sasuke made a joke.
Sakura laughed, "Haha, that's true. Do you like my hair short or long?"
Sasuke shifted, "What made you ask that question?"
"Just answer the question," Sakura mocked Sasuke from before.
"Hn, I like your hair long." Sasuke answered.
"But, you said you don't like girls with long hair!" Sakura accused Sasuke.
"Only some girls I like with long hair," Sasuke replied, "When did you start liking me?"
Sakura had a little blush on her face, "It was during the academy days, when I saw you practicing throwing kunais. I thought you were cute and…" Sakura trailed off because she saw Sasuke smirking, "Will you stop smirking!!"
"No," Sasuke's smirk widen.
"Ugh, whatever, it's my turn now to ask a question. Who was your first crush?" Sakura questioned.
"I don't have crushes," Sasuke simply replied.
"I don't believe that!" Sakura countered.
"Tch, fine, all I'm going to tell you is that I do like a person right now and she's my first crush," Sasuke stated, "Have you dated anybody during the past five years I left?"
"No, I haven't…" Sakura turned her head so it wouldn't be facing Sasuke, "Do you believe in love?"
That question shocked Sasuke for a moment, "I don't know really…I haven't experienced love a lot…The only love I know was from my mother."
Sasuke saw the sun was setting. They have been there for a long time!
"Come on, let's go," Sasuke pulled Sakura up to her feet.
"Hey! What about the game! We still have one more question left!" Sakura exclaimed.
"We'll finish it when we get back to your place," Sasuke explained while tugging on Sakura's wrist.
Once they reached Sakura's mansion, Sakura said, "Ok, Sasuke, it's your last question."
Sasuke pondered, wondering what question he should ask for his last. Then he got it.
"Do you still have feelings for me Sakura?" Sasuke questioned Sakura.
Sakura shifted, uncomfortable, "Ehhhh…Do I have to answer that?"
"Yes you do Sakura," Sasuke commanded.
"Ok, Ok, I'll tell you," Sakura mumbled something but Sasuke couldn't hear it.
"What did you say Sakura?" Sasuke asked.
"I said I still do ok!?" Sakura shouted.
Sasuke's face was emotionless but in his mind was full of emotions.
'She still likes me?' Sasuke thought.
'Dude, of course she still likes you! She just said it, duh!' Inner Sasuke came back.
'Shut up!' Sasuke countered.
"Earth to Sasuke, whoo hoo! Are you there?" Sakura waved her hands at Sasuke's face.
Sasuke grabbed her hand, "Don't do that."
"Fine, but it's time for my last question," Sakura stated.
"What is it?" Sasuke asked, getting annoyed.
"What do you think of me?" Sakura asked.
Sasuke froze, he wasn't expecting that question. Sakura waited patiently, tapping her foot.
"Ok, fine you don't have to answer that question," Sakura headed towards her room and slammed her door.
Sasuke wanted to say something but it was too late.
Sasuke sighed, 'Only thing to do is go to sleep. I'll tell her tomorrow.'
Sasuke glided to his room, giving one more glance to Sakura's door. But alas he closed his door too.
Woot! That took me a long time to do . Well, please review!