Fallen Angel

By: RavenHeart101

Disclaimer- Charmed does not belong to me.

A: N- This takes place in an unchanged future. Pretty much a Chris- centered story.

Can you please review?

Warning- This story is an AU. Hope you don't mind!

Chapter One

Twelve-year-old Christopher Perry Halliwell sat pleasantly on the living room couch watching TV. The new 3D Sponge Bob to be precise. It was pretty pathetic really. The starfish, Patty he thought his name was, did not even look like a star. Or a fish. The Crab was a circle/ cylinder. This show was pretty messed up.

The front door leading into the manor opened and a boy of fifteen with curly blonde hair and blue eyes entered the room. His name was Wyatt Halliwell and he was on a mission. Not necessarily a good one either. "Yo! Lil' bro! What up?" Chris gave his "Ol' bro" a strange calculating look. Soon he discovered that Wyatt had to be up to something. However, why in hell was he speaking in that annoying voice?

"Nothin'," Chris was catching on Wyatt could tell. But Chris had said this awkwardly and had/ was giving him a strange look that said what- the-hell-is- wrong – with- you? However, he gave him an even edgier look as Wyatt plopped down next to him on the couch. He was uncomfortable. Haha he would just have to deal with it. Now Piper walked in followed by a little boy and girl, Tyler and Roxanne Halliwell.

"Hello boys," Piper smiled at them thinking they were doing some brotherly bonding. Wyatt saw his chance as his mother left the room.

"Chris come here,"

"What?" Chris stood up after his older brother, only to be knocked back down. Wyatt pressed his fingers to Chris' eyes gently,

"Sleep," And Chris fell backward onto the couch immediately falling into a deep sleep. Wyatt disappeared for a while, finally entering back into the room, having put Tyler and Roxanne to bed along with their mother. Wyatt bent down next to his brother's side and moved him so that he looked more comfortable. He bent down and gave Chris a kiss on the forehead. "I love you little bro," And next thing he knew the house was being engulfed in water and his family dead. Well, at least that what he thought…

Exactly a minuet later, the kitchen was filled with blue-white lights. The white lights dissolved into two people, Leo and Victor. The inspected the damage of the house the loved so much. Walls were collapsed, the house had caved in, and the windows had exploded out. The house smelled of wet dog and death. "Leo, go look for Piper, Tyler and Roxanne," Leo nodded sending his dirty blonde hair flying around his face. His blue eyes were filled with concern and anger for his wife and children/ niece.

"What a-about th-the ki-kids," Leo stammered out looking at Victor,

"I'll look for them, you just find Piper, Tyler and Roxanne, ok?" Leo nodded and left the room in a faze of blue-white lights. A few seconds later Victor heard a shout of,

"PIPER!" Victor took off into a run. His daughter, anything but another one of his daughters!

"Orb her outside Leo! I'm coming!" Halfway there he entered the living room. Victor paused, what was that noise? He shrugged believing it was only his imagination and stopped. There it was again. It sounded somewhat like a… a GROAN!

"Oh Lord!" Victor dropped down onto his knees and started pulling pieces of wood off of the ground. He saw a hand, small, like a twelve year olds. He freaked,

"CHRIS! CHRIS CAN YOU HEAR ME!!?" he heard a soft groan, "Oh God. Oh God. Oh God! CHRIS!" In about fifteen minuets, his second grandchild was reveled. Chris coughing and groaning. He held onto his ribs. Chris' head was gushing blood right above his left eye. His neck was bleeding too; he must have had a broken arm and a few broken ribs. His emerald green eyes were shut tightly and his face was contorted in pain. Chris rolled onto his side tears were streaming down his dirty, dust-covered face. He had been on the couch, probably fast asleep. But, Victor thought as he grasped Chris' shoulder trying to get him to turn around, were was Wyatt? The thought left as quickly as it had come, and his mind and conscience was all for is second grandchild. Victor grabbed Chris into his arms and orbed out of the house and into the front yard of the manor to be confronted by Darryl and a squad of police and paramedics. They took Chris out of Victor's arms and the last thing he heard out of Chris was a weak mumbling of,

"Grandpa," That weak mumble snapped him into action. Victor hopped into the back of the ambulance, being carried to the hospital, soothing his grandson, praying that his family would be okay.

Phoebe jerked back from the notebook at once. If she never got anything off him before, why did she now? She looked down at the sleeping figure on the couch and sighed. His chestnut brown hair was messed up and sprawled everywhere on his head. Chris looked so peaceful. Then she thought back to the premonition. Wyatt had called Chris, Little bro. This had to mean… no it could not! But yeah, it was. Phoebe wondered why she had never seen it before. Of course! He was Piper's son!

A: N- Hey!! Hope you all liked it! If you did/ didn't could you please review? Just one condition, NO flames! I know it's kinda short. Don't kill me 'cuz of it! Lol anyway, thanks for reading. And reviewing... if anyone will/ did!

