Objects of my dreams,
Signs of a life,
Being torn apart at the seams,
Cascades of light,
In the dark,
On my heart always,
I shall bare your mark,
As time drags on you are forever there,
Caring for me in every way,
Always on the edge of my glare,
I will join you someday,
The product of a broken mind they say,
But you and I,
We are so gay,
Fluttering in the sky,
Together, we are as one,
Those who understand us,
So I will make them see,
And then, dear butterfly,
You will be to all as you are to me,
The symbol of a paradise,
Lost in all this hate,
You are remnants of what is nice,
But you are coming all too late,
So I shall give you to the world,
As one last chance in hell,
Or I fear,
As I sit here,
The gods will toll that final bell,
Now I am dying,
Yes, it is true,
I was not lying,
When I conceded my love to you,
As my mind fades I try one last time,
I try to fly with you,
In to the clouds, the sky so blue,
Whatever happens you have my heart,
Oh sweet apple of my eye,
Whatever happens will love you,
My sweet butterfly