Title: just this once

Pairing: martin/Diana

Genre: romance/paranormal/action/fluff.

Summary: looks like martin is back and Diana is all dumbfounded about it. How are things going to be between them now? And is the new mission going to bring them nearer or draw them apart further?

Chapter 2: old habits die hard.

"Hey Di." A familiar voice greeted her. Diana's eyes widened with shock written all over them. She felt her heart thumping piercingly as she stood rooted to the ground.

"Hey hey. Is that a way to greet your long forgotten step bro?" exclaimed martin teasingly as he enveloped his arms around her stiffened stature. Martin kindly released her from his cuddle and gave Diana his typical goofy grin.

"Awww. Come on Di. Don't tell me that you're still not used to little old martin's huggies? Man, I missed you" declared martin pleasantly as he walked towards her automobile. Martin mystery was indeed displaying expressions of delight and enthusiasm yet; he was a little disappointed by Diana's reaction to him.

The drive to the Center was quick since their destination was not far from where Diana was working. While in the car, Diana and martin exchanged noiseless glances and the only thing which intruded the silence between them was the trash of rock music. Courtesy of martin mystery, of course.

The atmosphere that filled the inside of the Center's building was as futuristic as ever. Once they had registered themselves into the mainframe, both martin and Diana were both escorted up to the office where mom worked.

"Welcome agents. And welcome back agent Lombard" stated mom evenly as she eyed the two agents sitting opposite of her. Diana let out a nervous laughter. After all these years, she still felt familiar with the anxious impression of having to anticipate a gruesomely slimy mission from MOM.

"Well MOM, what you have got for us today?" martin questioned his superior eagerly as he fiddled with the experiments on MOM's desk. The moment he had accidentally crashed something onto the floor, martin hurriedly tried to fix it. Clearly, he was unsuccessful.

"I've received calls from investigators stating that their customers at the mansion had been disappearing…"

"and you want us to find the source of what is causing this, right?" martin intruded, not even giving a second thought of the consequences he might have to face for interrupting MOM.

"Yes and no." MOM continued, her eyes gleaming with a notion to kick martin's ass.

"You see, there were reports of a black figure being there before the time of abduction and I suspect that it is this creature which is responsible for the occurrences" exclaimed MOM unperturbedly as she reached out her hand and landed an authoritative slap across martin's face. Martin flinched inwardly.

"AGENT MYSTERY, PUT YOUR ASS DOWN INTO THE CHAIR AND STOP MESSING WITH MY THINGS" with that, martin immediately flopped into the armchair with fear painted all over his trembling figure.

MOM swiftly typed the keys on her keyboard before something came out of the hologram before them. She reached her hands into the bean and took out a huge laser-like gun and handing it warily to the bewildered agent mystery.

"This, agent mystery, will be your weapon…use it carefully. Whatever the creature is, I need you to get a sample from it, additional to the residue that you're going to fine, understand?" MOM commanded martin stridently. Martin nodded his head in promise.

"Also, I want you both to keep an eye on each other; you both will be disguised as a couple holidaying at the mansion." Mom added.

Diana halted in her tracks and snapped. Something was wrong with the picture…

"So mom… let me get this right. You want me and martin to act as a couple while on this mission?" Diana was certainly taken aback by MOM's arrangement. Of all things, she had to be paired up with martin again. Oh, the irony…

"Well, lets just take it this way then; I'll not do anything to you" assured martin at once. Martin rose from his chair and paced towards the door summarily as Diana watched him from behind.

Once martin was out, Diana could not resist but felt a little guilty for initially voicing out her disapproval.

"It's alright Diana. Martin has been rather stressed recently. He's really just glad that he got this mission with you in it. As far as I've seen him, he's never been cheerful until today" assured MOM tranquilly before dismissing Diana out of her office.

Diana hastily exited the room and passed by martin in a dash. She knew that at that moment, it was not wise to have any contact with him.

Martin tailed her from behind without even letting a word out. All he needed to do was made sure she was within his viewing range and everything would be alright.

"I know this is none of my business but, try to get to know him more Diana. You'll be surprised by how much he has changed ever since he's been away from you."

"Was that something positive…?" Diana wondered inwardly as the feeling of sadness crawled in her heart.


Martin quietly accompanied Diana to her vehicle. He watched Diana as she walked before him. In his mind, martin thought of the reminiscences he had with her when he was her step brother.

Admittedly, it was not always popping daisies nor rainbows yet, he was elated whenever he was with her. To martin, maybe it was because that maybe she was always tolerant of him or maybe due to the fact that she was always herself with him.

"Hey Diana, would you like to have dinner with me…?" martin began. He gave her a bare look on his face. Frankly, the question was rather random.

"…sure…" Diana answered quietly, with her back still facing martin.


Diana and martin had a great time at the restaurant. It was rather unexpected since Diana had anticipated martin to screw it up like the usual. Instead, things went smoothly. They conversed about so many things regarding their careers, their lives and even talking about their old days together as teammates.

What surprised Diana was that martin had taken the initiative to order her favorite meal; poached salmon. Diana smiled in gratitude by his kind gesture. When they had finished dinner, martin offered to drive her back.

"Yoo-hoo Di, oh man, that was awesome! And then, I remembered clinging to whatever platform I could grab! The tornado was seriously ripping everything there!" martin recalled.

"Yeah! Hahaha! I remembered that I hugged you that time! Man, what was I thinking? You were all suspicious of me, you know? It was hilarious!" exclaimed Diana mordantly as she tried to suppress her embarrassment from showing.

"Hey…the last time I checked, you made me agree to a no hugging policy that Christmas! How could I NOT suspect something?" martin suddenly interrupted her. He stopped in his tracks and reached out for Diana's hand.

"The hug…well, I kinda liked it." Exclaimed martin kindly as a smile curled along his lips. He carefully released her hand and stood before her calmly.

"Diana, I really missed you these past two years. And well, I hope that you aren't mad about going on this mission with me. I really…well, you see, I really…" martin felt his throat being choked as he tried to voice his words, yet, it was unsuccessful.

Diana paced towards her ex step brother and stared deeply into his eyes. There was tears swelling in her green eyes as she stared at him with rage in them.

"Well of course you do! You didn't send me anything for god's sake! I was so worried for you, you dumbass! Next time, call me or something!" cried Diana mockingly before landing a huge slap across his face lightheartedly.

For once in his life, martin managed to hold her hand in his. Martin watched wordlessly at Diana as her tears trickled profusely down her flushed cheeks.