Sorry for the delay... +sigh+
Gomen, gomen, gomen, guys... T.T

Well, here's the third chapz...

"Kaoru, please come here, dear..."

"Hai, 'basan." Kaoru sighed and entered the main room where his aunt is. "Nani ka?"

Miya smiled. "This is Aiko-chan, Kaoru, my friend's daughter." She said, patting a young girl's back gently. Kaoru stared. 'Aiko'-chan is quite pretty. Her golden eyes glisten as her long silky green hair falls on her shoulders. She smiled.

"Douzo Yoroshiku, Kaoru-kun."

Kaoru stared. "Hm," He bowed. "Douzo." He said and left the room. "Aa, Kao-chan," Miya called. Kaoru stopped and turned around. Miya smiled. "She's going to be staying here. Isn't she beautiful?" She teased. Aiko giggled.

"Oh, stop it, auntie..."

Kaoru rolled his eyes. "May I be excused, auntie?" Kaoru asked liflessly. Miya frowned. "Aren't you going to show Megu-chan here new room? Take her on a tour of our house, Kao-chan. I'd appreicate that." She said. Kaoru frowned.

Our house...? As if.

"I'm sorry, auntie, I have something to attend to." Kaoru made up an excuse. Miya glared. "Take her, Kaoru."

Kaoru frowned. "I can't, auntie." He growled a bit. Miya raised her voice. "Are you growling to me, young man!?"


"K-Kenji, stop it!"

"Alright, alright," Kenji raised his arms. "Jeez, you're no fun." He pouted. Hikaru panted, afraid. He frowned. "You sick pervert!" He said. Kenji stared at him. "Mm-hm," he nodded. "Whatever, baby." He licked Hikaru's face again.

Hikaru shook. "Kh..."

"You know, it's Kaoru's fault." Kenji smirked. "He didn't 'label' his own property."

Hikaru's eyes widen. He blushed. "Wh-What was that supposed to mean!?"

"Oh, you know... Make you his." Kenji chuckled. "I mean, don't say that you've never done it with Kaoru? C'mon, you must've done it a few times with him, right? You guys seem to be TOO close to each other."

Hikaru growled, his blush still tainting his cheeks. "Pervert."

Kenji laughed aloud. "And proud to be one." He smirked. Hikaru shook his head. There was only one thing on his head.

Help, Kaoru.


"What?" Kaoru frowned, obviously irritated with the girl clinging on his arm. Aiko giggled. "Why the bad temper?" She tilted her head. Kaoru looked away. "It's nothing. Will you let go of my arm, please?" He sighed as Aiko shook her head franticly.

Kaoru walked towards the guest's room. "Here. This is your room."

"Wow! It's all gold!" Aiko giggled.

Yeah, wait till you find out that it's fake. Kaoru rolled his eyes. He sighed. I wonder what Hikaru's doing... Life's so boring without him... Hikaru, where are you...?

"Kaoru!" Aiko waved her hand infront of the other's face. Immediately, Kaoru snapped out of it. "O-Oh," he cleared his throat. "What is it?"

Aiko pouted. "You never call me by my name!" She said. "Call me, Ai. See, it's as easy as that!" She smiled. Kaoru sighed. "Alright, 'Ai', I'm gonna head back to my room. You know where the kitchen and the main room is, right?"

"No, no, no! Wait, Kaoru," She grabbed Kaoru's arm once more, drawing it to her chest. "Do you know what my name means?"

Kaoru frowned. "Yes, and I need to get some sleep. Please let go, Ai."

"It means 'love'."

"I said; I know. Now, let go."

"No! Not until you show me what 'love' is..."

"You don't know what 'love' is?"

Aiko shook her head. Kaoru let one big sigh out. "Seriously, Aiko, I gotta go." He said. Aiko frowned. "Fine." She raised her arms. Kaoru bowed a bit, "Thank you." And went to his room, locking the door. Aiko smirked.

"Maybe I can't have you now," She said. "But one way or another, I will get you, Kaoru."

Hikaru gazed outside the window.

I wonder what Kaoru's doing? Life is SO boring without him... Hm... I wonder if Kaoru's staring at the stars like I am… Then we'll be staring at the same star... He smiled. I miss him... So much...


Hikaru turned his head. He frowned. Kenji was smirking at him.

"What do you want?" Hikaru snapped.

Kenji approached him. Hikaru drawed back until his back bumps in to the window. "Woah," Kenji raised his hands. "You'll fall out if you don't stop right there." Hikaru smirked.

"I'd better jump off this window than seeing your face, you horn dog."

Kenji raised his brow. "Wait, 'Horn dog'?" He chuckled. "Where did you learn that word?" He grabbed the younger teen's collar, pulling him towards, making him yelp. "Did Kaoru teach you to say that?"

Hikaru growled.

"My, my," Kenji smirked. "Someone needs to be punished for such a naughty mouth..."

"GET OFF!!" Hikaru batted Kenji's hand away.

Kenji laughed. "You're gonna regret this, Hika-chan."

"Uuh," Hikaru reached for the phone, but Kenji twisted his wrist. Hikaru winced. "Nope, no tattle-tales..." Kenji said. "Mom's gone to her boyfriend's house. You know what she's doing?" He asked. Hikaru frowned. "No, and I don't want to know."

"Well," Kenji licked the younger one's neck again. "I'll tell you anyway." He smiled, his hand roaming all over Hikaru's body.

"STOP IT!!" Hikaru punched Kenji's cheek. Kenji chuckled. "She's--"


Hikaru screeched. Kenji frowned, then he smirked. "Well, if you don't want to hear me saying it," He minimizes the gap between them.

"I'll just have to show you, nee?"

Yeah, this one's a bit short...

Sore ja, minna! RnR!!

Oh, and the 'horn dog' thing? It's from my good friend, Val!

Let's give her a clap and a plate full of chocolate chip cookies! (gives cookies)

Thanks, Val!!
