Authors note: Hey…I'M BACK!! And this is the Happy Ending…remember the sad ending has nothing to do with this chapter. I know I know…a long time coming. It's written in normal story mode…with Kai's POV WooT for me! Yeah I'm sorry I've taken sooo long to write it…my inspiration dried up completely…But it's back now…I think…bare with me here people!
Disclaimer: Don't own them...which sucks!
Warnings: It might get...SAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the end thoughI take a breath and walk slowly over to you. You haven't seen me yet, which I'm thankful for. I lift my arm up and rest my hand on your shoulder. You spin around with a smile on your face, which falls slightly when you see me, your eyes not quite meeting mine.
"Go away Kai" is all you say as you shrug my hand off your shoulder, turning around again, walking away from me. I grab your hand, not wanting to let this opportunity to pass me by.
"I need to talk to you," I say as you turn around to glare at me, well anywhere but me, though I feel your anger and I feel your hurt. But maybe…maybe I can make things right. I look at you and see that you are thinking it over in your mind. Your shoulders slump in defeat and you nod your head slightly, pulling your hand from mine.
"Follow me" I say, tempted to grab your hand again, afraid I'll lose you in the crowd of students, but something tells me not to do that. I stop outside an empty classroom and push the door open, letting you go in first.
You walk quickly past me, head down and turned away from me. You stop in the middle of the room and keep your back turned to me. I walk in the room and close the door behind me.
I turn to face you, wrapping my arms around myself, trying desperately to find the words that I need to say to you. Oh those words are swimming around my head, but slip away as soon as I think that I have a hold on them.
"Well…Kai say what you have to say so I can leave" Your voice rings out in the silence, cold and harsh. I flinch slightly as the words pierce my heart.
"Promise me that you won't interrupt what I have to say to you…Rei," I say to your back.
"You have my word," you say as I slowly take a few steps toward you.
"Then look at me when I speak to you" I says stopping a few meters behind you, looking at your figure. You haven't changed over those 6 months of being apart, your broad shoulders are as strong looking as ever, and your neck looks as soft as always. If only I could reach out and brush my fingers over your tanned skin…
You turn around, but do not look into my eyes. I haven't seen your golden eyes properly since the day I…well; even then they weren't the eyes I used to see on you.
"Rei…I" I struggle with the words, they are now filling my brain, wanting to get out and I feel like I'm drowning in them. I wrap my arms tighter around my body and slightly shake my head, to get myself under control.
"I'm sorry" are the first words that tumble from my mouth. Your eyes snap up and for the first time in what feels like forever, crimson meets gold. You open your mouth to speak, your fury evident on your face and in the way your body is shaking in anger, but you close it, remembering what you just promised me. Though now you keep your eyes locked on mine, waiting for an explanation.
"I'm sorry, very very sorry for the things...the hurt and pain, I've put you over the last half a year." I start, not really knowing what to say, everything is just coming out as it chooses.
"I thought... I thought that it was the best thing for me to do, Rei I really did. I thought that I wasn't good enough for you, that I could never make you happy. That is why I began to distance myself...and after that night, well I made the choice that there is someone out there who deserves you more than me, someone who wouldn't hurt you like I do." I take a shakey breath, clasping my hands in front of me, but my eyes never leave yours.
Your eyes... They have widened with the information I have given you. I wonder what you are thinking, what you'll say when I'm done.
"But I couldn't forget, I couldn't push it aside. Rei. I tried so hard to forget you, saying to myself that if you were with me, you'd only get hurt, and that I'd only hold you back. But I can't stop. Rei, I can't stop loving you!" It was then I looked away, not wanting to see your reaction. I'm sure you'll yell at me, telling me 'Tough I've moved've had your chance'. I don't want to hear it, but I know I'll have too, for your sake I will. I know it won't even be close enough to the pain I put you through... I have to hear it.
I hear your footsteps as you close the gap between us, I take my chance and look up. For the second time in 7 months, the palm of your hand connects with my cheek, causing my head to snape back. I feel the dull pain beginning to grow, just like last time, only this one isn't as bad. I turn my head to look at you.
You are standing right in front of me, looking at your hand, I see it's slightly red. You clench your fist and look up at me, your eyes shiney with tears that you refuse to shed.
"Don't play with my heart's not going to work, stop faking it, it's not funny anymore" You say, each word is like a knife being driven into my heart. I expected this...but not so harsh. I deserve it though.
"Rei... I'm not faking... I was never faking that I loved you... I was faking that I didn't love you." I have to get you understand that.
"Prove it" I look deep into your eyes, trying to see how I can prove to you that I love you.
"Rei" I say softly, my mask falling away. I need you to see that I care, that I need you. I reach my hand forward and let it cup your cheek, you don't stop me, you don't say a thing. I run my thumb over your cheek and then your lips. I've missed the feel of your skin under my palms, I've missed it's warmth. My other arm wraps around your waist, pulling your body against mine, you let it happen.
I place my hand under your chin and tilt your head up, my eyes look at you filled with love. 'Prove it' you said to me, and that's what I intend to do. I bring my lips down and brush them softly against yours. I'm trying to put all my love for you into this one kiss, but I don't think the kiss will be enough to convey all my feelings for you.
I press my lips more firmly against yours, using my arms to crush your body against mine. I nip at your bottom lip a few times...asking...begging for entrance...and after a few moments you comply. Your lips open slightly, allowing me to slide my tongue into your sweet mouth. I feel your arms creep around my body and you begin to kiss me back.
I'm the first to pull away. I press my forehead against yours and give you a small smile which you return.
"I love you Rei...i'll never stop loving you" I say running my thumb over your lips again. "Will you...take me back?"
"Kai, I will take you back...but it will be hard for a while... take it slow" You say, pulling me closer to you, afraid I might change my mind and leave you again.
"I know...I will take it slow...but I will never leave you again"
"Promise me"
"I promise... I don't ever want to see you hurt..."
"I love you Kai...I never stopped, even when you had hurt me"
"I know Rei...and I love you too."
'Take it slow...' At least it's a start, Rei, thank you for giving me a second chance.
It's over!!...sooooo what did you guys think? good? bad? ugly? i love you guys so much for putting up with my non-posting of the chapters. you're the greatest.
Luff KH
P.S... REVIEW!!!!!