Off Limits


"Come in," Troy called from his desk and Gabriella walked in.

"Hey babe," he said looking up.

"You are going to hate me," she said sitting down and placing her feet on his desk.

"Highly doubtful, but try me anyways," he said looking through papers on his desk.

"I just got off the phone with Nike, they aren't budging."

"Kevin Durant?" he asked looking up.

"Yeah. I mean I don't get it. This boy grew up in South Central with absolutely nothing, dreamed to play in the NBA, you would think he would jump at a 10 million dollar deal with Nike. But no. It has to be 12 million, or else the world is coming to an end. And he has yet to play one minute in the NBA," she ranted as Troy got up and stood behind her, draping his arms over her shoulders onto her chest. He moved her hair to her left shoulder and kissed her neck.

"I don't hate you baby. I could never hate you, especially for something like this," he said in a comforting tone. She sighed and leaned her head against him as he began to massage her shoulders.

"You know someone once told me that one summer he walked into a Foot Locker, and guess who was working there?"


"Alonzo Mourning," she replied and Troy laughed a little bit. "I mean the thought of a college basketball star actually having a summer job now is insane. The thought of them doing homework is insane. What happened Troy? What happened to the love of the game?"

"Shoe contracts happened," he replied.

"Yeah," she scoffed. "I sound like Jerry McGuire."

"That's not a bad thing," he laughed.

"Yeah," she laughed as well.

"So I am guessing you have to call Durant now," Troy said, sitting on the desk.

"Yeah, I am really excited to talk to that crazy ass father of his," she replied and he nodded.

"Speaking of fathers have you talked to yours?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No, I mean except for some business things, and he uses as little words as possible," she replied.

"Same," he sighed.

"What are we going to do Troy?" she asked worried.

"I don't know, but don't worry. He will come around," he said and she nodded. "As for now, focus on the Durant deal. Try and see if you can talk to him. You know these parents, most of the time they are the ones who are constantly wanting more," he replied.

"Yeah okay," she said. "Thanks."

"No problem," he replied and she gave him a peck on the lips before walking towards the door.

"You will get back to me?" he asked turning towards her.

"Of course," she replied turning around.

"Love you."

"Love you too," she smiled.

The Next Day

"Hi Dad," Gabriella said walking into his office. He didn't look up.

"You need something," he asked, and she tensed up.

"Umm I just want to tell you that Durant and Nike have come to an agreement, you should be getting a call soon," she replied.

"Okay. Good job," he said with no emotion.

"Umm thanks," she mumbled.

"Is there anything else?" he asked looking up for the first time.

"No," she said shaking her head. "I…I just thought you would be a little more excited for me." Tears welled up in her eyes. He looked back down at his papers.

"Well maybe I would be if you hadn't slept with my protégé when you were 18 years old," he replied.

"How long is it going to take for you to get over that!" she exclaimed. Before he could speak she cut him off. "No Dad. I have said sorry countless times. I was young, drunk, and stupid, and I made a mistake. I know that and so does Troy! It was seven years ago, can't you just let it go, and be happy that your daughter is marrying the love of her life! Before you found out, you were ecstatic. And…and then I come in here and tell you that I have sealed my first big deal, and you act like you could care less. Do you understand how hard this is for me, for years I dreamed of what your reaction would be when you found out that I did. I always pictured you being so happy for me. But I guess not, and if this is how you really feel, Mr. Bolton can walk me down the aisle." Sobbing, she stormed out of the office. Robert sat there frozen, hating himself for the way he had been acting the last few days.


Sharpay was walking through the hallways when she saw Gabriella crying.

"Oh my god, Gabi are you okay?" she asked worried. She just shook her head and walked into her office. Without a second thought Sharpay hurried to Troy's office. He looked up at her, but didn't say anything, for he was on the phone.

"Troy…" she started.

"Can you hold on one sec?" he asked into the receiver then pulled the phone away from his mouth. "I'm a little busy here Shar."

"I just saw Gabi in the hallway, she was crying," she replied. His face fell.

"I'm sorry, I am going to have to call you back," he said into the phone. With that he hung up and quickly got up.

"I asked her if she was okay, and she just shook her head," Sharpay said as he walked quickly towards the door.

"Where is she?"

"Her office," she replied following him out.

"Ok you go see if she is okay, me and Robert need to have a little talk," he said upset.

"Ok," she replied. He walked towards Robert's office, and walked in without warning, slamming the door behind him. Robert, whose head was in his hands, looked up.

"Troy I…" Robert started but was cut off by Troy.

"You know you're really being an asshole Robert," he said seriously.

"Yeah," Robert sighed.

"You're daughter is in her office sob…" he started.

"I know that Troy! Don't act for one second like Gabi is the only one that is hurting here. One day you when you have kids, and if you have a daughter, you will look back and understand where I am coming from. She's my little girl Troy. And I thought I raised her to make better decisions. I knew she drank, I'm not stupid, but going out to Hyde and getting so drunk that she sleeps with a 24 year old who words for her father! Everyone thinks I am blaming it on the two of you, but in the end it is my fault, I should have been there, I should have…"

"Why do you think she is so upset Robert? She looks up to you so much. Remember how hard she took it when you got upset that we were dating?" Troy asked.

"Yeah," Robert sighed. "Look Troy, go to Gabi. I will be there in a few minutes." Troy nodded and turned around.

"Hey Troy," he said and Troy turned around. "I'm sorry. I know I overreacted it's just she's my daughter and…"

"I understand," Troy replied and walked out. Robert ran his hands over his face, and collected is thoughts, trying to figure out what he was going to say. A few minutes later, he left his office and went to Gabriella's. He opened the door to see Gabriella in Troy's arms, crying. They both looked over when they heard the door opened.

"Um Troy can you excuse us for a second," Robert asked. He looked at Gabriella.

"It's okay Troy," she said and he nodded before leaving. Gabriella wiped her tears away and looked at her father. "What do you want?"

"To explain, come sit," he said and she reluctantly sat down next to him on the couch. "You know why I got upset right?"

"Yeah, cause I got drunk and slept with Troy," she replied.

"Yes, and because I thought I had raised you to make better decisions," he replied and she nodded. "I know I overreacted, but Gabi you have to understand where I am coming from. When I heard what happened, I felt like I had failed." Tears were now welling up in her his eyes.

"Don't say that Dad," she replied.

"But it is true Gabi. I shouldn't have gotten so upset at you. Everyone makes mistakes, and I realized that no matter how stupid what you did was, I cant really be that upset. Because if it hadn't happened you wouldn't be as happy as you are now. And in the end that is all I want, for you to be happy," Robert said sincerely.

"Thanks Dad," she mumbled. He took her hands in his.

"And don't think for one second that I'm not proud of you for what you just pulled off. You sealed a deal that at your age I would have never even come close to sealing. You did an amazing job Gabriella, and I cannot be more proud of you," he said.

"You mean that?" she smiled.

"More than anything sweetheart," he replied, and she hugged him, and he immediately hugged back.

"Thanks Dad, you have no idea how much that means to me," she said.

"You deserve it, and I am so sorry that I made you think that I wasn't ecstatic about it," he replied.

"It's okay," she replied and he nodded.

"So do I still get to walk you down the aisle?" he asked and she laughed.

"Of course," she smiled.

"Good," he replied and pulled away.

"Troy, you can come in now," Robert said and Gabriella laughed. Just then Troy walked in.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he said and they laughed.

"It's okay, now I should be getting to work, as should you two," Robert said standing up and they nodded. "Quick question."

"Yeah," they both replied.

"Did anything else happen that I should know about?" Robert asked and they both froze.

"No," Gabriella replied quickly.

"Of course not," Troy added just as fast. Robert raised his eyebrows. Gabriella looked at Troy, who scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Ummmm…" Troy said at loss for words.

"You know I really don't need to know," he said and Gabriella let out a sigh of relief. "Gotta say though pretty gutsy move making a move on someone completely off limits."

"Yeah," Troy said, and wrapped his arm around Gabriella's waist. "But it was worth it." All three of them smiled.

Please Review!!! I think that is the last chapter, cause I don't really know where else to go with this. I hope you liked it! I don't know what stories I am going to update next. If I can get it out, there will probably be one more chapter to Popular. In the meantime, I do have a Troyella one shot almost done that is VERY mature. Here is the summary:

Gabriella isn't ready for sex yet, but that doesn't stop she and Troy from being physical. See how a more experienced Troy turns Gabriella from very innocent, to not so much. Meanwhile, Troy informs Chad, Zeke, and Jason that not having sex isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean anyone who thinks boys don't kiss and tell needs to think again.