I'm trying out a Mark/OFC fic, with all the other couples too!
Dedicated to LOSTrocker who loves Mark/Anthony
Hopelessly In Love
Mark walked back and forth nervously playing with his fingers, as the other six watched.
"Mark calm down you are going to be fine." Roger assured him.
Mark stopped dead in his tracks facing his friends. "No I'm not I haven't been on a date in years…the last person I kissed was Maureen!"
Maureen's ears perked up at the sound of her name. "I can kiss you again if you want. You know give you a little lesson."
Joanne protectively wrapped an arm around her girlfriend. "Um no she wont." Her gaze then fell on Maureen. "No you wont."
Maureen winked at the lawyer and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Mark only rolled his eyes before he began pacing once again.
"You pace anymore you're going to burn a hole in the ground." Collins teased.
Mark stopped again. "I can't help it…how do I look?"
Angel jumped up off of Collins lap; she then walked over and studied the filmmaker. "You look perfect."
Maureen nodded with a devious smile. "Yeah those sweater vests really suit you."
Roger stifled a laugh at the comment only to receive a slap on the arm by Mimi.
Mark put his face in hands. "I look like a nerd don't I?"
"Sweetie don't listen to her, Maureen doesn't know what she is talking about." Angel said as she pulled Marks hands away from his face.
Mark sighed. "What do I even say when I'm on this date."
"Stuff that interest her." Joanne answered.
"Yeah." Mimi agreed. "For example if I wanted to hold a conversation with Maureen I would talk about protest…or the dancers from my Cat Scratch club."
Maureen's ear's perked up for the second time that night, and her attention quickly focused on Mimi. "I'm listening."
Mimi giggled. "See it's easy."
"Make her feel comfortable." Roger said.
"It's easy for you, you already have Mimi." Mark said. "You have Collins, and then there is mojo."
"And soon you'll have someone!" Angel cheered.
Collins pulled Angel back onto his lap. "And when you do it's the best feeling in the world."
Angel smiled before placing a small kiss on his lips.
"I can't wait for that feeling." Mark whispered under his breath.
Finally Mark's watch alarm went off and he froze in his spot.
"Oh shit." Mark said. "It's time."
"It's okay you'll do fine." Collins said.
Mark slowly nodded. "Yeah you're right I'll do fine."
"That's a good attitude." Angel said with a bright smile. "No go make us proud!"
Everyone else gave him some words of encouragement and then he was soon out the door and on his date.
It was ten pm when Mark slid open the loft door to find all the couples cuddled around the TV watching a movie.
"You're home early." Mimi said.
"No shit I would definitely be at her place having sex right now." Maureen stated.
Joanne glared towards her lover. "Oh you would."
Maureen smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm just reminiscing about our first date pookie."
Joanne smiled satisfied with her answer, while Maureen turned her attention towards Collins and shook her head.
Mark sighed.
Roger then looked up from the TV. "How'd it go?"
Mark shook his head. "I'll probably never see her again."
"That bad?" Angel asked.
Mark nodded while he flopped himself into an empty chair. "Pass the popcorn?"
"Do you want to talk about it?" Mimi asked.
Mark eyed the dancer. "Pass the popcorn?"
Mimi handed him the popcorn. "I'll take that as a no."
"I just want to sit here with my friends." Mark said as his eyes fell on the TV.
"Sounds good." Mimi agreed feeling a little bad for Mark.
A few minutes later Mark turned to his friends to comment on the movie, but fell speechless at the sight; Roger was sitting on the ground back against the couch, with Mimi in-between his legs, occasionally giving her a kiss on the neck, his eyes then shifted to the couch were Joanne was spooning Maureen, and then he finally made it to the end of couch, where Angel was comfortable seated on Collins lap.
Mark's eyes finally fell back on the TV, silently sulking and wishing he had a lover to cuddle with.
Just as the movie was getting to a good part there was a knock on the door. Everyone glanced towards each other wondering who the hell it was.
"Its ten thirty." Roger said as he angrily stood up to go answer the door.
When he opened the door, a petite Latino girl was standing before him. "Hi is Angel here?"
Roger stared at her with a puzzled look, until he finally moved aside to let her in. "Uh yeah."
Everyone looked from the TV just in time to see a frantic looking girl enter the loft.
"Phoebe!" Angel shouted rushing towards the new girl.
"Thank god I found you!"
Angel pulled the girl into a hug. "Why are you here?"
"I'll explain later." Phoebe said as she held onto Angel.
After a few minutes of silence, Maureen sat up on the couch and asked the question everyone was thinking.
"So…who's Phoebe?"
Angel pulled apart from the hug and turned to face the group. "She's my sister."
Collins nodded. "The married one?"
Phoebe shook her head. "I'm not anymore."
Collins sank into the couch. "Oh sorry."
"Introductions." Maureen said with a playful smile.
Angel titled her head and smirked towards Phoebe. "That would be Maureen the one who loves to meet knew people."
Phoebe smiled and shook the diva's hand; in return Maureen gave her a flirty smile and said, "So did you get divorced because you like women?"
"She's my sister not the women in rubber!" Angel advised.
Phoebe kindly smiled towards Maureen swiftly taking her hand away.
"The one with her arms firmly wrapped around Maureen's waist would be her girlfriend Joanne, the lawyer of the group." Angel said.
"This is mine." Angel said while placing a kiss on Collins cheek.
"You can call me Collins."
"Nice to meet the one who makes Angel happy."
"His name is Collins…Tom Collins." Roger teased with a lighthearted smile.
"That would be Roger and his girlfriend Mimi." Angel said before turning around to face Mark who was entranced by the girl. "And this would be Mark." Angel finished.
Mark nervously stepped forward putting out his hand and shaking hers. His eyes seemed glued to the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but noticed the way her brown hair perfectly flowed past her shoulders, and the way her gray eyes sparkled with delight.
"Uh hi." Mark finally said. "Nice to meet you."
Phoebe smiled when she noticed Mark was still shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you too. Can I have my hand back?"
Mark blushed and pulled his hand away. "Yeah sorry, you can have my seat too."
Phoebe giggled still smirking towards the filmmaker as she took a seat.
"So…" Maureen said breaking the little moment Mark was having. "Why are you here?"