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Chapter Nine: As Close As We Can Get
Sometime in the Future…
"Mikan, you're next in stage," Hotaru said as she stood by the frame of the door. She was in high heels and looking as mature and sophisticated as ever.
"Thanks Hotaru!" I said as I flashed a smile at her.
Hotaru started to leave but then stopped. "You've been through a lot these couple of years, I'm sorry that I wasn't much help."
I shook my head, "I was just being too naïve; for a while I could only see what I was missing in my life instead of appreciating what I have. I didn't see that you were there for me in your own way, you were just waiting for me to realize. A large part of living is letting go of our past and looking forward to what the future has for us."
Baka, baka, baka.
I groaned as I rubbed my head. "What did you do that for? I was getting ready to go on stage!"
"That's what you get for talking like an old lady," Hotaru said as she turned to hide a small smile on her face. "By the way, good luck with Hyuuga."
"Hey, shouldn't you be wishing me luck for the concert instead?" I yelled to her retreating figure. That best friend of mine…
"Oi, Polka, you're late. Hurry up and get yourself onto that stage." I stuck my tongue at him and then hurriedly checked my hair to make sure that the baka gun didn't do any damage to it. And that was when I looked at the clock.
"Waaah, I'M LATE!" I shouted as I started to sprint in the direction of the stage.
"Baka," I heard him say as I rushed passed him.
A few months ago, I would've looked at this chapter of my life and vomited at the scene. How cheesy and mushy and carefree it was. But now, instead of playing the role of happy-go-lucky Mikan, I'm living in it.
Natsume asked me a few times why I had chosen this character to pretend to be before. I never really told him the answer; he's a genius, probably figure it out… eventually.
When we smile, it creates a comforting atmosphere, a false security. Being happy is the easiest way to hide feelings of frustration, of anger, of hatred, of pain. Laughing can blind us to feel as if everything is all right; it's an efficient bottle that can hide many hidden emotions and tears. It's an efficient mask.
But at the same time, being genuinely happy is also a way of showing strength; showing that it's possible to find light in darkness, showing that we're not afraid of smiling.
Perhaps a happy ending is impossible but we just have to make sure we can get as close as we can to a happy ending. After all, isn't that life?
"Hello y'all! Sorry for the wait!"
Hello! Sorry I haven't updated for a while but… it's finally summer! Banzai! Anyhow, I came really close to deleting this story but then I decided to put up a final chapter. Thanks for reading and a SUPER BIG THANKS to everyone who reviewed! Happy Summer XD !!