She stared out over the distance, tears streaming down her face. She stood there, dirt in her clothes and in her hair. None of that mattered, though. She knew she was bleeding, but she didn't care. All she cared about was the man standing across from her.

It was Jack Harkness. Katherine had found him at last. After searching for so long, finally, there he was. He smiled and started to cross the distance between them. After what seemed like forever, they were close enough to touch each other. He was smiling, then his face became scared.

Jack was looking over her shoulder. She turned and saw the creatures of golden metal that she despised, yet who were, ultimately, her destiny. Daleks.

"Get away from here, Katherine," he said, getting in front of her.

"I won't leave you. They won't kill me. They think I'm one of them." If I told them not to kill Jack, would they listen? she thought. But she already knew the answer. She had tried so many times before.


Her tears of joy were replaced by tears of pain and sadness. He just stood there, ready to die so he could protect her.


The lead Dalek shot and Jack slumped to the ground, dead. Taken away from her. Just like Satellite Five. Just like every other nightmare.

Katherine Reese woke up in sweat and tears. That's what always happened after the nightmare. The dream was always the same. And Katherine hated it.

She walked out to the kitchen of her apartment and sat at the small table. Why did she still have feelings for Jack? She had Nick now. Her life was perfect. Yet, every night, she found herself dreaming of Jack and always crying when he died in the dream.

Katherine sat at a table outside her favorite café. She was sitting alone, waiting for Nick. They had a lunch date. She had been sitting for five minutes when her mobile rang. It was Nick. He was stuck at work and had to cancel. "That's alright," she said.

"I'm so sorry."

"I know. I'll call you later."

"Alright. Love you."

"You, too. Bye." She hung up and looked at the diamond ring on her left ring finger. Nick may be her fiancé, but she had only said 'I love you' to him once; the night he proposed.

Katherine put her mobile in her jeans pocket, looked up... and her eyes saw the one person she never thought she'd see again. In that split second, all thoughts of Nick went out of her mind.