Lion -Hearted
Chapter 2

Secrets become the truth

Mike stood there as the robber feel to the floor. Stacie ran over to mike and held him close. A noise came closer and there was a knock on the door. Jackie answered it.

"Hello where responding to a alarm." The man in a blue shirt said.

"Mommy there's a police officer." Jackie said. Stacie came to the door.

"Hello sir we have little situation on our hands. You see that man on the ground was robbing our house, and he took our"…She paused for a second thinking of a word to describe me. Friend here and held a gun to his head. Then he took my wedding ring. My husband jumped forward with his gun and shot him."

The police officer looked at the man on the floor who lied there dead. He called in the ambulance to take the man away. They question Stacie, Jackie, Mike, and I, after that I went to check on Gabe. By the crib lied a note it read:

Dear Jonas,

I have to say I am impressed. You have found a new family all in one day. But I wrote this letter for one purpose and one purpose only. I had to tell you something about Gabriel and your family. First off; Gabriel was never to be released. As you thought he was supposed to. Soon you will be but a distant memory of your community. Now the news about your family, your mother…how do I put this. Your mother is died. The second day you were missing she asked to be released. She could not take the pain of losing you. Lily on the other hand has come to me asking if I knew where you where. She is quite worried. As for your father he has moved on, he has completely forgotten you Jonas. As for Asher and Fiona I think they will always miss you as will I. You are like a son to me and I love you. If I can I will try and visit you soon

Good wishes,

The Giver

How did he find me? I said questioning the Giver, but then remembered that he had planned this whole escape. Although I still wasn't exactly disappointed about him sending me a letter. I can't wait until he visits. Stacie walked in and looked at me reading the letter.

"Jonas is everything alright?" Stacie asked

"Yes everything is fine. I'm great actually. Except for one thing, my mother killed herself the 2nd day I went missing. But other than that I am quite excited."

"Oh I see, well why don't you get some rest; we have an early morning tomorrow you are going to school. Of coarse we will let you sleep in after this little satiation. You can't be late though you are visiting another community. If you miss that bus you're going to be in big trouble." Stacie said.