Chapter 1: A Fateful Accident

I'm willing to accept that things happened on that day that were out everyone's control. The name's Masashi Randou and I was a renowned martial artist!

I remember on that day, I had just flattened the Hokkaido Tournament. I could still hear the announcer exclaiming that I was the winner. I won mercilessly, but…it wasn't like I was a monster. I just didn't yet know the meaning of true sportsmanship. I suppose that's why fate cast me into this situation.

We were on our way back home after the tournament…

A public bus putted down the street, belching out black smoke as it went. Inside, everyone was anxious and there was no doubt why. In the back of the bus, four male teenagers were talking and laughing loudly and obnoxiously.

The leader of the said group was named Masashi Randou. He had spiky dark hair and he had a leer stuck in his face. Even though he was known and feared, he was oddly short for his age.

Randou was laughing loudly. "Hokkaido Tournament? Yeah, right!" He looked at the other three and rubbed his nose. "That was just too easy, you know? The National Tournament will be nothing at this rate!"

One of the three lackeys had slicked very old-fashioned blonde hair. His name was Kinoshita Takahiro. "You were awesome, Randou! No one can beat you, can they?"

Bravely, an old woman asked, "Could you please keep it down a bit?"

Takahiro called, "Shut it, grandma! Can't you see we're talking?" Leaning back, he let out a hearty laugh. "We're so damn sorry, aren't we, boys?!"

Two others laughed at that. There was a big one with short black hair with sideburns and a square jaw. His name was Tamura Sayouji. The other was a blonde young man with long hair that parted down the middle. His name was Endou Takuya.

Randou, was about to laugh with them when he noticed a girl a few seats from the front. She had shoulder-length black hair and a beautiful face. This girl was a year younger than Randou.

Gasping, Randou stopped himself. "R-Rina-chan!" Then he bopped the three on the head. "Knock it off! Stop bothering others, dammit!"

The three of them cower, rubbing their heads. "R-Randou?!"

"Shuddap and stop whining already!"

Her name is Kurimi Rina. She's a freshman in the school I go to. Sometimes we end up riding the same bus.

Arrrgh! She saw me being an idiot again!

It wasn't long that Randou found himself on a nearly disserted bus. Pulling out a photo of Rina, Randou sighed, "I'll show you that I can be a good man, Rina-chan! Yes!"

He leaned back in the seat and put the photo into his pocket. But she seems like a serious girl. I wonder if my one-sided love will ever go anywhere. No way!

My problem is that I'm surrounded by idiots and then I find myself acting like them. I hate guys like them…

Suddenly, he felt himself being tossed to the side of the seat. Looking out a window, he immediately saw what had happened. Some idiot had accidentally drifted into the wrong lane and the bus had to swerve to avoid it. Just when Randou was about to exclaim obscenities, he felt a strange sensation. It felt like the bus was flying—and it was?! No! It was falling from a cliff-side!

"Holy mother—"

Nothing. I don't remember anything after that.

Where am I now?

I feel…different…

If I could just…open my eyes.

It burned. The first time Randou opened his eyes after that. The light. It hurt. Like he hadn't used his eyes in a long time or something. Sitting up, he groaned. Something was strange. He wasn't sure what, but it didn't feel right. His body…

"Oh, wow! So you're finally awake!"

Randou jumped and he looked over to the source of the voice to find a middle-aged man with messy long black hair. His intense eyes were fixed upon Randou and Randou was sure he detected a bit of insanity behind them. He wore glasses and a long white lab coat. The doctor snapped a chart closed and walked over.

"After a year, I was worried you'd never wake up." He said.

Randou blinked a bit and then it sunk in. "A year?!"

But it wasn't his voice that came out. It was high and girly sounding. He was anything but girly.

"Yes, unfortunately, you were in an accident. After they stabilized you at the hospital, they sent you to my clinic for intensive reconstructive surgeries. I'm Dr. Manabe, by the way."

"Re… Reconstructive surgeries?!"

"It seems this is a bit much for you to take in all at once, but bear with me."

Randou had nothing to say to that. He wanted answers and it seemed like this doctor was the only one who had them. Putting his own mental health aside, Randou simply replied, "Please…tell me."

Pushing up his glasses, the doctor continued, "When they brought you here, you were burned beyond recognition. All they found was this picture of you." He held up the treasured photo of Rina, except now the photo was singed and the corners have been burned away. "I was able to fully restore your face and identity based on this."

His eyes widening, he grabbed the photo. "This… This isn't me!"


"No! Why would I carry a photo of myself around?!"

"Hmm… I wonder."

Holding out his hand, Randou demanded, "Give me a mirror."

"Mirror? Why?"

"Give me a mirror!"

Dr. Manabe walked over to his instrument cabinet and pulled out a mirror that he must use for surgeries out of a drawer and then gave it to Randou.

Snatching the mirror, Randou looked at himself. He found Rina's face staring back at him, except she now had brown hair instead of black.

"My hair… My face! It's Rina-chan's!!"

"Your hair? Oh! I suppose it was bleached from the scarring."

Randou grabbed the doctor and shook him. "Couldn't you tell I was a man?!"

"What do you mean?"


"Oh! No."

"What do you mean no?"

"You had no identifying characteristics at all! You were badly burned. Even gender-identifying things were gone."

Looking as if the apocalypse was near, Randou echoed, "Gone?!"


"You mean it's…"


Randou went pale. "This…can't be happening…" Sitting up, he stared at the doctor. "Wait… I lost my manhood and you thought I was a girl. Which means…"

"You hadn't noticed yet?"

Looking down, he finally noticed two lumps on his chest. Breasts?! No way! Wait… He put a cautious hand down under the blanket and found what he feared. "I'm… I… I'm a woman!!"

Dr. Manabe pranced as he sang, "Isn't it beautiful!"

Randou thundered his…or her…fist against the doctor's face, sending him into a cabinet. "You bastard!! Stop acting happy about this!"

Once again, Randou looked down and then squeezed his breasts a bit and then sighed. "I have…boobs and… Wait… These are fake, right?"

Standing up again, Dr. Manabe cleared his throat. "Well, no. I used real hormones to, what I thought at the time, regrow your breasts. Real is better than fake, right?"

"These and…that… And…this face…" Randou glared at him. "Turn me…back! Now!"

"Umm… I can't."


"I don't have a picture of you to remake your face. And when it comes to the others, I could flatten your chest, but you'll never have a functioning 'manhood' ever again."

Randou shook with anger. "I…can't believe this!"

"Are you blaming me? Someone without a real photo and without even gender to rely on?"

Looking at him, Randou's face softened and he admitted, "Well, no. I suppose you're not to blame. You were just doing what you thought would make me happy at the time."

Happily, Dr. Manabe pranced over and hugged Randou. "Oh, Kimiko-chan! You've made me so happy!"

"Ki…Kimiko?!" Randou's eyebrow twitched and the pushed the crazy doctor away. "My name is Randou! And get me some damn clothes!"

"But we agreed on that name when you were in your coma!"

"Don't associate your dementia with reality!!"

A bit later, Randou was standing in front of a body mirror. He, or she, was wearing a long-sleeved pink shirt that exposed his shoulders. He was also wearing a white skirt. As he looked at the reflection that had Rina's face, he blushed a bit as if she was really standing there.

Snapping out of it, Randou screamed, "Don't you have anything normal for me to a wear?!"

"That is normal for a cute girl to wear."

"I'm not a cute girl!"

"Your reflection says otherwise."

Looking back into the mirror, Randou knew he couldn't argue that, but it still made him angry. "Look, I'll go back to my house and grab a picture of myself and then you can get back to work."

"And ruin my greatest creation?! I refuse!"

"You bastard… You did this, you fix it!"

"I told you… Even if I did, you could never live like a normal guy."

"But… Like this… I look just like the girl I love!"

Taken aback, the doctor admitted, "Oh, I see where that may be a problem."

"You think?!"

"Well, I grant you that is a problem, but you becoming a guy again is also a problem."

"You!! I…" Randou looked down and realized what he was talking about. "Even if I get back my old face and everything, I'd never be able to live like a real guy…" Closing his eyes tightly, he asked, "What else can I do, though?"

"A second option would be to bring me an equally beautiful face. It's really completely up to you, though. Live life as half-a-man or live as a beautiful woman."

Randou looked down at his body. Half-a-man or a beautiful woman? Does it really come down to that? As he walked over to the elevator, Randou muttered to himself, "What…bullshit."

The doctor held out a hand and said, "Wait a minute! You said you were a guy, but you never mentioned your real name."

Turning around, Randou introduced himself, "My name is Masashi Randou, third year at Seika High School."

"That's strange… That's the name of the boy that died in the bus fall with you."

"That can't be! I'm right here!"

"In the bus accident, five people were injured and one person died. Just like you, the deceased had no identification. The family was sure is was you, Randou."

Rushing over, Randou pushed the button for the elevator and pointed back at Dr. Manabe. "I'm going to have to go through some hell to make them believe it's me, but I will! I'm going home to get a picture of myself and then I'll be back!"

"Are you going to consider what I said before?" Manabe asked and pushed up his glasses, they shine ominously as he does.

As Randou walked down the familiar streets toward his house, he did give the crazy doctor some credit. What he was saying made a lot of sense. He could never go back to being a full male, so why not just manage as a girl? After all, his…body wasn't that bad.

What was he thinking?!

Better yet… Have I really been thought to have been dead for a year?! What could that possibly mean?

He shook his head as he rounded the corner and came on to the block where his house was. Hopefully no one was home. He'd just sneak in and… It's gone?!

Running over, he gaped at the houseless ground. There was a sign up that read, "Vacant Land."

Panicked, Randou asked a woman walking by, "W-What happened to the house here?"

The woman looked at the empty lot and sadness washed over her face. "The married couple that lived here moved away last year. Their son died in a horrible accident. Neither of them were the same after. They left quickly after because the memories were too much for them."

"You… You're kidding…" Jumping to his feet, Randou cried, "Where did they move?!"

"I… I don't know!"

Randou looked back to the lot and collapsed to his knees. "I… I never knew they cared so much…" He felt something wet drop on to his hand and he noticed something dripping on to the sidewalk. He sat up and touched his cheeks, they were wet, too. He was crying? He hasn't cried in ages! What the heck?! But still… His parents were gone. He could care less about the picture.

Where can I go…? My parents are gone and I have no way of finding them. Even if I did, with this body and face… They…would never believe I'm me.

Nowhere to go…

No family…

No friends…

This is worse than being orphaned.

Randou didn't even realize that his feet were walking on their own. He had walked into a shopping district. He did finally realize where he was, a moment too late. It struck him. He looked just like Rina! Rina lived in this neighborhood. I need to get out of here before someone mistakenly recognizes me—or worse, I get caught by the real…thing! Just as he was going to turn to run away, he saw her. Rina was looking right at him.No!

Rina stepped forward a bit, in shock. Suddenly, she rushed forward and hugged Randou. "Onee-chan! Onee-chan! You came back!"

"Eh…? Eh? Eh?! Onee-chan…?" Randou mumbled in disbelief.

Before Randou even had a clue about what was going on, he found himself in Rina's home. Her parents were swooning over Randou.

"I'm so glad you came home, Yuna-chan!" Her mother said as she squished Randou in her arms.

Rina's father glared down at Randou. Does…he know? "Yuna…don't you…" He grabbed Randou suddenly and lifted him right off his feet. "Realize how much you made Mama and Papa worry?!"

Futilely, Randou attempted to say, "I… I… Well, this is… This…"

Rina, smiling, said, "I was so surprised! I couldn't believe my eyes at first. I almost didn't even see her, too!"

Rina's mother stepped forward and took Randou's hands into hers. "Since you ran away in the winter of your third year of middle school, we've been so worried! We were scared you had gotten yourself into some kind of trouble."

This is bad… Really bad! Stepping back, Randou waved his hands in front of him. "Th-The truth is that I don't really remember—"

Rina's father scooped Randou into a hug. "So that's it! You couldn't come back because you had amnesia!"

Her mother was kneeled over in tears. "So that's it! How sad that this would happen to you…" She stood up and said, "If only…we took the time to understand how you felt, none of this would have ever happened."

Walking over, Rina handed Randou a picture album. "Here. Maybe this will help your memory, Onee-chan."

Randou looked down at the pictures in the album. His eyes widened with the pictures of Rina and another girl who looked identical to her. "Whoa! Two Rina's?!"

So this sister business is because…

"Is… Is it something like twins?" Randou guessed.

Rina leaned forward with her eyes sparkling. "Oh! So you've remembered then, Yuna?"

W-What? This just can't be happening!

But it was and Randou found himself in Yuna's bedroom. He was sitting on her bed in thought. This can't be okay. No matter how you look at it, it's wrong! Staying here would mean I would have to become Kurimi Yuna. I couldn't really become Rina's twin sister, could I? No way! We're nothing alike!

Wait a minute. If I stay here, that would mean I could be with Rina-chan everyday!

Grabbing his head, he shook in confusion. No, no! That's not okay! It never would be okay!

He stood up and gazed into a mirror. "But no matter how I look at myself, I look just like Rina-chan." Sitting down, he touched his slender, feminine legs. "Because I was in a coma for a year, my body has slimmed down a lot." He touched his chest and blushed. "I even got a chest from those hormones, thanks to that crazy doctor." He sighed, deeply conflicted. "But if it's with Rina-chan…"

The bedroom door creaked open and Rina called in, "Onee-chan?"

Rina walked in dressed in her pajamas and bearing a pillow. "Yuna, could we sleep together tonight?"

Randou stepped back, shocked and turned blue. "Sl… Sleep?! WHAT?! No, no, no!" He waved his hands quickly in front of himself. "There's just no way!" What's with this girl? Do girls normally do these kinds of things?

Looking down, Rina explained, "I…I really am just afraid that if I fall asleep, you'll disappear or I'll wake up and find out it was all a dream. I'm…scared, Yuna…"

"Y-Y-You… Don't worry!! I'm not going anywhere, okay?" Randou tried his best to be convincing, but something tells him he failed. "Just go back to your room and go to sleep, okay?"

"O…Okay." Rina mumbled, disappointed.

Randou quickly closed the door and panted with his face as a deep crimson.Getting this worked up… I… I just have never have been that comfortable with a girl before…


I can't believe this happening!

Even though I am a girl now, I just…can't do something like that… Baby steps!

The next morning, Randou—or Yuna—went back to Dr. Manabe's clinic. The crazy doctor chuckled out loud and said, "You were right about one thing: you are both girls, so it's not like it's a big deal anymore."

A dark aura came off Randou after that comment and he said darkly, "That's not the point! It's the principle! As a man, I could never sleep with a woman so casually!"

Holding up a finger, Dr. Manabe rebutted, "That logic is flawed, but understandable." Putting his hands on his hips, he revealed, "Remember, you are a woman now, not a man."

"But that doesn't change the fact that I used to be a man!" Sitting down on a cot, Randou continued, "That isn't even half the problem, though. It's this whole situation! Like this morning…"

Earlier that morning, Randou was sitting at the desk in Yuna's bedroom when Rina's parents came in to talk to him. Randou was caught off-guard by the sudden intrusion, but he smiled to them regardless.

The father asked, "How are you? Feeling better now?"

Randou sweated a bit. "Well… Just…"

He continued anyway, "It's terrible, I know. You lost your memory, but…"

"Could you try to be a bit nicer to Rina-chan?" The mother asked. "She…has had a troubling two years, after you left."

What's all this about now?

She walked over and draped an arm around Randou gently. "You see, you two used to be close. You did everything together. You liked the same foods, music, movies…"

Rina's father was suddenly on the other side of Randou. "But when it comes to closeness, your mama and I won't lose to anyone!"

Squealing, Rina's mother blushed. "Ohhh… Daddy, what are you saying!"

Randou's eyebrow twitched as he watched the two. What's up with these people?!

Clearing his throat, the father continued, "But when it came to choosing a high school…everything changed." Randou blinked, looking taken aback. "We were sure that you would go to the same high school as Rina, as was she; however, you said you wanted to become a beautician.

"One day, we were arguing about it, once again. Back then we had no idea how resolved you were… You said, 'How come Rina can choose what school she wants to go to, but I can't?! I know why! You love her more than me, is that it? Is she prettier?!" Closing his eyes, he looked sad. "The next morning, you ran away from home."

He looked at a shocked Randou and furthered, "You see, Rina blamed herself. She thought that it was her fault that we weren't letting you become a beautician."

Her mother stepped forward. "She's really a sweet girl… This whole time she has been praying for your safe return."

Randou's eyes snapped wide. Then last night when she came to me… He picked up a picture frame of Yuna and Rina and sighed. If I go back to my old self or choose the face of another girl, then… Yuna will disappear from Rina's life again.

That makes me sound like a monster. Perhaps…I am one after all.

Back in the present, Dr. Manabe adjusted his glasses. "So this whole being a woman thing ends up working in your favor after all."

Glaring up at him, Randou asked, "How do you figure?"

"Isn't it obvious? If you were still a guy, this plan would never work! Because you're a girl, you can easily do things that guys could never do. You can act like a normal girl and no one would ever be the wiser."

As Randou looked down in thought, Dr. Manabe's glasses shined-over menacingly.

After his visit to Dr. Manabe, Randou wandered the streets of the neighborhood. He kicked a stone and sighed. "The more I think of it, the less likely it seems like I'll ever be a normal guy again." He looked down at hands. "I'm…even acting different from before, aren't I? Is it because I'm not around those idiots or…"

He shook his head and nodded. Alright, then! It's settled. From now on, I am Kurimi Yuna!

That doesn't mean, though, that I should abandon my search for a picture of—huh?!

Wait! Of course! The school! Why have I been so stupid?! There's gotta be a picture in school somewhere! Not wasting another second, Randou sprinted off in the direction of the school.

As Randou walked down the halls, he rubbed the back of his head and thought, Where should I start looking?

"Ah!" A blonde girl nearby with shoulder-length hair gasped.

"It's her!" Another girl with dark long hair announced.

The two of them approached a surprised Randou and the blonde one exclaimed, "Wow! Amazing! She really is the splitting image, isn't she?"

"No doubt! You must be Rina-chan's twin sister, right?" The dark-haired girl agreed.

The blonde girl giggled. "She told us all about you already."

"Now… Now, wait just a—" Randou said futilely, but it was already too late.

Girls came out of all directions and crowded around Randou. "Wow! Yay!"


"I can't tell them apart!"

"You came back! Do you know how happy Rina-chan is?"

Randou heard from behind him, "Onee-chan? What're you up to?" It was Rina. Oh, no! This was the thing I wanted to avoid!

"I…uh…was just having a look at your school, that's all. It's really nice, huh? I was thinking of maybe coming here." He laughed a bit. What the hell am I getting myself into?! I'm digging a deeper hole here!!

Suddenly, Rina grabbed Randou's arm and squeezed it to her chest. "Really?! That's wonderful news!"

Randou blushed deeply. My… My elbow is against her chest… So soft… Warm…

The blonde girl gasped, "Wow! Identical twins! How cute!"

"Yeah, but Yuna is just a bit taller."

The dark haired girl laughed. "If Yuna really transfers, this place will go nuts!"

Another girl with a short, boyish haircut announced, "Yeah, but it'll be a lot of fun, right?"

Turning to Randou, Rina offered, "If you're really interested in coming to my school, I'll give you a tour."

Sweating nervously, Randou shook his head. "No, no! I'm fine. I… I gotta get going!" With that, he took off running down the hall, leaving a group of confused girls behind him.

Randou stopped and leaned against a wall, panting. I always saw girls walking around in packs, but being in the middle of it is a frightening experience. Girls rarely looked at me before, let alone talked to me!

…Can I really deal with this every day?

I'll go to a place where I won't be crowded by girls: my old karate club.

Randou walked into the karate club practice room and found them sparring with one another. Impressed, he thought, Nice! They're actually working out.

Raising his hand, he called out, "Hey, Kinoshita! Tamura!"

The two of them both peer at the entrance and notice the weird girl with light brown hair waving to them. "It's me! You know!" Randou described vaguely. Wait… I'm not me-me right now. Ack!

The two karate thugs walk over to Randou. Kinoshita puts his hands on his hips. "Now, what do ya want?"

No! I'm not Randou anymore… I'm Yuna, right? Yeah, I suppose.

"Oh… Oh, well… You see, I was just…" Randou said nervously.

Kinoshita blinked and commented to Tamura, "Man, she's cute, huh?"

"Y-Yeah." Tamura agreed.

Looking at them, Randou blinked some. They're…blushing? Why? Oh! It's because I'm a girl now.

An evil sheen sparkled in his eyes. Heh… I can use this.

Folding his hands in front of him, Randou asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a picture of Masashi Randou-senpai, would you?"

Kinoshita suddenly looked dead serious, like he was holding a poker face. "Of Randou? Not me. How about you, Tamura?"

Struggling to hold back a laugh, Tamura shook his head. "N-Nope! I don't got one, either."

Turning to the rest of the club, Kinoshita announced, "Hey! Any of you got a picture of Randou?!"

The entire group burst into laughter. One of them yelled back, "What the hell?! Why would we have a picture of that idiot?!"

What…do they mean? Idiot?!

"We tossed those eyesores a long time ago!"

Kinoshita rubbed his nose. "We used to have some pictures of him with us, but then the son of a bitch died, so we chucked 'em. It was a relief!"

Nodding, Tamura concurred, "Yeah. We didn't want to remember the bastard." Then they all laughed.

Meanwhile, Randou was still standing near the entrance, a chaotic aura sparked off of his body as anger swept through him violently. You…assholes…!!

"He made himself the leader only because he was just a bit stronger than us."

"When he died, I was so happy that I danced!"

Kinoshita looked up in remembrance. "Oh, wait! We do still have one group photo of him left."

He looked at one of the low members and he scrambled off and a second later he returned with a photo. Kinoshita handed it to Randou. He was in the photo, but they had drawn and written all over it. His face was covered by a strange demon-looking cat face with a beard. Things like "idiot" and "you got what you deserved" were also written on it.

Everyone in the room burst into extreme laughter, some of them slamming their hands against the floor. Randou's anger peaked and he lowered his head. "Y-You…" So these are your true feelings… You bunch of ungrateful…

A bird landed on a window sill outside the room and chirpped as Randou slammed the door closed. The entire club was now cluttered all over the floor in a mass of blood and bruises.

Randou stormed down the hall and headed for the staff office. "I've…honestly…have never been so pissed off in my life…"

In the staff office, Randou was standing in front of a middle-aged, heavy-set man with visible stubble. He rubbed his chin and sat back in his chair. "Randou, eh? I honestly don't think we have a picture."

Still angry from the karate club, Randou barked, "How?! How is it possible that you don't have a picture of him? Class pictures? Events?! Anytrhing! I really need one!!"

Looking a bit annoyed, the teacher answered, "Nothing. That Randou was a bothersome kid. He never showed up for any of those things. He skipped picture days, events, and even field trips."

Randou looked dumbfounded. Oh, no! He's right, isn't he? I don't even remember a single picture day…

"That aside," The teacher began, "aren't you that second-year student, Kurimi? Why aren't you in a school uniform or in class?"

"Whoops!" Randou cried and opened the door. "I…gotta go!" He ran down the hall.

"Hey, you!"

Once again, panting against a wall, Randou was full of despair. That's it then. Every option has been eliminated. I guess I really don't have any other choice than to get another female face…

Suddenly an unexpected voice called out to Randou, "Onee-chan! What're you doing?"

Randou was now facing the wall, sobbing. Rina looked surprised and quickly walked over and touched Randou's shoulder. "Onee-chan… What… What's wrong?"

Quickly, Randou turned and ran away from her. "D-Don't wory about me!"

Rina helplessly watched Randou run away. "Yuna-chan…crying?"

Finding solitude was nearly impossible for Randou now, but he found himself going back to Rina's house and collapsing on Yuna's bed. Burying his face into the pillow, it was all he could do to escape the world around him.

So not only isn't there a single picture left of my male self, Rina also saw me cry…

More importantly, though, I never realized it then, but… I was a lonely person. I didn't have any real friends. Those guys who I considered idiots, considered me to be the king of the idiots. They all really hated my guts!

Thinking back, I honestly don't blame them. Even now… The way I reacted… I beat them all up without any hesitation. That isn't how a girl should act.

Reaching up, Randou gently rubbed some more tears rolling down his cheeks. "I…don't understand. Were are these tears coming from? I haven't cried since I was a little kid… So why…? Is it because I'm a girl now?"

Sitting up, Randou thought to himself, Wait a minute. Why the hell should I be caring about how girls act? Sure, I am one physically now, but that doesn't mean I should change everything about myself.

"Onee-chan," Rina muttered from behind Randou and he whirled around in surprise.

"R-Rina!" Randou rubbed the back of his head, hoping Rina hadn't heard anything. "I… How was your day at school?"

Giggling, Rina answered, "It…was fun, yeah!" Avoiding eye-contact with Randou, Rina asked, "Yuna, did…you know Masashi-senpai?"

Randou jumped off the bed in shock and stammered, "N-N-No! Not at all! Who is this Masashi guy?"

"Oh, really?" Rina asked, her eyes still directed downward. "How…did you know he was a guy?" A stone coating covered Randou's body and he became a statue, unable to answer. "So it's true. You were at school today looking for his picture."

Oh, no! What's all this about?

First she sees me cry and now this? This is the worst week ever!

Now, now! Don't panic. There…must be some kind of reason for her to be concerned. Don't do anything rash or you'll give yourself away.

"What's…all this really about, Rina-chan?" Randou asked, shaking nervously.

Rina was also shaking, but Randou could not guess why. "You must have heard he was dead, that's why you wanted a picture."

Scratching his cheek, Randou explained, "I honestly knew of him a bit—not very much! I just…wanted to remember how he looked like, that's all." What's this weird feeling?

Clutching her skirt, Rina turned her head to the side. "Were you…in love with him, Onee-chan?"

All of the tension in Randou's body suddenly disappeared and he fell to his knees. "L-Love?! What…"

Finally looking at Randou, Rina explained, "You've been acting funny, Yuna-chan. That's why…"

"Well, you see… I could tell he was a nice guy. I really didn't care what people said about him. But love is…" Absolutely crazy! How can I fall in love with myself?!

Suddenly, Rina revealed a picture of Randou and held it out. It's me! The old me. But why…does Rina-chan have something like this?

"I'm giving this to you, Onee-chan."

"Wh… Where did this…" Randou fought tears, but they welled up in his eyes, regardless.

Blushing, once again unable to gain eye-contact with her "sister," Rina said, "I've always had it. Ever since then. I haven't been able to forget about him…"

What is she saying? Why now? So suddenly…

Rina blushed even darker. "I… I loved Masashi Randou."

This can't be happening to me… Rina was in love with me! She unknowingly confessed her feelings to me and she'll never realize…

Randou could feel the feeling and strength in his legs fading and he fell on to the bed heavily. It was his turn to hide his face. "Why… Why didn't you tell him?"

Giving a bitter smile, Rina confessed, "I admit that I realized that he was developing feelings for me, too. I often caught him looking at me." Rubbing her arm, Rina concluded, "But…I just couldn't do it…because…you weren't here." Sobbing, Rina could barely retain her composure. "I was so worried… I couldn't think of dating or having fun… All I could think about is you. If you were okay…"

Yuna… Your sister cares about you this deeply…

"But now that you're finally here, Masashi-senpai is gone…" Rina desperately attempted to wipe her tears, but they were rushing down her cheeks too quickly. Rina smiled at him. "Now that you're back, though, I'm so happy… It makes it all okay."

Before Randou could even think, he rushed over and squeezed Rina into a tight hug. "I'll never disappear again! Ever!! I'll always remain at your side, okay?"

So it's settled… I can't turn back to my old self or whatever quite yet. Rina-chan needs me. If it's for her, I don't mind being a girl.

Until the real Yuna returns, I'll have to be your sister instead.

The birds were already chirping as night began to fade into dawn outside Dr. Manabe's clinic. The doctor and Randou are discussing the events of the previous day.

Dr. Manabe chuckled as he leaned against his desk and crossed his arms. "Now, you make becoming her sister out to be so easy." He pointed at Randou. "But she must be an amazing girl if you're so willing to do this."

"Of course she is. She was my first love, after all."

"What have you decided on for the long-run?"

Standing up, Randou smirked. "I'm not sure on that yet. Part of me still wants to return to being a man, but…the other part of me realizes what you said. I can't ever return to being my full old self. And besides, I keep getting so emotional…"

"I suppose it isn't a decision that can be made overnight. As for the emotions, I think I could explain that."

Randou looked taken aback and then stepped forward, looking at him suspiciously. "What? What did you do to me?"

Dr. Manabe waved his hands in front of him and replied, "Nothing like that! It's the hormones."


"Remember? The hormones I gave you to grow you breasts. I suppose they also made you more feminine when it comes to emotions."

Shock filling his eyes, Randou asked, "Hormones can do that?!"

Smirking deviously, Dr. Manabe's glasses shined over and he announced, "Of course! Hormones have great power. They have the ability to change both the body and mind!"

Grabbing the doctor by the throat, Randou screamed, "You bastard! So it is your fault that I've been getting weird feelings!" As angry as he was, Randou pushed Manabe back and he sighed. "I can't get angry over this right now."

"Oh? Why not?"

Randou looked at him and pointed a finger up. "I'm committing to becoming Rina-chan's sister, Yuna, until she returns home. That means I'm going to try my best to become a girl! Not only that, but I'll be taking my transfer tests today."

Readjusting his crooked glasses, Manabe stood back up. "Oho! So you're…"

"Yep! From this point on, I am going to be Kurimi Yuna and I'll be attending Seika High School with Rina-chan!"

As the new Yuna took in the morning air outside Rina's house, she felt a sudden relief. The morning sun stood in the sky was a symbol of rebirth. Today I begin anew. No more of the old stuff from my past life that crippled my experiences and turned me into a monster. I'm going to live as a girl in every way. Thanks, or no thanks, to that bastard doctor, I'm allowed to do so without any fear.

"Yuna-chan!" Rina called out as she walked out the front door. "There you are! Did you go somewhere? We're going to be late!"

Yuna laughed a bit. "Sorry, sorry, Rina-chan! I was just admiring the morning."

As they got to the front gates of Seika High School, the entire karate club was out to welcome the two "twins." The notable three from Yuna's time as Randou said in unison, their faces a dark red, "Y-Yuna-sama! Good morning!"

The entire club bowed to her. "Good luck on your entrance exams! When you're done, please join our karate club! Fight on, Yuna-sama!"

Rina looked confused, but Yuna looked utterly dumbfounded. I'm… I'm trying to be a real girl now. I…can't allow this to happen all over again.

Meanwhile, back at Manabe's clinic, the said doctor was leaning back in his desk chair. "Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell Yuna-chan that her bill is ¥60,730,000—can she even pay that, I wonder?"

If you find any errors—grammar, spelling, tense, or story—in the chapter, please don't hesitate to report it to me.