
Title: Yuugasa Usagi (Graceful Usagi)

Author: Nekkyoo Ema

Rating: Shrug

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon – Don't own. Yuugasa Usagi storyline – Do own. You may take my storyline, BUT you MUST get my permission first!

I got the idea for this story when I found a midi file in my document folder. When I clicked on it, the song from the movie "Casper" started playing and inspired me.



In a room, down a small hallway, a song was being played. A song with a graceful melody that only someone who valued life would listen to over and over again. If you walked down this hall, you would soon hear the light tapping of feet.

The feet of a graceful dancer dance to the smooth rhythm that the song was creating. Her pools of deep crystalline blue hidden under delicate eyelids shaded a light peachy color that contrasted to the happy glow in her fair skinned cheeks.

Her hair flew about her, unlike most dancers; she would leave her hair down to flow around her like waves upon the sand. Never once did the delicate hair that people said outshone the sun ever touch the floor, or the teenager's feet for that matter.

She wore simple attire. A black leotard with white tights, which only showed off her figure more. Her small, but strong legs kept her up, her delicate waist hidden by the swishing of her golden locks.

If you were to look at this teen, you would think she is someone of royal birth. Someone with all the money in the world. But look closer O fair people. This girl was not of noble birth, nor did her family have all the money in the world.

The face of the girl was adorned with the slightest, but happiest, or smiles. This is what she loved to do. What she believed was the reason she was born. Never once did she misstep, never once did she lose her balance.

If you had never once talked with this girl, you would never know that she was a warrior. Never once would you think that she has, countless times, had to kill off someone. Never once would you know that she regretted it more then words alone could express.

True, she loved and valued the life she had. She brought out the best in everyone she met. But the question was could she bring humanity to a person who has killed cold-blood?

This was only for the fair-skinned, golden-haired sixteen-year-old to know. For she was the one that was chosen to do so, not by fate, nor destiny. She did not believe in these things. She would make her own future, and make sure that the teen she was going to help had a future too. Soon the girl of sixteen stopped her dance and looked towards the shadowed wall.

A figure, standing there in the shadows watched her as she danced. No sooner had the figure appeared did the girls' excellent senses pick up a presence. She watched at the golden haired girl walked over and shut the music off with a click.

"It is time." Was all the girl said to the figure.

"Hai," replied the figure. She stepped out into the light, her long green, almost black, hair swayed at her knees while her fuku adorned her petit waist.

She held out a staff towards the girl and soon the girl who was earlier wearing a leotard was now wearing snugly fitting black pants, a blue tank-top that her eyes shamed, and tennis shoes much like the ones that the teen was to help wore.

"You know what to do, correct?" The tall, regal looking woman asked.

"Hai," came the answer from the pronounced ruby red lips, which were almost always accompanied by a smile.

"Good. Please be careful, Usagi-chan." The woman said as the room changed into a void of swirling mist.

Usagi, the name of someone with the purest heart in the world.

The women continued when they reached a large door, "the one you must help has been trained from birth to kill cold blood. You must earn the trust, only then can you help. Do you understand?" She asked with a motherly voice.

"Hai, I understand." The girl said with confidence.

"Do you understand that once you step threw these doors, you shall never return to this dimension?"

Usagi looked at the older woman, her eyes giving the only answer needed. She had no reason to be in this world when she was needed more so in another. Nodding, she walked threw the gates and focused on the time she was to be in.

The golden haired angel, upon reaching the doors, clutched her chest where a brooch lay and walked threw the gates that would lead her to her charge.

'Where does one find a person who needs help?' She questioned in her mind as she looked around a very peaceful looking city. She already knew all of what was going on. The woman had told her everything before Usagi took on the mission.

This was the Sanq Kingdom, this was the descendent kingdom of the one Usagi herself would have reigned over if she had not heard that one simple phrase whispered to her in a dream.

Destiny is what you make of it. Not what you are expected to do.

That one simple phrase had forever changed the life of this teenager. She chose to believe this whispered phrase and took her destiny into her own hands and out of the ones of fate. No longer would she be just a puppet hanging there while a puppeteer marionette her around on the stage called life.

"Miss, are you lost?" A gentle, but stoic, voice asked from her side.

Usagi looked towards the boy, her eyes with such wisdom alone made the boy struggle to hold back a gasp. She smiled, "Iie. But maybe you can direct me to someone." She replied.

The brown haired boy of seventeen with only one emerald green eye showing, for the other was hidden by his hair replied, "whom is it that you're looking for?"

"A teenage boy of sixteen named Hiiro Yui, do you know where I can find him?" She said, with a bounce in her voice, her smile never fading.

'Why would someone like her be looking for someone like Hiiro?' The boy questioned in his head. He grabbed her arm and led her from the crowded streets and into an alleyway. "Why do you want to find Hiiro?"

"Well, Nanashi (no name), I was sent on a mission. He is my mission—and before you say anything," the girl said with a grin, "I'm not going to kill any of you pilots."

If he had not been trained to show no emotions, his eyes would have bugged out of his head at that very moment, but instead he just grabbed his gun and pointed it at her. "Who are you? Who do you work for?" He uttered the cliché phrase once more.

"My name is Usagi Tsukino. I work for no one but myself." The girl replied, her never fading smiled still adorned her angelic features.

The boy wasn't convinced. "Wrong answer." He said as he shot at her arm. She didn't flinch even as the bullet pierced her flesh.

"Nanashi, or rather, Trowa...as much as my arm hurts right now, I am still going to find Hiiro with or without your help." Usagi said as she held a protective hand over her wound.

This girl intrigued Trowa. Unlike many others, she did not flinch, nor did she cry out in pain. And she was still determined to find the Trigger-happy boy. What intrigued him more is that she never let her smile fade from his lips.

"What do you say, are you going to help me find him or not?" She said with that same cheerful tone that a certain braided haired boy Trowa knew used.

"Hai. Come with me." He walked past her, and unknown to him she closed her eyes and when they opened again her wound was no where to be found.

He lead them threw the crowded streets, then they walked threw the woods. He stopped just before they reached a hillside. "Even if you are on our side, which I don't know if you are, I'm still going to have to cover your eyes."

"What good would that do when I would just be able to find my way back her whether my eyes were covered or not?" She said to him with those crystalline eyes shining with the truth that she spoke.

He just nodded and they continued walking, no sooner had they gotten over the hill did Usagi's eyes meet up with a small camp. She trained her eyes over the site, noting the five Gundams that lay hidden in the brush.

"Nanashi, I do have to say that Heavyarms is a very cool Gundam." She said to the boy, causing him to throw yet another glance over his shoulder at her.

How this girl new all these things about him left him utterly confused. Though he didn't ever show it. Usagi knew he had millions of questions to ask, and when she found the one named Hiiro Yui, she'd answer them.

When a boy with sandy blonde hair noticed Trowa coming towards the camp, he raised his hand in greeting...only to then notice that Trowa had golden blonde hair coming from behind him.

"Um, guys. Why does Trowa have long blonde hair come out of his back?" A boy with a long braid asked everyone else's unspoken question.

A teenager with unruly brown hair grabbed his gun and held it at his side, waiting for the tall stoic boy to move out of his way.

Trowa stopped and turned to Usagi, "the one ready to shoot you is the one you're lookin' for." Then he walked over to the sandy blonde haired boy to watch the seen unfold.

"Who are you? Who do you work for?" Hiiro said that damn phrase again.

Usagi looked over to Trowa with an amused smile; "you guys sure are cliché." She said to him, earning her a twitch of amusement on the teenagers' normally hard face.

She turned and looked back at Hiiro, but not before looking around her at the others, "my name is Usagi Tsukino. I work for no one but my self. And I hate repeating myself." She said with a slight pout on her face.

"Weak onna." The Chinese one muttered.

"Shut up, Wufei." She called back, "if you want to insult me, at least you can do me the respect of saying the damn thing to my face!"

The braided one, the boy with the sandy blonde hair, and Wufeis' eyes bugged out of their heads.

"Omae o korosu." The trigger-happy teen uttered the catch phrase we all know and love.

"Nanashi-san, will you please get him off that trigger-happy mode?" Usagi said with an exasperated sigh, then she grinned, "if you do ... I'll tell you how I know about the Gundams you have hidden in that foliage over there!"

'San...she trusts people quickly.' At the mention of the Gundams Trowa had to say something, "Hiiro, she knows something about us that no one else does. Put the gun down." He stated.

Hiiro, too, wanted to know what this petit girl knew, so he put the gun to his side. And stared at her.

"Arigatoo, Nanashi-san and Hiiro-san!" She said cheerfully before taking a seat right where she was standing. "Ask away, I was told that I was to answer all the questions you ask... except for some certain ones."

"Can you beat up, Wufei?" The braided one asked.

Usagi laughed, "no, Duo, I'm not going to beat him up. I could, but I won't."

"How do you know our names?" The quite one finally spoke up.

"Well, you see, I was sent here for a mission...I guess that's what you could call it. Before I accepted it, I was told all there was to know about you all. Except for your past. That was something I didn't want to know because I figured if you trusted me enough at some point that you would tell me yourselves. I just here to make sure that one of you has a future."

Has a future.

The last comment hung there in the air. Who's future? Why was it that Usagi didn't back down from anything?

Duo looked at the girl, 'has a future, what could she possibly mean? All of us have a future, but she seemed to know of someone that may not in this group. But who?'

"Miss Usagi—"

"Just call me Usagi, Quatre-san." Usagi said with a kind smile that got her one in return.

"Usagi-san, not to be rude, but what exactly do you mean by 'has a future'?"

Usagi debated over telling him, but she knew he felt it...he was an empathy. Getting up, her hair flowing behind her, she went and whispered the answer into the boys' ears.

"I trust that you'll keep that a secret, just between the two of us." Usagi said after she straightened.

"Hai." Quatre said, nodding at the same time.

"Sugoi!" She said with a happy laugh.

"Usagi-san, you seem quite quick to trust people..." Trowa said to the girl.

"Trowa-san" She said, "I'm quick to trust because I know that deep down everyone is kind hearted like...Quatre." As she said this, the little Arabian took on a cute shade of crimson that caused her to laugh once more.

"Hn." Came Hiiros response, obviously he didn't agree with her.

"Some people just never learn." Usagi said with a sigh, a frown that just didn't seem right for her face now showed on her features as she looked towards Hiiro.

Quatre and Duo shot Hiiro an accusing look, which in turn got them the famous Hiiro Yui death glare, which again made the blonde girl smile.

Then, getting a determined look in her eyes, Usagi stood, walked over to Hiiro, grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the trees. Earning her ten points for making everyone get a shocked look on their faces.

"What is your problem, Hiiro?" Usagi said, once they were out of earshot.

"..." was the reply.

"Hiiro Yui, if you don't respond I'm going to smack you on the head!" She said with fierceness in her voice, yet another thing that just didn't seem to suit her.

"What do you mean?" He finally said.

Usagi looked at him with that same smile, "you know that I was talking about you back there."

"I have killed, that is reason enough for me not to be alive."

"So have I, but that doesn't mean that it's reason enough for me not to live." Usagi replied with more wisdom behind her words then he would probably ever know.

"Are you telling me that I'm supposed to believe that someone as innocent as you has killed?" Hiiro said with that monotone voice of his.

"Believe what you want, but I have...all because of a mission." She replied before turning and walking back to where the rest were, leaving behind the perfect soldier to think about what she had told him.


Waii, stupid, yet needed. :D See you all next chapter! *Teary eyes* that is, if you all want to be nice and keep reading! It will get better!! If you like it, just tell me I already have six chapters done. o_o