1Naruto: The Uzumaki Chronicles

Hello: story

"Hello": Talking

"Hello" Thoughts

Hello: Inner self speaking

"Hello" Summon speaking

Hentai Summon thoughts

I'd first off like to thanks to Kokkuo no Shin'en for his advice and allowing be to borrow the idea of Mantengan.

Chapter1 The tragedy unfolds

The Yondaime Hokage Arashi Uzumaki sat in the middle of his office meditating. Now unlike most, when he meditated, he used his Kekkai Genkai, Mantengan, so that he could see upcoming events that he knows can harm Kohona. The ability of foresight is one of many this doujutsu possesses, but is easily one of the most important. Now he was seeing the Kyuubi, one of his summons, attacking Kohona after being tricked by Orochimaru, the snake Sannin/pedophile. He awoke from his meditation and summoned his soon to be elder of 2 sons, Rob, and his daughter Anko, to warn them of what was going on and to tell them to be cautious and to watch the said sannin. This was the last thing the Hokage needed, he rarely meditated using Mantengan, but he didn't like being taken by surprise. So now he uses it when his instincts tells him to, he almost just ignored the feeling but he remembered that the last time he did that it lead to the death of Obito.

He had to admit that he was glad he didn't make the same mistake twice. This could have lead to him sealing Kyuubi inside of his soon to be born son, as well as the banishment of his currently 6 year-old chuunin son Rob also Anko would have had her identity hidden even from her as her memories and bloodline would have been sealed by Rob to protect her. He also would have had the Miterashi clan adopt her, and to have Naruto seen as less of a threat his Mantengan would have been sealed. Also the clan would've betrayed Naruto with help from the Uchiha clan which would have lead to Rob and his teammate and best friend Itachi, prides of their respective clans, slaughtering them. The saddest thing was that Naruto would never even know his clan.

But right now none of this foreseeable future mattered as it was all about to be prevented from ever occurring. As these thoughts continued to haunt his mind he could only ask himself one question that even the Zekko Mantengan for some weird reason couldn't answer. This question was why are you going to do something like this Orochimaru? It was strange because the Mantengan could never tell anything about the said Sannin. Not only that but he was the only person whom the Mantengan couldn't read the mind of even when in Zekko form. So for him to have such a crisp clean vision concerning him was a real surprise to say the least. Mean while as he contemplated what to do many things were occurring through out the village all of which concerned the upcoming events.

(Arashi POV)

"Hn, I hope those two can handle this."


Rob and Anko sat in there father's office as he brief them on the events he seen. His entire vision of the future was revealed and there mission was to prevent the events that would set this course of time in motion. Needless to say both were shocked and Anko also seemed slightly outraged and emotionally unstable after hearing all of this.

Rob: "Alright father, we know what to do so I assure you we will stop at nothing to prevent this vision from becoming a reality.

Anko: Who was slightly angered by his statement burst out "What how can you be so nonchalant about this. It's Orochimaru and he would never do something like this I refuse to believe that he is capable of betraying this village in such a way."

Rob: "Well, Anko He obviously is so deal with it and face facts he is a traitor and needs to be dealt with permanantly. Know shut your mouth and come on we have to go track him down.

And with that they left with Arashi worried about his children and Anko still undoubtedly infuriated at her brother.

End Flashback

"Well, I'll play it safe, Kakashi, Rin get in here now you two.

Both: "Yes sensei."

"I know you both heard everything and assume that you know what's going on correct?

Both: "Hai."

"Good I want you two to gather as many shinobi including Sarutobi as possible." I also want you to follow and keep and eye on my son as I fear he will try to take on Orochibaka alone. Now tell them I want them to only intervene if the battle between the two takes a turn for the worst. Got it?"

Both: "Hai."

"Good now move out and get to work you two your wasting valuable time."

With that they left to go do their hokage/sensei's bidding. Knowing full well that something big was about to unfold.


"I can't believe that my sensei would actually be willing to even think of doing something so horrendous. Also, you killing our clan to protect our soon to be born little brother, come on that vision couldn't have been real."

"Yes Anko it could have and obviously was. I mean think about it I never saw father so spooked over a vision before. There is also no doubt in my mind about the clan thing either. Think about it if I'm willing to kill to protect the village imagine how far I'd go to protect family."

"True you do have a point there little brother. Alright let's hurry up and find Orochimaru before he has a chance to disappear on us."

"Yeah, Alright just be ready because knowing your sensei he won't be ready to go down with out a fight."

Meanwhile elsewhere(Orochipedophille's POV)

"Alright my plan is almost ready to be set in motion Kabuto. Now remember soon if all works we will have either the Sharingan or the Mantengan at our disposal."

Kabuto: "Yes I think I'd prefer it if we had Mantengan as it would be more powerful and much more help with your goals and plans master.

"Yes it would be but that again can only be so if all goes according to plan. Now leave Kabuto I have much work to do if my plans for the Annihilation of this village are to be successful."
With that Kabuto left Orochimaru to his planning wondering what will become of his plans should this plot be discovered by the wrong person. This however unbeknownst to him was something he will find out soon enough as The Yondaime is already aware of his plans. Now as Kabuto was leaving he failed to notice that he was being tailed by Anko.

(Anko POV)

"Damn my idiot brother he had to make me follow this idiot instead of my sensei. Kabuto is nothing but a pawn who won't have any real impact on the plot that I can stop my self. He had to stop me talking my sensei when I could've easily prevented everything. Oh man this sucks every form of dick known to exist he better not try anything stupid or I'll kill him myself."

(Kabuto POV)

"Hn, I can't believe Orochimaru didn't notice these two brats watching us. One would think he could sense his student Anko near. Oh well, I guess I'll have to try and ambush her while shes distracted. I hope she realize's that her brother signed his death warrant as well as even with the Mantengan he obviously can't beat Master Orochimaru. Well not without some help any way."

(Rob POV)
"Okay step one complete loose Anko now for step 2 of dads plan engage and possibly kill Orochimaru. Well, I hate to do this to you Anko but There's killing to be done. Well, goodbye sister, dad, mom, and to the clan. I guess today is just a good day to die but at least the teme is going down with me. Oh and Naruto well little brother I'm sorry but I don't think I'll survive this which means I won't be able to see you grow and surpass both my self and our father. I guess it's time."

Rob steps out from the Shadows and merely says two words to the extremely startled Snake Sannin.

"Hello Orochibastard"

Orochimaru: "You, what are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing really I'm just here to kill you and prevent your plans to destroy Kohona from being put into motion."

Both face each other with fire and hatred in there eyes and many Shinobi who were assigned to help Rob gather round and watch as Rob activated his Mantengan which is currently at three tomoe in each eye. They both started going through hand seals and they all knew this would be a battle that would go done in history as one of the greats. Needless to say each and every one of them were grateful that they had the honor of saying that they were there to see it. Then as it started the two charged each other.

Orochimaru: "(Wind release) Wind Dragon Jutsu"

Rob: "(Lightning release) Lightning Dragon Jutsu"

And so it began the Dragons collided signifying the beginning of a battle that will undoubtedly effect Kohona's future and the lives of every one in said village.

Haha Cliffhanger time. Okay first off Naruto won't be coming in until some time around the 3rd chapter. Next up the pairings for this story are as listed

Genre: AU, Action/Adventure/Romance


Saskue/Himself the writers of both the Manga and show set him up for it)/Ino


Neji/Hinata(just seems to work)

Rock Lee/TenTen

Kiba/Female Haku






Oh and for those of you wondering Mantengan has many abilities, and a Mangekyou called Zekko Mantengan

Also all reviews welcome. Anyways this is my first fic so advice and Constructive critisim asked for actually.