A/N: Just another cute little mOmEnt! R and R! XO, KJ

Disclaimer: Only my overactive imagination belongs to me!


DING-DONG! I jump at the sound of the doorbell I still haven't gotten used to since we moved in to this monstrosity our real estate agent said was "perfect for a large family." Well, good, because I have the perfect large family for the house.

"Hey momster," my step-daughter Katie greets me with the playful take on "step-monster" she and her siblings have taken to calling me.

"Hey Kitty," I smile, almost laughing out loud at her attire. "What in the hell are you wearing?"

"What? I didn't want to get paint in my hair," Katie shrugs. I try my best to suppress a giggle, but I just can't. The way she's got her hair tied up in a scarf makes her look like a white Aunt Jemima.

"Why didn't you just put your hair in a ponytail and tie a scarf over it?"

"I did!"

"Kathleen, I told you you looked like Aunt Jemima," my other step-daughter Maureen walks into the kitchen teasing her sister. "Hey Momster," she greets me with a hug and we laugh. "It's official, Katie. The baby has taken over Liv's body. I can't get my arms around her anymore."

My husband walks in the back door and steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, letting his hands come to rest on top of the huge belly encasing our unborn baby boy. "You just have to hug her from behind, Mo. Works better," he teases, dropping a kiss on my lips.

"You're all soooo hilarious," I groan, easing myself into a chair at the kitchen counter. "I liked it better when Katie was the one in the chute."

"Speaking of, what the hell is on your head, kid?" Elliot asks.

"Yeah yeah. Don't come crying to me when you've got paint in those last three hairs, old man," Katie taunts her father.

"You're right, it is more fun to tease Katie," Elliot scoffs good-naturedly. "Where are your other hooligan siblings?" he asks.

"Mike's bringing Lizzie by in a little bit," Maureen says, referring to her younger sister's boyfriend, "and Dickie had to go wash the Mustang."

"Again?!" Katie and I groan while Elliot just smiles.

"That's my boy."

"El, he's going to wash the paint off that damn car," I say with an eye roll.

"He's just trying to keep it looking nice. How else is he going to end up with as hot of a chick as his old man did?" Elliot grins, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Probably by being an arrogant prick. Us 'hot chicks' tend to be drawn to that," I roll my eyes again.

"Lucky for us arrogant pricks," he says with a teasing smile and a deep kiss.

"KIDS IN THE ROOM!" Maureen and Kathleen both scream, startling us out of our make-out.

I burst into giggles as the doorbell rings again. "COME IN!" I holler, happy on my perch and not wanting to move my pregnant ass.

"Anybody home?" my best friend Alex walks in to the kitchen, Elliot's buddy and partner Fin right behind her.

"Hey guys," I greet them. "Did you get here at the same time?" I ask slyly, eliciting a deep blush from Alex.

"Nah, Alex's place is right on the way to suburbia. I picked her up," Fin shrugs.

"Last night, maybe," I mutter and Maureen and Katie both giggle.

"Oh shut up," Alex huffs, flopping down in the seat next to mine.

"Guess we're busted, Babe," Fin offers with another nonchalant shrug.

"Remember when we said we were going to be better at hiding it than these guys?" she asks, hitching a thumb in our direction.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elliot swears innocently.

"Yeah. And Momster just climbed on top of herself and got pregnant," Maureen rolls her eyes.

"Hey! We were married!" I say indignantly.

"For about five seconds," Alex mutters, earning another laugh from the girls.

"Okay, okay!" Elliot slices his hand through the air between us. "Ladies, back to your corners."

Alex leans over and kisses my cheek. "Love you sis," she grins.

"Bitch," I mutter playfully.

"Are Liv and Aunt Alex fighting again?" Dickie asks, walking through the back door and dropping his keys on the counter.

"Just about how much sex your parents have," Alex laughs.

"KIDS IN THE ROOM!" Maureen shouts again.

"God. Why do we all want to live in this house again?" Katie asks rhetorically.

"Hey who drives a black Avenger?" Fin asks.

"Liz's boyfriend, why?" Katie replies.

"Hey, Elliot, some tool's drivin' your daughter's car," Fin grins. "And she's makin' out with him in the driveway."

"WHAT?!" Elliot roars and like a flash he's up and at the window.

"I love doin' that to you," Fin laughs heartily.

"Fin, if you give my husband a heart attack before this baby is born, I will shave your head with a rusty butter knife," I threaten ominously.

Lizzie struts in the door grinning. "Hey Daddy. Momster," she hugs me and I grab her arm before she can get away.

"Try keep it out of the driveway," I whisper in her ear and she blushes. It's been a day for that.

"Well, let's get started!" Dickie claps his dad on the back before Elliot can go beat the hell out of Mike O'Connor. "At least he's Catholic, Dad," Dickie teases.

Elliot opens his mouth to reply but I put my hand over it. "Let's not say anything we'd regret," I remind him gently.

"It's okay, Daddy, you can trust me," Lizzie assures him.

"It's not you I don't trust, honey," Elliot assures her.

"It's Mikey," the girls and I chorus, earning us a glare from Elliot.

"O-KAY! Painting assignments, please!" Dickie begs.

"Okay, kids, you have your rooms, your dad and I will take the living room, Fin and Alex can you guys handle the kitchen?"

"Works for me," Alex shrugs a shoulder.

"Drop cloths are down, everything you need should be in the room," I remind them.

"Okay, Captain Organized," Lizzie teases.

"Ready? Break!" I joke lamely, earning groans from everyone, even my husband.

"I swear, honey. The more pregnant you get, the lamer your jokes become."

"Shut it, Stabler," I command, holding out my hand so he can help me off my chair. He threads our fingers together and we walk into the living room, leaving Alex and Fin to start on the kitchen.

I stop by the huge picture window and kick on the stereo with my toe. I flip through the stations by pressing the "seek" button with my toe, grinning at my hooker red toenails that Katie painted for me since I can no longer reach my feet. "Okay, honey. Here. I've got your roller all loaded," Elliot alerts me to the task at hand, handing me a long-handled roller, coated light beige paint.

"Oh, good song," I dance along with Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" as I roll paint on the wall where the 64" big screen will soon reside. The song ends and a new one comes on. I bop my hips through the first verse and belt out the words when the chorus comes on.

Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me Dont cha, dont cha Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me Dont cha, dont cha

The next thing I know, my husband is pressed against my back, his arms wrapped around me. "Let's go upstairs," he growls.

"Are you insane?" I ask with a giggle. "First of all, even if we went up the front stairs instead of through the kitchen, we'd have to walk by the bedrooms of your four children, who would be quite suspicious!"

"Not if we go out the front door, sneak around to the back and go up the stairs to our balcony."

I chew my bottom lip, pretending to contemplate for a moment. "I love this house," I grin, dropping my roller in the paint, grabbing his hand, and dragging him from the front door. I pull it quickly and quietly shut behind me. Elliot grabs me into his arms and crushes his lips to mine. Baby boy kicks powerfully, eliciting a grunt from his father.

"Daddy's tryin' to get some play, buddy, can ya lay off on the soccer moves for a few?" Elliot teases, palming my belly gently.

I laugh lightly and pull him into my embrace as we stumble drunkenly down the side of the house. "We have to hurry," I gasp. "Before anyone knows we're gone."

"Trust me, Babe, the state I'm in, speed will not be an issue," Elliot grins sheepishly.

"I'm not worried," I grin, pulling him as close to me as I can with our son gestating between us. "You always take care of me," I growl in his ear. He groans back at me, dragging me up the stairs to the balcony off our bedroom. He's fumbling with the lock as we're kissing wildly, like a couple of kids, not a knocked up FBI agent and her NYPD detective husband. He gets the door open and we crash inside, flopping down on the bed with a laugh.

"I'm so glad we decided to move our bed in," Elliot groans.

"Me too. We should have brought some sheets or something," I giggle, noting the naked king-sized Select Comfort. I stop kissing him suddenly and sit up. "Is the bedroom door locked?"

"Hey, I have an idea. How about you relax and make out with your husband? No one's coming in."

"Mmm, good suggestion," I agree, pulling him down to me in a drugging kiss. His hand sneaks under the hem of the tee shirt Alex had gotten me as a gag for my bachelorette party that says "practice safe sex, sleep with a cop." His fingers trip up my stomach and reach for my super-sensitive breast. I groan his name into his mouth as he palms the sensitive skin. We're lying on our sides, his thigh between my legs, tongues tangling madly. "I love you," I breathe, rocking my core against his thigh.

"I love you," he grins, kissing me deeply, his hand traveling down to caress my stomach. "I can't believe he listened to me," he says.

"Probably won't last much longer," I giggle.

"Well I plan to take advantage of it while I can," he says, his hand slipping below the elastic band of my maternity jeans, travelling down to find the wetness between my thighs. He strokes slowly for a few moments, until I push him onto his back. I hoist myself up and stand next to the bed, stripping out of my jeans and panties quickly, whipping my shirt and bra off in one fell swoop. I look at him, laying there fully clothed while I'm standing here completely naked, chest heaving, about to go out of my mind with lust for my husband.

"C'mon, Stabler. Naked time."

He grins and slowly sits up, pulling off his USMC tee shirt. He discards it on the floor next to my clothes and relaxes on his back, flipping open the button of his dark blue Levis. I crawl on the bed next to him and tug the zipper down. I push the jeans and his boxers down his hips, tracing my fingertips over his cut lines. He sucks in a breath and grasps my hips, pulling me over him. "This has lasted longer than I expected it to," he grins as I impale myself on him.

"Good. Then get after it," I grin, balancing my belly-heavy weight on my hands, palms flat against his chest. He thrusts gently into me and I grind against him. "Elliot. Oh harder," I groan, letting my head drop back. He takes my command and pushes into me with a little more force. Reaching between us, he flicks his middle finger over my clit quickly. "Right there," I whine, rocking against him. "Oh, fuck, baby." I squeeze the muscles grasping his cock, trying to pull him over the edge with me. It works and we're melting together from the heat of our climax.

While I float back down, he rolls me to my side gently, never leaving the warm cocoon of my body. "Think anyone noticed we were gone?" he asks.

"Nah," I smile, kissing him gently, licking around his mouth with my tongue. I stop suddenly, hearing a familiar giggle outside our door.

"Liv didn't assign the bedroom to anyone," a very familiar voice whispers.

"Probably so she and Elliot could sneak up here and get out of painting."

Elliot looks at me questioningly. "Fin?" he mouths. I hear the familiar giggle again, and nod.

"Alex," I mouth.

"SHIT!" We both whisper in a panic, bolting up to grab our clothes.

"C'mon, Fin," Alex whines.

"Slave driver's gonna notice we're missing," Fin argues just as I'm pulling my tee shirt back down over my pregnant belly.

"You good?" I ask Elliot just as he zips his jeans up.

He nods just as the bedroom door opens. I shoot him a glare that I hope he interprets as "you fucker, you said no one could get in."

"She'll never even know we snuck away," Alex pleads, backing into the room, Fin placing biting kisses along her neck, making her laugh.

I clear my throat and they jump apart. "Wanna bet?"


A/N: Well? Not super smutty, but some good fluff, right? R and R! XO, KJ